
JavaScript 1000+ MCQ with answer for FCI Recruitment

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. Which of the operator is used to test if a particular property exists or not?
A. in
B. exist
C. within
D. exists
Answer : A
2. Which is a more efficient JavaScript code snippet?
Code 1 :
for(var num=10;num>=1;num--)

Code 2 :
var num=10;

A. Code 1
B. Code 2
C. Both Code 1 and Code 2
D. Cannot Compare
Answer : A
3. What will be the output of the following Javascript code?
int size=5;
int a=5;
int size=4;
for(int j=size;j>=0;j--)

A. 5555
B. 5321
C. 531-1
D. 531
Answer : C
4. What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?
int a=4;
int b=1;
int c=0;
else if(a==c)

A. 4
B. 1
C. Error
D. 0
Answer : D
5. Consider the following code snippet
function f(o)
if (o === undefined) debugger;

What could be the task of the statement debugger?

A. It does nothing but a simple breakpoint
B. It debugs the error in that statement and restarts the statements execution
C. It is used as a keyword that debugs the entire program at once
D. It is used to find error in the statement
Answer : A
6. JavaScript is ideal to ________
A. make computations in HTML simpler
B. minimize storage requirements on the web server
C. increase the download time for the client
D. increase the loading time of the website
Answer : B
7. What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?

A. 1.01
B. 1.047
C. 1.00
D. 1.4
Answer : B
8. The basic purpose of the toLocaleString() is to _________
A. return a localised object representation
B. return a parsed string
C. return a local time in the string format
D. return a localized string representation of the object
Answer : D
9. An expression that can legally appear on the left side of an assignment expression. is a well known explanation for variables, properties of objects, and elements of arrays. They are called ___________
A. Properties
B. Prototypes
C. Lvalue
D. Definition
Answer : C
10. What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?
var grade='A';
var result;
case 'A':
case 'B':
result+= 9;
case 'C':
result+= 8;
result+= 0;

A. 10
B. 27
C. 8
D. 0
Answer : B
11. What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?
var arr=[1,2,3];
var rev=arr.reverse();

A. 1, 2, 3
B. 3, 2, 1
C. 3
D. 1
Answer : B
12. What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?
function equalto()
int num=10;
return true;
return false;

A. true
B. false
C. runtime error
D. compilation error
Answer : A
13. What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?
var arr = [7, 5, 9, 1];
var value = Math.max.apply(null, arr);

A. 7
B. 5
C. 1
D. 9
Answer : D
14. What will be the equivalent code of the following JavaScript code?

A. o.m(x) && o.m(y);
B. o[m](x,y);
C. o(m)[x,y];
D. o.m(x && y);
Answer : B
15. What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?
const obj1 =
property1: 21
const descriptor1 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj1, 'property1');

A. true 21
B. true false
C. true true
D. false false
Answer : C
16. What will happen if a return statement does not have an associated expression?
A. It returns the value 0
B. It will throw an exception
C. It returns the undefined value
D. It will throw an error
Answer : C
17. Which of the following is not considered as an error in JavaScript?
A. Syntax error
B. Missing of semicolons
C. Division by zero
D. Missing of Bracket
Answer : C
18. The generalised syntax for a real number representation is __________
A. [digits][.digits][(E|e)[(+|-)]digits]
B. [digits][+digits][(E|e)[(+|-)]digits]
C. [digits][(E|e)[(+|-)]digits]
D. [.digits][digits][(E|e)[(+|-)]digits]
Answer : A
19. Consider the following code snippet :
function constfuncs()
var funcs = [];
for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
funcs[i] = function() { return i; };
return funcs;
var funcs = constfuncs();

What does the last statement return ?

A. 9
B. 0
C. 10
D. None of the mentioned
Answer : C
20. Consider the following JavaScript statements.
var text = testing: 1, 2, 3; // Sample text
var pattern = /d+/g // Matches all instances of one or more digits

In order to check if the pattern matches with the string text, the statement is ____________

A. text==pattern
B. text.equals(pattern)
C. text.test(pattern)
D. pattern.test(text)
Answer : D
21. What is the difference between the two lines given below ?
!!(obj1 && obj2);
(obj1 && obj2);

A. Both the lines result in a boolean value True
B. Both the lines result in a boolean value False
C. Both the lines checks just for the existence of the object alone
D. The first line results in a real boolean value whereas the second line merely checks for the existence of the objects
Answer : D
22. Identify the process done in the following JavaScript code snippet?
o = {x:1, y:{z:[false,null,]}};
s = JSON.stringify(o);
p = JSON.parse(s);

A. Object Encapsulation
B. Object Serialization
C. Object Abstraction
D. Object Encoding
Answer : B
23. In the following switch syntax, the expression is compared with the case labels using which of the following operator(s)?

