
Industrial Engineering & Production Management Test 1000+ MCQ with answer for JEE Main

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. Micro-motion study involves following number of fundamental hand motions
A. 8
B. 12
C. 16
D. 20
Answer : C
2. Frederick W. Taylor introduced a system of working known as
A. Line organisation
B. Line and staff organisation
C. Functional organisation
D. Effective organisation
Answer : C
3. Break-even analysis can be used for
A. Short run analysis
B. Long run analysis
C. Average of above two run analysis
D. There is no such criterion
Answer : A
4. In value engineering, important consideration is given to
A. Customer satisfaction
B. Function concept
C. Profit maximisation
D. Cost reduction
Answer : D
5. An optimum project schedule implies
A. Optimum utilization of men, machines and materials
B. Lowest possible cost and shortest possible time for project
C. Timely execution of project
D. To produce best results under given constraints
Answer : B
6. The chart which gives an estimate about the amount of materials handling between various work stations is known as
A. Flow chart
B. Process chart
C. Travel chart
D. Operation chart
Answer : C
7. The breakeven point represents
A. The most economical level of operation of any industry
B. The time when unit can run without i loss and profit
C. Time when industry will undergo loss
D. The time when company can make maximum profits
Answer : C
8. Which one of the following chart gives simultaneously information about the progress of work and machine loading?
A. Process chart
B. Machine load chart
C. Man-machine chart
D. Gantt chart
Answer : C
9. Basic tool in work study is
A. Graph paper
B. Process chart
C. Planning chart
D. Stop watch
Answer : D
10. In CPM, the cost slope is determined by
A. Crash cost/Normal Cost
B. (Crash Cost - Normal cost)/ (Normal time - Crash time)
C. Normal Cost/Crash cost
D. (Normal cost - Crash cost)/ (Normal time - Crash time)
Answer : B
11. What does symbol 'V' employ in work study
A. Operation
B. Inspection
C. Delay/ temporary Storage
D. Permanent storage
Answer : D
12. PERT is
A. An analytic tool in concept
B. Limit up of event oriented diagrams
C. Used for research and development projects
D. All of the above
Answer : D
13. Which one of the following represents a group incentive plan?
A. Scanlon Plan
B. Rowan Plan
C. Taylor Differential Piece Rate System
D. Halsey Premium Plan
Answer : A
14. The bonus increases in proportion to the increase in efficiency. This statement applies to
A. Halsey plan
B. Gantt plan
C. Emerson's efficiency plan
D. Rowan plan
Answer : C
15. ABC analysis deals with
A. Analysis of process chart
B. Flow of material
C. Ordering schedule of job
D. Controlling inventory costs money
Answer : D
16. PERT
A. Provides an approach for keeping planning up-to-date
B. Provides a way for management to require that planning be done on a uniform and logical basis
C. Permits management to foresee quickly the impact of variations from the plan
D. All of the above
Answer : D
17. In jobbing production
A. Highly skilled workers are needed
B. Unit costs are high
C. Operations are labour-intensive
D. All of these
Answer : D
18. Halsey plan of wage incentive
A. Is not applied to all level of workers
B. Is applied to all level of workers
C. Does not guarantee minimum wage
D. Is based upon efficiency of worker
Answer : B
19. In process layout
A. Handling and backtracking of materials is too much
B. Production control is more difficult and costly
C. Routing and scheduling is more difficult
D. All of the above
Answer : D
20. Work study is done with the help of
A. Process chart
B. Material handling
C. Stop watch
D. All of the above
Answer : C
21. In A-B-C analysis, which class of items are generally large in number?
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. None of these
Answer : C
22. The appellate authority for an industrial dispute is
A. Management
B. Labour court
C. High court/supreme court
D. Board of directors
Answer : C
23. The technique of value analysis can be applied to
A. Complicated items only
B. Simple items only
C. Crash programmer items only
D. Any item
Answer : D
24. Material handling in automobile industry is done by
A. Overhead crane
B. Trolley
C. Belt conveyor
D. All of the above
Answer : A
25. Indirect expenses include
A. Factory expenses
B. Selling expenses
C. Administrative expenses
D. All of these
Answer : D
26. Simplex method is the method used for
A. Value analysis
B. Network analysis
C. Linear programming
D. Queuing theory
Answer : C
27. If TL is the largest allowable event occurrence time, total activity slack (s) is equal to
A. Latest start time earliest start time
B. Latest finish time earliest finish time (EFT)
D. All of the above
Answer : D
28. The time of completing a project in network analysis is given by following time of the critical activity meeting at the final triode
