
Microsoft PowerPoint MCQ Solved Paper for JEE Main

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. Which key deletes text before, or the left of, the insertion point?
A. Backspace
B. Page up
C. Delete
D. Page down
Answer : A
2. Which of the following will not advance the slides in a slide show view ?
A. The mouse button
B. The space bar
C. The enter key
D. The esc key
Answer : D
3. To select all of the boxes of an organization chart
A. Clicking and edit and select all
B. Right click the chart background and then click select all
C. Press and hold the SHIFT key and click each box
D. All of above
Answer : D
4. Special effects used to introduce slides in a presentation are known as ?
A. effects
B. transitions
C. custom animations
D. annotations
Answer : B
5. To make a selection of slides on our presentation, use a different design template from the other slides, what do you do?
A. Select the slides thumbnails in that section, and apply a different color scheme
B. Select the slide thumbnails in that section and apply a different design template
C. Select one of the slide in the section you want to change, customize the fonts and colors, and use the format painter tool to apply those styles to the other slides in the section
D. All of above
Answer : B
6. Which of the following features allows you to view slides in a slide show without manually advancing each slide?
A. Adding build effects
B. Setting slide times
C. Adding transitions
D. All of these
Answer : B
7. Which of the following must be used with the mouse when you want to resize an image from the center and keep it proportioned?
A. The space bar
B. The alt key
C. The ctrl key
D. The shift key
Answer : C
8. You have customized a design template in one presentation and you want to use it in another presentation. What the best way to do this?
A. Use the browse feature in the slide design task pane to find the file that has your design template and apply it to the current file
B. Copy and paste the slide with the design template you want to include the new presentation; inserted slide will inherit the design
