
Astronomy 1000+ MCQ with answer for CAT

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. What is the geographical term for land's end, that tip of land which projects into the sea?
A. A headland
B. A spit
C. A peninsula
D. A cape
Answer : D
2. A celestial body which revolves round the Sun and receives heat and light from it is called _____.
A. Planet
B. Orion
C. Satellite
D. Star
Answer : A
3. What is the temperature of the sun estimated at approximately?
A. 5000°C
B. 6000°C
C. 7000°C
D. 212°C
Answer : B
4. A celestial body having its own heat and light is called
A. Planet
B. Moon
C. Star
D. Satellite
Answer : C
5. The word 'satellite' means _____.
A. wanderer
B. settlement
C. light
D. a smaller companion to anything
Answer : D
6. A leap year consists of
A. 365 days
B. 365 days and 6 months
C. 364 days
D. 366 days
Answer : D
7. On the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere which of the hollowing latitudes will have the longest night?
A. 45°S
B. 60°S
C. 60°N
D. 45°N
Answer : B
8. Period of sunspot cycle is
A. 11 years
B. 15 years
C. 21 years
D. 33 years
Answer : A
9. The visible surface of the sun is known as
A. Chromosphere
B. Sunspots
C. Sun surface
D. Photosphere
Answer : D
10. What happens when ships cross the International Date Line?
A. They have to pay a tax
B. Ships going west from the USA lose a day, ships going east from Japan and Australia gain a day
C. They have to report at the customs post
D. They have to check their clocks agains
Answer : B
11. When does the Vernal Equinox occur?
A. December 25
B. March 21
C. February 28
D. January 14
Answer : B
12. Which one of the following conditions is moat relevant for the presence of life on Mars?
A. Atmospheric composition
B. Thermal conditions
C. Occurrence of ice caps and frozen water
D. Occurrence of ozone
Answer : C
13. How much is the variation In distance between the Earth and the Sun during aphelion and perihelion?
A. 5000000 km
B. 500000 km
C. 50000 km
D. 5000 km
Answer : A
14. On which date is the Earth in 'aphelion'?
A. July-4
B. December-22
C. September-23
D. June-21
Answer : A
15. Smallest planet of our Solar System is _____.
A. Pluto
B. Earth
C. Venus
D. Mercury
Answer : A
16. Which two Planets do not have any satellites?
A. Venus and Mercury
B. Venus and Uranus
C. Venus and Neptune
D. Mercury and Uranus
Answer : A
17. Sidereal means
A. Pertaining or referring to the stars
B. Pertaining or referring to the moon
C. Pertaining or referring to the Sun
D. Pertaining' or referring to the cosmic bodies
Answer : A
18. Which of the following is known as the Cold Planet?
A. Mars
B. Uranus
C. Jupiter
D. Venus
Answer : C
19. Orion and Great Bear stand for ______.
A. star
B. planet
C. Solar System
D. Constellation
Answer : D
20. A family or system of millions and millions of stars are called ____.
A. Universe
B. Solar System
C. Galaxy
D. Asteroids
Answer : A
21. The group of small pieces of rock revolving round the Sun between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter are called
A. meteors
B. comets
C. meteorites
D. asteroids
Answer : D
22. Sunspots are
A. undulations on the solar surface
B. huge magnetic storms on the solar surface
C. places with adequate sunshine
D. places of tourist importance
Answer : B
23. Which is the second largest satellite in the Solar System?
A. Titan
B. Charon
C. Ganymede
D. Europa
Answer : A
24. Outside Antarctica, which is the deepest part of the earth?
A. The Dead Sea
B. The Aral Sea
C. The Caspian Sea
D. Lake Baikal
Answer : A
25. Hale Bopp' is a newly discovered ____.
A. Planet
B. Meteore
C. Satellite
D. Comet
Answer : D
26. Which planet rotates on its axis from north to south?
A. Uranus
B. Venus
C. Mars
D. Pluto
Answer : A
27. When dees the Summer Solstice occur?
A. July 23
B. June 21
C. May 20
D. April 31
Answer : B
28. What is the average radius of the Earth?
A. 6071km
B. 6571km
C. 6371km
D. 6771 km
Answer : C
29. Which of the following is not an astronomical object?
A. Pulsar
B. Brittle Star
C. Black hole
D. Quasar
Answer : B
30. What is the unit of measurement of distance between celestial bodies?
A. Light year
B. Nautical mile
C. Statute mile
D. Kilometre
Answer : A
31. Sun-rays reaches earth in (approximately)
A. 8 seconds
B. 8 minutes
C. 4.3 seconds
D. 1 light year
Answer : B
32. A meteor is
A. a rapidly moving star
B. a piece of matter which has entered the earth's atmosphere from outer space
C. part of a constellation
D. a comet without a tail
Answer : B
33. Which planet is called 'red planet'?
A. Mars
B. Jupiter
C. Mercury
D. Venus
Answer : A
34. Consider the following statements regarding asteroids:
1. Asteroids are rocky debris of varying sizes orbiting the Sun.
2. Most of the asteroids are small but some have diameter as large as 1000 km.
3. The orbit of asteroids lies between the orbits of

