
Classifications of Animal Kindom 1000+ MCQ with answer for GRE

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. Echis carinata is known as
A. coral snake
B. brain coral
C. tree snake
D. none of these
Answer : C
2. Which of the following is not a diploblas-tic group ?
A. Porifera
B. Coelentrata
C. Annelida
D. Platyhelminthes
Answer : D
3. The generic name of apple snail is
A. Limax
B. Pila
C. Sepia
D. Murex
Answer : B
4. 'Systema Naturae' was written by
A. Carolus Linnaeus
B. Charles Darwin
C. Lamarck
D. Wallace
Answer : A
5. Body segments are said to be homono-mous when
A. external segments correspond to internal segments
B. the body of an animal is made up of dissimilar units
C. all body segments along the length of the body are similar
D. none of these
Answer : C
6. A triploblastic animal in which I mesenchyme fills the space between ectoderm and endoderm is
A. Sea anemone
B. Planarian
C. Pheretima
D. Starfish
Answer : B
7. Which of the following animals has a diaphragm between the thorax and abdomen ?
A. Frog
B. Lizard
C. Pigeon
D. Whale
Answer : D
8. Correct statement is :
A. Archaeopteryx is a connecting link between mammals and aves
B. Duck-bill platypus is a connecting link between reptiles and mammals
C. Sea horse is a connecting link between fish and horse
D. Hydra is a connecting link between protozoa and metazoa
Answer : B
9. Which of the following belongs to the same phylum ?
A. Mollusca, cockroach, centipede
B. Turbellaria, cestoda, trematoda
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of these
Answer : B
10. Which of the following is not an enterocoelic phylum ?
A. Chordata
B. Mollusca
C. Coelentrata
D. Porifera
Answer : B
11. Which is matching set in taxonomy ?
A. Neries, Planum, Roundworm, Earthworm
B. Millipede, Crab, Centipede, Cockroach
C. Star fish, Jelly fish, Cuttle fish, Octopus
D. Leech, Locust, Sea urchin, Lobster
Answer : B
12. All mammals have hair, but these are absent in order
A. Cetacea
B. Primates
C. Rodentia
D. Chiroptera
Answer : A
13. Which of the following is not correctly matched ?
A. Flame CellsPlatyhelminthes
B. Metametric segmentationMollusca
C. Gill-slitChordata
D. Stininging cellsCoelenterata
Answer : B
14. Whale belongs to the taxonomic group
A. Fishes
B. Reptilia
C. Echinodermata
D. Mammalia
Answer : D
15. The respiratory organs of crustaceans are
A. tracheae
B. book lungs
C. gills
D. skin
Answer : C
16. Tapeworm is placed in class
A. Cestoda
B. Trematoda
C. Sporozoa
D. Suctoria
Answer : B
17. Which one is an unmatching pair ?
A. Lamprey-Agnatha
B. Shark-Chond rich thyes
C. Turtle-Amphibia
D. Lizard-Reptilia
Answer : C
18. Platyhelminthes are called
A. flat worms
B. roundworms
C. tapeworms
D. blind worms
Answer : A
19. The system of classification proposed by Linnaeus is regarded by modem biologists as
A. an artificial system of classification
B. a natural system of classification
C. a system based on phylogeny
D. none of these
Answer : A
20. Nauplius larva belongs to
A. insects
B. shrimps
C. echinoderms
D. molluscs
Answer : B
21. Ophiosaurus commonly known as glass snake is a
A. limbless amphibian
B. limbless snake
C. limbless lizard
D. limbless fish
Answer : C
22. Tortoises and turtles are included under order
A. Reptilia
B. Squamata
C. Chelonia
D. None of these
Answer : C
23. Canal system is characteristic of
A. hydra
B. sponge
C. sea anemone
D. sea urchin
Answer : B
24. The type of symmetry best suited to non-motile organisms is
A. radial symmetry
B. bilateral symmetry
C. asymmetry
D. both (a) and (b)
Answer : A
25. In which of the following sets, groups are not correctly matched ?
A. Onychophora, Myriapoda, Arachnida
B. Hydrozoa, Scyphozoa, Anthozoa
C. Polychaeta, Hirudiniea, Oligochaeta
D. Gastropoda, Rhizopoda, Scaphopoda
Answer : D
26. Lobsters and crabs belong to the class
A. Insecta
B. Arachnida
C. Crustacea
D. Polychaeta
Answer : C
27. The locust is
A. an arthropod
B. a mollusc
C. an insect
D. an echinoderm
Answer : C
