
General Biology Set 2 1000+ MCQ with answer for CLAT PG

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. HIV causes
A. cancer
B. hepatitis
D. Herpes
Answer : C
2. Spiders can take only
A. solid food
B. liquid food
C. plant juice
D. flesh of dead animals
Answer : B
3. Decomposition of organic matter is due to
A. Virus
B. Fungi
C. Bacteria
D. None of these
Answer : C
4. The drug Ergot is obtained from
A. Alga
B. Fungus
C. Bacteria
D. Virus
Answer : B
5. Enzymes are produced by
A. endocrine glands
B. exocrine glands
C. liver
D. spleen
Answer : B
6. Diabetes is a disease which is
A. contagious
B. non-communicable
C. communicable
D. epidemic
Answer : B
7. From the end of the Triassic to the cretaceous period the earth was ruled by
A. eurypterids
B. cotylosaurs
C. dinosaurs
D. mammals
Answer : C
8. The insect vector for the disease Leishmaniasis is
A. Tsetse fly
B. Culex
C. Phlebotomus
D. Anopheles
Answer : C
9. The pH of normal urine of man ranges from
A. 6 - 8
B. 4.5 - 6
C. 2.5 - 6
D. 8 10
Answer : A
10. Tuberculosis is caused by
A. tobacco
B. tubers
C. bacteria
D. virus
Answer : C
11. The thrombocytes are associated with
A. blood coagulation
B. transport of respiratory gases
C. removal of nitrogenous wastes
D. All the above
Answer : A
12. The tear glands help us in
A. sobbing
B. protecting the eye
C. preventing dust
D. providing a clean moist surface
Answer : D
13. The waste product In the urine of man is
A. urea
B. uric acid
C. ammonia
D. non-nitrogenous
Answer : A
14. Accepted theory for the origin of life is
A. Cosmozoic theory
B. Biogenesis
C. Abiogenesis
D. Oparin's theory
Answer : D
15. The ultimate substances to which the carbohydrates are degraded are
A. amino acid
B. glycerol
C. glucose
D. maltose
Answer : C
16. The endocrine glands secrete
A. bile
B. harmones
C. sweat
D. genes
Answer : B
17. Tse-Tse fly is the vector for
A. malarial parasite
B. try peorosoma
C. piroplasm
D. microfilaria
Answer : B
18. AIDS is caused by the organisms which are
A. bacteria
B. fungi
C. viruses (HTLV III)
D. Protozoa
Answer : C
19. Timberline shows
A. a line of trees
B. the limit of the forest
C. annual rings
D. height of trees
Answer : B
20. Necrosis is a symptom which is recognised by
A. pattern colouration on leaves
B. little leaves
C. out growth
D. death of tissues
Answer : D
21. Lecuminous plants are recommended for rotation of crops because they
A. kill harmful insects
B. require little amount of water
C. help in Nitrogen fixation
D. are cash crops
Answer : C
22. Blood is a kind of
A. epithelial tissue
B. connective tissue
C. nervous tissue
D. cartilage
Answer : B
23. Hormones are carried from their place of production by
A. ducts
B. blood
C. lymph
D. muscus
Answer : B
24. Light compensation zone refers to
A. where light is available in plenty
B. where all light energy is used
C. where light is maximum
D. beyond which light does not penetrate
Answer : D
25. Edward Jenner to find out the efficacy of vaccination used
A. his own body
B. his friend's body
C. a corpse
D. a laboratory animal
Answer : A
26. Fat present below the skin surface in our body acts as a barrier against
A. loss of heat from the body
B. loss of essential body fluids
C. loss of salts from the body
D. entry of harmful micro-organisms from the environment
Answer : A
27. Mutations could be created by X-rays. This was found by
A. Muller
B. Morgan
C. Meyer
D. Flemming
Answer : A
28. The stones formed in human kidney consist mostly of
A. calcium oxalate
B. sodium acetate
C. magnesium
D. calcium
Answer : A
29. The grouping o( blood is based on substances called
A. antibodies
B. antigens
C. antitoxin
D. enzymes
Answer : B
30. Malarial parasite is brought to human host by
A. male anopheles mosquito
B. female anopheles mosquito
C. male culex
D. female culex
Answer : B
31. Vivipary is defined as germination
A. during storage
B. within the fruit
C. with cotyledons coming out of soil
D. with cotyledons remaining inside the soil
Answer : B
32. The acid that is secreted in the stomach is
B. H2SO4
C. H2CO3
Answer : A
33. Which among the following is not a degenerative disease?
A. Diabetes
B. Stroke
C. Myocardial infraction
D. Rabies
Answer : D
34. Antibodies are formed in
A. lymph nodes
B. red bone marrow
C. spleen
D. liver
Answer : B
35. Niche' refers to
A. place of living
B. type of food
C. place of living and type of food
D. food and movement
Answer : C
36. The golden age of Dinosaurs was
A. Palaezoic
B. Cenozoic
C. Mesozoic
D. Proterozoic
Answer : C
37. One of the following disease cannot be prevented by the DPT (triple-antigen) immunization of children.
A. Tetanus
B. Tuberculosis
C. Whooping cough
D. Diphtheria
Answer : B
38. The following disease is prevented by triple-antigen immunization
A. Diphtheria
B. Tuberculosis
C. Smallpox
D. Mumps
Answer : A
39. Under the immunisation programme's Govt. of India is providing vaccination to prevent some vaccine-preventable diseases. Which of the following is NOT one of them?
A. Tuberculosis
B. Diphtheria
C. Tetanus
D. Plague
Answer : D
40. Aphids are
A. insect pests
B. fungal pests
C. bacterial pests
D. viral pests
Answer : A
41. Sadabahar, a common weed, is the raw material that provides the source of medicines used In the treatment of
A. gout
B. blood cancer
C. coronary heart disease
D. polio
Answer : C
42. India's first transgenic crop was
A. Potato
B. Brinjal
C. Sugarcane
D. Bt cotton
Answer : D
43. Pacemaker is the
A. Sinu-auricular node
B. Auriculo-ventricular node
C. Bundle of His
D. Purkinje fibres
Answer : A
44. Vitamin D is manufactured in a healthy human being by the action of _______ on the skin and absorbed in the blood stream.
A. ozone
B. radium
C. moonlight
D. sunlight
Answer : D
45. Maintenance of pregnancy is under the control of
A. follicular stimulating hormone
B. growth hormone
C. estrogen
D. progesterone
Answer : D
46. An organism eating its own species is called
A. carnivore
B. detritivore
C. cannibal
D. herbivore
Answer : C
47. The involuntary muscles are controlled by the
A. Cerebrum
B. Cerebellum
C. Medulla oblongata
D. Pons
Answer : C
48. Kwashiorkar is a deficiency disease
A. due to poor intake of proteins
B. due to poor intake of carbohydrates
C. due to (a) and (b)
D. due to poor intake of lipids
Answer : A
49. Loss of blood is minimized due to blood
A. clotting
B. receding
C. healing
D. drying up
Answer : A
50. The 'father of genetics' is
A. Mendel
B. Morgan
C. Darwin
D. Muller
Answer : A

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