
General Biology Set 2 MCQ Solved Paper for GMAT

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. Dialysis is used when there is a failure of
A. heart
B. lungs
C. liver
D. kidneys
Answer : D
2. The principal reason why it is better to have two eyes than one is that
A. by having two eyes, one can distinguish colours more easily
B. by having two eyes, one can easily see in the dark and dim light
C. this gives the man a type of vision known as mosaic vision
D. this enhances depth perception in the humans
Answer : D
3. The normal temperature of human body on the Kelvin scale is
A. 280
B. 290
C. 300
D. 310
Answer : D
4. Blood is a kind of
A. epithelial tissue
B. connective tissue
C. nervous tissue
D. cartilage
Answer : B
5. Cretinism is due to the disorder of the glands
A. Thymus
B. Parathyroid
C. Thyroid
D. Adrenal
Answer : C
6. The science of improving the hereditary qualities of future generations of mankind is referred to as
A. genetics
B. eugenics
C. epigenesist
D. epistasis
Answer : B
7. The mode of nutrition in which particulate food is devoured is
A. holozoic
B. holophytic
C. saprophytic
D. parasitic
Answer : A
8. The layer of stagnant water in which light penetrates is called
A. Aphotic
B. Euphotic
C. Epilimnion
D. Disphotic
Answer : B
9. The cortex of human brain normally consists of
A. five billion, two hundred million cells
B. nine billion, two hundred million cells
C. six billion, two hundred million cells
D. eight billion, two hundred million cells
Answer : B
10. Name the nematode which lives in lymph vessels of man.
A. Ascaris
B. Hook worm
C. Filarial worm
D. Guinea worm
Answer : C
11. The gestation period for the elephant is
A. 10 months
B. 15 months
C. 22 months
D. 30 months
Answer : C
12. A child goes on vomiting profusely and develops symptoms of diarrhoea. Chances are that in the child's blood serum there is a drop In
A. calcium
B. iron
C. sodium
D. phosphorus
Answer : C
13. The drug Ergot is obtained from
A. Alga
B. Fungus
C. Bacteria
D. Virus
Answer : B
14. Which of the following characteristics separates man from all other primates?
A. Exhibition of curiosity
B. Degenerate sense of smell
C. Opposability thumb
D. Projecting chin
Answer : C
15. The organ that produces antibodies in our body is
A. pancreas
B. salivary gland
C. liver
D. gonads
Answer : C
16. Nucleus was first discovered by
A. Porter
B. Robert Brown
C. Palade
D. None of these
Answer : B
17. Vessels proceeding to the heart are
A. veins
B. arteries
C. capillaries
D. lymph ducts
Answer : A
18. Vaccine for influenza has been discovered by
A. Khorana
B. John
C. Mittel
D. Salk
Answer : D
19. The specific gravity of blood
A. lower than water
B. higher than water
C. same as water
D. many times that of water
Answer : B
20. The rate of heartbeat is accelerated by the hormone
A. adrenaline
B. acetylcholine
C. thyroxine
D. pituitrin
Answer : A
21. The thrombocytes are associated with
A. blood coagulation
B. transport of respiratory gases
C. removal of nitrogenous wastes
D. all the above
Answer : A
22. A biopsy is performed on a patient generally to detect which one of the following?
A. Cancer
B. Tuberculosis
C. Appendicitis
D. Renal failure
Answer : A
23. The mouth of a river opening into the sea is termed as
A. shore line
B. littoral zone
C. continental shelf
D. estuary
Answer : D
24. The animal that excretes uric acid
A. Monkey
B. Lizard
C. Mouse
D. Elephant
Answer : B
25. Best growth of plants is attained if they are supplied with
A. low carbohydrate and high nitrogen
B. high carbohydrate and low nitrogen
C. high carbohydrate and moderate nitrogen
D. equal carbohydrate and nitrogen
Answer : C
26. Vitamins A and C are predominantly present in
A. brinjal
B. lady's finger
C. potato
D. tomato
Answer : D
27. In case of a heart attack a hormone is injected as an emergency measure. Which one is it?
A. Thyroxine
B. Adrenaline
C. Heparin
D. Insulin
Answer : B
28. The nerve messages enter the cell through the
A. Dendrite
B. Axon
C. Cyton
D. Synapse
Answer : A
29. The endocrine glands secrete
A. bile
B. harmones
C. sweat
D. genes
Answer : B
30. Gases of Jupiter' are
A. Ammonia, Methane, Hydrogen
B. Sulphur, Urethane, Oxygen
C. Carbon, Phosphorus and Oxygen
D. Nitrogen, Hydrogen and Chlorine
Answer : A
31. The potato is a modified stem, is explained by the presence of
A. Branches
B. Leaves
C. Buds
D. Scale leaves and auxiliary buds
Answer : D
32. Insect pollination is known as
A. Hydrophily
B. Ornithophily
C. Anemophily
D. Entomophily
Answer : D
33. The development of new organs is termed
A. Parthenogenesis
B. Morphogenesis
C. Histogenesis
D. Paedogenesis
Answer : B
34. The phenomenon of summer sleep by animals is called
A. hibernation
B. aestivation
C. laziness
D. lethargy
Answer : B
35. Man is warm-blooded, frog is cold-blooded, Which one of the following is cold-blooded?
A. snake
B. peacock
C. parrot
D. camel atmospheric pressure
Answer : A
36. The 'germ theory of disease' was propounded by
A. Joseph Lister
B. Robert Koch
C. Louis Pasteur
D. Jacob Heule
Answer : C
37. Hydrotropism means the growth of roots
A. away from water
B. towards water
C. into water
D. out of water
Answer : B
38. Which among the following vitamins is considered to be a harmone?
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
Answer : B
39. Vitamin D is known as anti-rachitic vitamin because it cures the deficiency disease called
A. Rickets
B. Beriberi
C. Xerophthalmia
D. Sterility
Answer : A
40. Carbohydrates are mainly needed for
A. growth
B. immunity
C. repair
D. energy
Answer : D
41. Insects that make a clicking sound are
A. crickets
B. beetles
C. flies
D. silver fish
Answer : B
42. The plant cells are surrounded rigidly by
A. plasmalemma
B. cell membrane
C. cell wall
D. plasma membrane
Answer : C
43. The spider spins its web from a liquid secreting from its
A. posterior silk gland
B. posterior abdomen glands
C. mouth
D. salivary glands
Answer : A
44. The olfactory area is concerned with
A. smell
B. sight
C. hearing
D. speech
Answer : A
45. Lactose and Rennin, the enzymes required to digest milk, disappear in the human body by the age of _______ years.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 5
D. 8
Answer : A
46. Insulin is concerned with the metabolism of
A. sugar
B. fats
C. proteins
D. vitamins
Answer : A
47. Compared to the veins, the walls of arteries are
A. thicker
B. thinner
C. similar
D. very much thinner
Answer : A
48. Genes are made of
A. Carbohydrates
B. Proteins
C. Fats
D. Nucleotides
Answer : D
49. Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy refers to
A. Brain Fever
B. Mad Cow Disease
C. Enteric Fever
D. Poultry Diarrhoea
Answer : B
50. Dwarf plants can be made to attain their normal stature by applying
B. Ethylene
C. Gibberelins
D. Cytokinins
Answer : C

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