28. Insects possess
A. 2 pairs of legs
B. 3 pairs of legs
C. 4 pairs of legs
D. 5 pairs of legs
Answer : B
29. The most important characteristic of class aves is
A. homeothermous animals
B. exoskeleton of feathers
C. bipedal vertebrates
D. none of these
Answer : B
30. Aphrodite, commonly called as sea mouse is a/an
A. annelide
B. fish
C. mollusc
D. arthropod
Answer : A
31. The mammals of order Rodentia have
A. long incisors
B. short incisors
C. long canines
D. long molars
Answer : A
32. The rules for the naming of living organisms were first established by
A. John Ray
B. Charles Darwin
C. Carolus Linnaeus
D. Robert Gunther
Answer : C
33. One of the following is not an animal:
A. Ant eater
B. Dolfin
C. Heloderma
D. Echidna
Answer : B
34. Character common in spider, cockroach and centipede is
A. compound eyes
B. joint legs
C. book lungs
D. green glands
Answer : B
35. Diploblastic body with cellular grade of organisation and cellular mesogloea is characteristic of
A. protozoal
B. porifera
C. coelenterata
D. annelid a
Answer : C
36. The insects of the class Diptera include
A. termites
B. beetles
C. mosquitoes
D. grasshoppers
Answer : C
37. The smallest unit of classification in animals is
A. variety
B. species
C. sub species
D. genus
Answer : B
38. Which of the following is a matching set of the class and some of its main distinguishing features?
A. Sporozoa - infection by sporozoites transmission by intermediate host and a contractile vacuole
B. Trematoda - well developed suckers, flat and unsegmented body
C. Arachnida - 3 pairs of legs, chitinous exosketeton and poisonous sting
D. Insecta - compound eyes, segmented body and nephridia
Answer : D
39. The order insectivora of class mammalia includes
A. moles, shrews and hedgehogs
B. monkeys, apes and man
C. whales and dolphins
D. kangaroo, lions and wolves
Answer : A
40. One of these is a metatherian mammal
A. Echidna
B. Kangaroo
C. Pangolin
D. Panda
Answer : B
41. Constant body temperature is found in
A. earthworm
B. snake
C. frog
D. cow
Answer : D
42. For finding a haemocoel which animal you will select ?
A. Earthworm
B. Hydra
C. Ascaris
D. Scolopendra
Answer : D
43. Limulus, the king-crab, is the only living representative of the order xiphosura belonging to the phylum
A. Annelida
B. Mollusca
C. Echinodermata
D. Arthropoda
Answer : D
44. In flat worms, annelids, mollusca and arthropods the mouth develops from blastopore, such animals should be called J
A. protostomes
B. deuterostomes
C. cyclostomes
D. blastostomes
Answer : A
45. A reptile with a four-chambered heart is
A. python
B. chameleon
C. turtle
D. crocodile
Answer : D
46. Dolphins are classified under
A. Pisces
B. Amphibia
C. Reptile
D. Mammals
Answer : D
47. According / to Whittaker, the five kingdoms into which all living beings are classified are
A. Monera, Protista, Metaphyta, Meta-zoa and Parazoa
B. Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia
C. Mpnera, Prokaryotes, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia
D. Prokaryotes, Eukaryotes, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia
Answer : B
48. Which of the group has no member having gliding or flying appendages ?
A. Cydostomata
B. Fishes
C. Reptiles
D. Mammals
Answer : A
49. An insect differs from a spider in the following ways :
A. Insect has 6 pairs of legs and one pair of wings while spider has 4 pairs of legs and no wings
B. Insect has 4 pair of legs and two pairs of wings while spider has 3 pairs of legs and no wings
C. Insect has 3 pairs of legs and two pairs of wings and spider has 4 pairs of legs and no wings
D. Insect has 3 pairs of legs and generally no wings while spider has 5 pairs of legs and generally one pair of wings
Answer : C
50. Which of the following is the correct pairing of the classification groups and common example ?
A. Porifera - Sea fan
B. Crustacea - Cuttle fish
C. Platyhelminthes - Neries
D. Martigophora - Volvox
Answer : D

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