
UPSC CDS - Heat & Mass Transfer 1000+ MCQ [Solved] PDF Download

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. In counter current flow heat exchanger, the logarithmic temperature difference between the fluids is ________ as compared to parallel flow heat exchanger.
A. Same
B. Less
C. Greater
D. None of these
Answer : C
2. Heat flows from one body to other when they have
A. Different heat contents
B. Different specific heat
C. Different atomic structure
D. Different temperatures
Answer : D
3. Thermal conductivity of glass wool varies from sample to sample because of variation in
A. Composition
B. Density
C. Porosity
D. All of the above
Answer : D
4. According to Dalton's law of partial pressures, (where pb = Barometric pressure, pa = Partial pressure of dry air, and pv = Partial pressure of water vapour)
A. Pb = pa - pv
B. Pb = pa + pv
C. Pb = pa × pv
D. Pb = pa/pv
Answer : B
5. In free convection heat transfer transition from laminar to turbulent flow is governed by the critical value of the
A. Reynold's number
B. Grashoff's number
C. Reynold's number, Grashoff's number
D. Prandtl number, Grashoff's number
Answer : D
6. A designer chooses the values of fluid flow rates and specific heats in such a manner that the heat capacities of the two fluids are equal. A hot fluid enters the counter flow heat exchanger at 100° C and leaves at 60° C. A cold fluid enters the heat exchanger at 40° C. The mean temperature difference between the two fluids is
A. 20°C
B. 40°C
C. 60°C
D. 66.7°C
Answer : A
7. The expression Q = ? AT4 is called
A. Fourier equation
B. Stefan-Boltzmann equation
C. Newton Reichmann equation
D. Joseph-Stefan equation
Answer : B
8. Radiation is the process of heat transfer in which heat flows from a ________, in a straight line, without affecting the intervening medium.
A. Cold body to hot body
B. Hot body to cold body
C. Smaller body to larger body
D. Larger body to smaller body
Answer : B
9. Unit of thermal diffusivity is
A. m²/hr
B. m²/hr °C
C. kcal/m² hr
D. kcal/m. hr °C
Answer : A
10. Depending on the radiating properties, body will be transparent when
A. P = 0, x = 0 and a = 1
B. P=1, x = 0, and a = 0
C. P = 0, T= 1, and a = 0
D. X = 0, a + p = 1
Answer : C
11. The amount of radiation mainly depends upon the
A. Nature of the body
B. Temperature of the body
C. Type of surface of the body
D. All of these
Answer : D
12. The rate of energy emission from unit surface area through unit solid angle, along a normal to the surface, is known as
A. Emissivity
B. Transmissivity
C. Reflectivity
D. Intensity of radiation
Answer : D
13. Film coefficient is defined as the ratio of
A. Thermal conductivity to the equivalent thickness of the film of fluid
B. Temperature drop through the films of fluids to the thickness of film of fluids
C. Thickness of film of fluid to the thermal conductivity
D. Thickness of film of fluid to the temperature drop through the films of fluids
Answer : A
14. When absorptivity (?) = 1, reflectivity (?) = 0 and transmissivity (?) = 0, then the body is said to be a
A. Black body
B. Grey body
C. Opaque body
D. White body
Answer : A
15. An electric cable of aluminium conductor (k = 240 W/mK) is to be insulated with rubber (k = 0.15 W/mK). The cable is to be located in air (h = 6 W/m²). The critical thickness of insulation will be