A. Early finish
B. Early start
C. Late start
D. Late finish
Answer : A
29. Acceptance sampling is used in
A. Job production
B. Batch production
C. Mass production
D. All of these
Answer : C
30. Which of the following charts are used for plant layout design?
A. Operation process chart
B. Man machine chart
C. Travel chart
D. All of these
Answer : D
31. The assumption in PERT is
A. A project will always be behind schedule, if left uncorrected
B. Cost of project will always be more than the estimated cost, if no timely corrections are taken
C. A project can be subdivided into a set of predictable, independent activities
D. Activities are fixed and can't be changed
Answer : C
32. PERT is the
A. Time oriented technique
B. Event oriented technique
C. Activity oriented technique
D. Target oriented technique
Answer : B
33. Works cost implies
A. Primary cost
B. Factory cost
C. Factory expenses
D. Primary cost + factory expenses
Answer : D
34. The product layout
A. Lowers overall manufacturing time
B. Requires less space for placing machines
C. Utilises machine and labour better
D. All of these
Answer : D
35. A PERT network has three activities on critical path with mean time 3, 8 and 6 and standard deviations 1, 2 and 2 respectively. The probability that the project will be completed in 20 days is
A. 0.50
B. 0.66
C. 0.84
D. 0.95
Answer : C
36. In a PERT chart
A. All activities should be numbered
B. Only important activities should be numbered
C. Only critical activities are numbered
D. Only selected activities are numbered
Answer : A
37. Line organisation is suitable for
A. Sugar industries
B. Oil refining industries
C. Spinning and weaving industries
D. All of these
Answer : D
38. Which of the following are the principles of material handling?
A. Keep all the handling to the minimum
B. Select only efficient handling equipment
C. Move the heaviest weight to the least distance
D. All of the above
Answer : D
39. F. W. Taylor introduced a system of organisation known as
A. Line organisation
B. Functional organisation
C. Line and staff organisation
D. Line, staff and functional organisation
Answer : B
40. The time required to complete a job is established and a bonus is paid to the worker based on the exact % of time saved. This type of incentive plan is known as
A. Dry work Plan
B. Halsey Premium Plan
C. Taylor Plan
D. Rowan Plan
Answer : D
41. Which of the following layouts is suited to job production?
A. Process layout
B. Product layout
C. Fixed position layout
D. Plant layout
Answer : A
42. Breakeven analysis consists of
A. Fixed cost
B. Variable cost
C. Fixed and variable costs
D. Operation costs
Answer : C
43. Which of the following organisation is preferred in automobile industry?
A. Functional organisation
B. Line organisation
C. Staff organisation
D. Line and staff organisations
Answer : D
44. In ABC control policy, maximum attention is given to
A. Those items which consume money
B. Those items which are not readily available
C. Those × items which are in more demand
D. Those items which consume more money
Answer : D
45. The unit cost in case of batch production is ________ as compared to jobbing production.
A. Same
B. Low
C. High
D. None of these
Answer : B
46. In order to avoid excessiv multiplication of facilities, the layout preferred is
A. Product layout
B. Process layout
C. Group layout
D. Static layout
Answer : B
47. In Emerson's efficiency plan of wage incentive system, bonus is paid to a worker
A. Whose output exceeds 67% efficiency
B. On the percentage of time saved
C. On the percentage of time worked
D. On the percentage of standard time
Answer : A
48. The procedure of modifying work content to give more meaning and enjoyment to the job by involving employees in planning, organisation and control of their work, is termed as
A. Job enlargement
B. Job enrichment
C. Job rotation
D. Job evaluation
Answer : B
49. The probability distribution of activity times in PERT follows following distribution
A. Normal
B. Binomial
C. Beta
D. Exponential
Answer : C
50. Break-even analysis shows profit when
A. Sales revenue > total cost
B. Sales revenue = total cost
C. Sales revenue < total cost
D. Variable cost < fixed cost
Answer : A

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