A. ==
B. equals
C. equal
D. ===
Answer : D
24. One of the special feature of an interpreter in reference with the for loop is that ___________
A. Before each iteration, the interpreter evaluates the variable expression and assigns the name of the property
B. The iterations can be infinite when an interpreter is used
C. The body of the loop is executed only once
D. the iteration is finite when an interpreter is used
Answer : A
25. The var and function are __________
A. Keywords
B. Declaration statements
C. Data types
D. Prototypes
Answer : B
26. What kind of expression is new Point(2,3)?
A. Primary Expression
B. Object Creation Expression
C. Invocation Expression
D. Constructor Calling Expression
Answer : B
27. Assume that we have to convert false that is a non-string to string. The command that we use is (without invoking the new operator).
A. false.toString()
B. String(false)
C. String newvariable=false
D. Both false.toString() and String(false)
Answer : D
28. What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?
const obj = {prop: 12};
console.log( Object.isExtensible(obj));

A. 12
B. false
C. true
D. error
Answer : B
29. What will be the shift() output of the following JavaScript code?
var a = [];

A. 1
B. [4,5]
C. [3,4,5]
D. Exception is thrown
Answer : A
30. Consider the following code snippet :
var tensquared = (function(x) {return x*x;}(10));

Will the above code work ?

A. Yes, perfectly
B. Error
C. Exception will be thrown
D. Memory leak
Answer : A
31. What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?
var grade='E';
var result;
case 'A':
case 'B':
result+= 9;
case 'C':
result+= 8;
result+= 0;

A. 10
B. 0
C. 18
D. 17
Answer : B
32. JavaScript can be written __________
A. directly into JS file and included into HTML
B. directly on the server page
C. directly into HTML pages
D. directly into the css file
Answer : A
33. What will be the output of the following Javascript code?
var x = 10;
x *= 5;
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = x;

A. 5
B 10
C. 50
D. Error
Answer : C
34. What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?
var string1 = 123;
var intvalue = 123;
alert( string1 + intvalue );

A. 123246
B. 246
C. 123123
D. Exception
Answer : C
35. Consider the following code snippet.
for(var p in o)

The above code is equivalent to which code?

for (var i = 0;i < a.length;i++)

for (int i = 0;i < a.length;i++)

for (var i = 0;i <= a.length;i++)

for (var i = 1;i < a.length;i++)

Answer : A
36. The purpose of extensible attribute is to __________
A. make all of the own properties of that object non configurable
B. to configure and bring a writable property
C. lock down objects into a known state and prevent outside tampering
D. to include new properties into the object
Answer : C
37. What will be the output of the following Javascript code?
var a = 10;
do {
a += 1;
} while (a < 5);

A. 11121314
B. 1112
C. 12345
D. 11
Answer : D
38. What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?
var val1=[1,2,3];
var val2=[6,7,8];
var result=val1.concat(val2);

A. 1, 2, 3
B. Error
C. 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8
D. 123
Answer : C
39. What are the three important manipulations done in a for loop on a loop variable?
A. Updation, Incrementation, Initialization
B. Initialization,Testing, Updation
C. Testing, Updation, Testing
D. Initialization,Testing, Incrementation
Answer : B
40. What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?
int a==2;
int b=4;
int ans=a+b;

A. 2
B. 6
C. 0
D. error
Answer : D
41. What will be the output of the following Javascript code?
txt1 = “ one”;
txt1 += “two”;
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = txt1;

A. onetwo
B. one two
C. error
D. undefined
Answer : A
42. What happens in the following javaScript code snippet?
var count = 0;
while (count < 10)

A. The values of count are logged or stored in a particular location or storage
B. The value of count from 0 to 9 is displayed in the console
C. An error is displayed
D. An exception is thrown
Answer : B
43. A function definition expression can be called as __________
A. Function prototype
B. Function literal
C. Function calling
D. Function declaration
Answer : B
44. A conditional expression is also called a _______________
A. Alternative to if-else
B. Immediate if
C. If-then-else statement
D. Switch statement
Answer : B
45. What is the prototype represents in the following JavaScript code snippet?
function f() {};

A. Function f
B. A custom constructor
C. Prototype of a function
D. Not valid
Answer : B
46. Consider the following code snippet.
function printArray(a)
var len = a.length, i = 0;
if (len == 0)
console.log(Empty Array);
} while (++i < len);

What does the above code result?

A. Prints the numbers in the array in order
B. Prints the numbers in the array in the reverse order
C. Prints 0 to the length of the array
D. Prints Empty Array
Answer : A
47. Which keyword is used to define the function in javascript?
A. void
B. int
C. function
D. main
Answer : C
48. JavaScript _________ when there is an indefinite or an infinite value during an arithmetic computation.
A. Prints an exception error
B. Prints an overflow error
C. Displays Infinity
D. Prints the value as such
Answer : C
49. What is the observation made in the following JavaScript code?
if (!a[i]) continue;

A. Skips the defined elements
B. Skipsthe existent elements
C. Skips the null elements
D. Skips the defined & existent elements
Answer : C
50. For the below mentioned code snippet:
var o = new Object();

The equivalent statement is:

A. var o = Object();
B. var o;
C. var o= new Object;
D. Object o=new Object();
Answer : C

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