A. 25 mm
B. 40 mm
C. 160 mm
D. 800 mm
Answer : A
16. Depending on the radiating properties, a body will be white when
A. P = 0, x = 0 and a = 1
B. P=1, T = 0 and a = 0
C. P = 0, x = 1 and a = 0
D. X = 0, a + p = 1 Where a = absorptivity, p = reflectivity, x = transmissivity
Answer : B
17. The natural convection air cooled condensers are used in
A. Domestic refrigerators
B. Water coolers
C. Room air conditioners
D. All of these
Answer : A
18. In regenerator type heat exchanger, heat transfer takes place by
A. Direct mixing of hot and cold fluids
B. A complete separation between hot and cold fluids
C. Flow of hot and cold fluids alternately over a surface
D. Generation of heat again and again
Answer : C
19. A grey body is one whose absorptivity
A. Varies with temperature
B. Varies with the wave length of incident ray
C. Varies with both
D. Does not vary with temperature and wave length of the incident ray
Answer : D
20. Which of the following has maximum value of thermal conductivity?
A. Aluminium
B. Steel
C. Brass
D. Copper
Answer : A
21. The heat transfer from a hot body to a cold body is directly proportional to the surface area and difference of temperatures between the two bodies. This statement is called
A. First law of thermodynamics
B. Newton's law of cooling
C. Newton's law of heating
D. Stefan's law
Answer : B
22. Two long parallel surfaces each of emissivity 0.7 are maintained at different temperatures and accordingly have radiation heat exchange between them. It is desired to reduce 75% of the radiant heat transfer by inserting thin parallel shields of emissivity 1 on both sides. The number of shields should be
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
Answer : C
23. The most commonly used method for the design of duct size is the
A. Velocity reduction method
B. Equal friction method
C. Static regains method
D. Dual or double method
Answer : C
24. The product of Reynolds number and Prandtl number is known as
A. Stanton number
B. Biot number
C. Peclet number
D. Grashoff number
Answer : C
25. Unit of thermal conductivity in M.K.S. units is
A. K cal/kg m² °C
B. K cal m/hr m² °C
C. K cal/hr m² °C
D. K calm/hr °C
Answer : B
26. The total emissivity power is .defined as the total amount of radiation emitted by a black body per unit
A. Temperature
B. Thickness
C. Area
D. Time
Answer : D
27. Fourier's law of heat conduction gives the heat flow for
A. Irregular surfaces
B. Nonuniform temperature surfaces
C. One dimensional cases only
D. Two dimensional cases only
Answer : C
28. Stefan Boltzmann law is applicable for heat transfer by
A. Conduction
B. Convection
C. Radiation
D. Conduction and radiation combined
Answer : C
29. Kirchhoff's law states that
A. The total radiation from a black body per second per unit area is directly proportional to the fourth power of the absolute temperature
B. The wave length corresponding to the maximum energy is proportional to the absolute temperature
C. The ratio of the emissive power and absorptive power of all bodies is the same and is equal to the emissive power of a perfectly black body
D. None of the above
Answer : C
30. Thermal conductivity of water ________ with rise in temperature.
A. Remain same
B. Decreases
C. Increases
D. May increase or decrease depending upon temperature
Answer : D
31. Heat conducted through per unit area and unit thick face per unit time when temperature difference between opposite faces is unity, is called
A. Thermal resistance
B. Thermal coefficient
C. Temperature gradient
D. Thermal conductivity
Answer : D
32. A composite slab has two layers of different materials with thermal conductivities k? and k?. If each layer has the same thickness, then the equivalent thermal conductivity of the slab will be
A. k? k?
B. (k? + k?)
C. (k? + k?)/ k? k?
D. 2 k? k?/ (k? + k?)
Answer : D
33. Sensible heat factor is given by (where S.H. = Sensible heat, and L.H. = Latent heat)
A. S.H/(S.H + L.H)
B. (S.H + L.H) /S.H
C. (L.H - S.H)/S.H
D. S.H/(L.H - S.H)
Answer : A
34. Sensible heat is the heat required to
A. Change vapour into liquid
B. Change liquid into vapour
C. Increase the temperature of a liquid of vapour
D. Convert water into steam and superheat it
Answer : C
35. According to Stefan Boltzmann law, ideal radiators emit radiant energy at a rate proportional to
A. Absolute temperature
B. Square of temperature
C. Fourth power of absolute temperature
D. Fourth power of temperature
Answer : C
36. The process of heat transfer from one particle of the fluid to another by the actual movement of the fluid particles caused by some mechanical means, is known as
A. Conduction
B. Free convection
C. Forced convection
D. Radiation
Answer : C
37. Wiens law states that the wave length corresponding to ________ is proportional to the absolute temperature.
A. Minimum energy
B. Maximum energy
C. Both (A) and (B)
D. None of these
Answer : B
38. Thermal conductivity of water in general with rise in temperature
A. Increases
B. Decreases
C. Remain constant
D. May increase or decrease depending on temperature
Answer : D
39. Metals are good conductors of heat because
A. Their atoms collide frequently
B. Their atoms are relatively far apart
C. They contain free electrons
D. They have high density
Answer : A
40. The critical thickness of insulation for a sphere is
A. k/h?
B. 2k/h?
C. h?/k
D. h?/2k
Answer : B
41. The process of heat transfer from one particle of the body to another by the actual motion of the heated particles, is called
A. Conduction
B. Convection
C. Radiation
D. None of these
Answer : B
42. All radiations in a black body are
A. Reflected
B. Refracted
C. Transmitted
D. Absorbed
Answer : D
43. Fouling factor is used
A. In heat exchanger design as a safety factor
B. In case of Newtonian fluids
C. When a liquid exchanges heat with a gas
D. None of the above
Answer : A
44. The heat of sun reaches to us according to
A. Conduction
B. Convection
C. Radiation
D. None of these
Answer : C
45. In heat transfer, conductance equals conductivity (kcal/hr/sq.m/ °C/cm) divided by
A. Hr (time)
B. Sq. m (area)
C. °C (temperature)
D. K.cal (heat)
Answer : D
46. According to Prevost theory of heat exchange
A. It is impossible to transfer heat from low temperature source to t high temperature source
B. Heat transfer by radiation requires no medium
C. All bodies above absolute zero emit radiation
D. Heat transfer in most of the cases takes place by combination of conduction, convection and radiation
Answer : C
47. Which of the following has least value of conductivity?
A. Glass
B. Water
C. Plastic
D. Air
Answer : D
48. A steam pipe is to be lined with two layers of insulating materials of different thermal conductivities. For the minimum heat transfer,
A. The better insulation must be put inside
B. The better insulation must be put outside
C. One could place either insulation on either side
D. One should take into account the steam temperature before deciding as to which insulation is put where
Answer : A
49. Thermal conductivity of air with rise in temperature
A. Increases
B. Decreases
C. Remain constant
D. May increase or decrease depending on temperature
Answer : A
50. Heat transfer in liquid and gases takes place by
A. Conduction
B. Convection
C. Radiation
D. Conduction and convection
Answer : B

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