C. Save the presentation that has the design template with a new name, and then use a new file to your presentation
D. All of the above
Answer : A
9. In order to edit a chart, you can
A. triple click the chart object
B. click and drag the chart object
C. double click the chart object
D. click the chart objects
Answer : C
10. What PowerPoint feature will you use to apply motion effects to different objects of a slide?
A. Slide Transition
B. Slide Design
C. Animation Objects
D. Animation Scheme
Answer : D
11. How we can create a uniform appearance by adding a background image to all slides ?
A. Use the autocorrect wizard
B. By editing last slide
C. Edit the slide master
D. Create a template
Answer : C
12. What is defined by the handout master?
A. Slide formatting
B. Layout of audience handout notes
C. Handout content formatting for Microsoft word export
D. All of above
Answer : B
13. Which of the following tools enable you to add text to a slide without using the standard placeholders?
A. Text box tool
B. Line tool
C. Fill color
D. Auto shapes tool
Answer : A
14. Which tab is not available on left panel when you open a presentation?
A. Outline
B. Slides
C. Notes
D. All of above are available
Answer : C
15. Which of the following method can insert a new slide in current presentation?
A. Right click on the Slide panel and choose New Slide
B. From Insert menu choose New Slide
C. Click on New Slide button on toolbar
D. All of above
Answer : D
16. The size of an organization chart object
A. Is determined by the presentation design and cannot be changed
B. Is determined by the presentation design but can be changed in PowerPoint
C. Is dependent on the amount of text within the organization chart
D. B and C
Answer : D
17. Which of the following section does not exist in a slide layout?
A. Titles
B. Lists
C. Charts
D. Animations
Answer : D
18. Auto clip art is a feature that
A. automatically places clip art in your presentation
B. scans your presentation for incorrect spelling of words on each slide
C. scans your presentation for incorrect spelling in word art objects
D. all of the above
Answer : D
19. You can embed a Microsoft Word tale in a slide by
A. Clicking the insert new slide button on the standard toolbar, then double clicking table
B. Clicking the insert Microsoft word table button on the formatting toolbar
C. Clicking the insert Microsoft word table button on the standard toolbar
D. A and C
Answer : D
20. Which of the following statements is not true?
A. You can type text directly into a PowerPoint slide but typing in text box is more convenient.
B. From Insert menu choose Picture and then File to insert your images into slides.
C. You can view a PowerPoint presentation in Normal, Slide Sorter or Slide Show view.
D. You can show or hide task pane from View >> Toolbars.
Answer : A
21. Which of the following statement is false?
A. If you choose to select from one of the pre-made slide layouts, you can change the positioning
B. If you choose to select from the pre-made slide layouts, you cannot delete the objects in the layout
C. Blank Slide is at the top of the Content Layouts area in the Slide Layout panel
D. All of above are false statements
Answer : B
22. Which key on the keyboard can be used to view slide show
A. F1
B. F2
C. F10
D. F5
Answer : D
23. To change font size of a selected slide title, you:
A. Click the toolbars Font dropdown arrow and choose the font you prefer
B. Click Format, Title and choose a font from the font tab
C. Click the toolbars Increase Font Size button
D. Click Title, New Font, OK
Answer : C
24. Which of the following you must first complete in order to delete an object?
A. Double click the image
B. Select the image
C. Resize the image
D. Move the image to a new location
Answer : B
25. The view that displays the slides of a presentation as miniature representations of the slides is called
A. Slide show
B. Slide sorter view
C. Notes page view
D. Outline view
Answer : B
26. How can you create a uniform appearance by adding a background image to all slides?
A. Create a template
B. Edit the slide master
C. Use the autocorrect wizard
D. All of the above
Answer : B
27. Which of the following provides a means of printing out feature notes with a miniature slide on a printed page?
A. Slide with animation
B. Outline view
C. Notes page
D. Audience handout
Answer : D
28. The handout master contains placeholders for all of the following except
A. Slide number
B. Title
C. Footer
D. Header
Answer : B
29. In normal view, how can you quickly change to handout master view?
A. Click the outline tab and select handout master view
B. Press the shift key and click the handout master view button
C. On the view menu, click slide sorter, and click handouts
D. All of above
Answer : B
30. Which short cut key inserts a new slide in current presentation?
A. Ctrl+N
B. Ctrl+M
C. Ctrl+S
D. All of above
Answer : B
31. Which command brings you to the first slide in your presentation?
A. Next slide button
B. Page up
C. Ctrl + Home
D. Ctrl + End
Answer : C
32. Microsoft PowerPoint is a
A. Database program
B. Spreadsheet program
C. Presentation program
D. Word processing program
Answer : C
33. What is maximum Zoom percentage in Microsoft PowerPoint ?
A. 300%
B. 100%
C. 400%
D. 200%
Answer : C
34. Which of the following views is the best view to use when setting transition effects for all slides in a presentation ?
A. Notes page view
B. Slide view
C. Outline view
D. Slide sorter view
Answer : D
35. You have got a bunch of digital holiday photo you want to put into a slide show. What the quickest method?
A. Apply a multiple-picture layout to several slides, and use the clipart icon on the slides to import your picture
B. On the insert menu, point to the picture, click from file, and select your picture in a group for each slide
C. On the insert menu, point the picture and click new photo album
D. All of the above
Answer : C
36. To insert a new slide in the current presentation, we can choose
A. Ctrl + M
B. Ctrl + N
C. Ctrl + O
D. Ctrl + F
Answer : A
37. You can tell when an object is active because
A. The object is highlighted
B. Eight small sizing handles appear surrounding the text
C. A box frame appears surrounding the text
D. b and c
Answer : A
38. Which option on the custom animation task pane allows you to apply a preset or custom motion path?
A. Add effect
B. Emphasis
C. Animate now
D. All of the above
Answer : A
39. To save a presentation you
A. click save on the windows start button
B. press Ctrl + F5
C. select File, Save from the menu
D. click the saver button on the formatting toolbar
Answer : C
40. A File which contains readymade styles that can be used for a presentation is called __ ?
A. AutoStyle
B. Wizard
C. Template
D. Pre formatting
Answer : C
41. You can show the shortcut menu during the slide show by
A. Clicking the shortcut button on the formatting toolbar
Right clicking the current slide
C. Clicking an icon on the current slide
D. a and b
Answer : B
42. Power Point can display data from which of the following add-in software of MS Office ?
A. Equation Editor
B. Organization Chart
C. Photo Album
D. All of above
Answer : D
43. What is a motion path?
A. A type of animation entrance effect
B. A method of advancing slides
C. A method of moving items on a slide
D. All of the above
Answer : C
44. Which of the following pane is not available in Task Pane?
A. Getting Started
B. Clip Art
C. Word Art
D. Search Results
Answer : C
45. Which of the following views is the best view to use when setting transition effects for all slides in a presentation?
A. Slide sorter view
B. Notes pages view
C. Slide view
D. Outline view
Answer : A
46. The power point view that displays only text (title and bullets) is:
A. Slide show
B. Slide sorter view
C. Notes page view
D. Outline view
Answer : D
47. In which menu can you find features like Slide Design, Slide Layout et?
A. Insert Menu
B. Format Menu
C. Tools Menu
D. Slide Show Menu
Answer : B
48. How would you create the following diagram in PowerPoint
A. Use auto shapes and the drawing toolbar to create the diagram and design it
B. Open the diagram gallery from the drawing toolbar and choose this diagram type
C. Use the chart command on the insert menu to import the diagram
D. All of above
Answer : B
49. A file which contains readymade styles that can be used for a presentation is called
A. Auto style
B. Template
C. Wizard
D. Pre-formatting
Answer : B
50. Objects on the slide that hold text are called
A. Placeholders
B. Object holders
C. Auto layout
D. Text holders
Answer : A

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