A. 1, 2 and 3 are correct
B. 2 and 3 are correct
C. 1 and 2 are correct
D. 1 and 3 are correct
Answer : C
35. Which star la called the brightest star (Dog star)?
A. Sirius
B. Proxima Centaury
C. Orion
D. Pole Star
Answer : A
36. Speed of the revolution of the earth is___'
A. 100000 km per hour
B. 10000 km per hour
C. 1000 km per hour
D. 100 km per hour
Answer : A
37. Which of the following statements is correct with reference to our Solar System?
A. The Earth is the densest of all the Planets in our Solar System
B. The predominant element in the composition of Earth is silicon
C. The sun contains 75 per cent of the mass of the Solar System
D. The diameter of the Sun is 190 times that of the Earth
Answer : A
38. The term 'syzygy' is referred to when the
A. Earth is at prihelion and Moon at perigee
B. Earth is at aphelion and Moon at apogee
C. Moon and Sun are at right angles with reference to the Earth
D. Moon, Sun and Earth lie along a straight line
Answer : C
39. The difference between day and night increases as one moves
A. From equator to poles
B. From poles to equator
C. From tropics to equator
D. From plains to mountains
Answer : A
40. How much Is the average distance of the Sun from the Earth?
A. 150 million km
B. 145 million km
C. 155 million km
D. 140 million km
Answer : A
41. One Astronomical Unit is the average distance between
A. Earth and the Sun
B. Earth and the Moon
C. Jupiter and the Sun
D. Pluto and the Sun
Answer : A
42. The most important constituent of the Sun's mass is.

A. 1 and 2
B. 2 and 3
C. 3 and 4
D. 1,2 and 4
Answer : A
43. Oldest object in the Solar System is __.
A. Titania
B. Titan
C. Miranda
D. Europa
Answer : C
44. The time period elapsing between one New Moon and the next is approximately
A. 8.19 Days
B. 30 days
C. 29.5 Days
D. 61 Days
Answer : C
45. What is the time difference for every degree of longitude?
A. Eight minutes
B. Ten minutes
C. Four minutes
D. Twelve minutes
Answer : C
46. Which planet has the largest equatorial radius?
A. Jupiter
B. Saturn
C. Mars
D. Earth
Answer : A
47. What is significant about the town of Greenwich?
A. The International Date Line passes through it
B. The 0° (Zero) meridian passes through it and therefore the world sets its time by it
C. It is at 180� longitude
D. It is a major horological research centre in Britain
Answer : B
48. What do you call a narrow neck oC land that connects two larger landmasses?
A. Peninsula
B. Isthmus
C. Cape
D. Strait
Answer : B
49. Which of the following is known as 'King of Planets'?
A. Earth
B. Jupiter
C. Mercury
D. Venus
Answer : B
50. Equatorial diameter of the Earth is __.
A. 12757 km
B. 17257 km
C. 17527 km
D. 17572 km
Answer : A

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