
NDA - Human reproductive system 1000+ MCQ [Solved] PDF Download

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. An abnormal human male phenotype involving an extra x-chromosome (xxy) is found in....
A. Edwards syndrome
B. Klinefelters syndrome
C. Intersex
D. Downs syndrome.
Answer : B
2. What is the best sperm extraction technique for men with obstructive azoospermia?
A. TESE - Microsurgical testicular sperm extraction
B. Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (PESA)
C. Intra cytoplasmic sperm injection ( ICSI)
D. Fine needle aspiration
Answer : B
3. Identical twins are also known as ..
A. monozygotic twins
B. Dizygotic twins
C. Fraternal twins
D. Zygotic twins
Answer : A
4. Thick layer which surrounds the ovum is ...
A. Zona pellucida
B. Membrana granulosa
C. Corona radiata
D. Theca interna
Answer : A
5. Number of chromosomes in secondary oocyte stage in humans is ...
A. 23
B. 46
C. 18
D. 20
Answer : A
6. What is Hirsuitism in females? (Usually with Poly cystic ovarian disease)
A. Unusually tall
B. Abnormal growth of facial and body hair
C. Abnormal voice
D. Short stature
Answer : B
7. In ectopic pregnancy, foetus grows in ...
A. Vagina
B. Fallopian tube
C. Uterus
D. Body cavity
Answer : B
8. In uterus, endometrium proliferates in response to ...
A. Relaxin
B. Oxytocin
C. Progesterone
D. Oestrogen
Answer : D
9. Part of sperm that passes into ovum is
A. Tail
B. Acrosome
C. Head
D. Head, neck and middle piece
Answer : D
10. The pelvic inflammatory disease is common with which type of contraception?
A. Oral contraceptive pills
B. Diaphragms
C. Condoms
D. Intra uterine devices
Answer : D
11. A child's blood group is 'o'. The parent's blood groups cannot be
Answer : C
12. The number and appearance of chromosomes in the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell is called as
A. Karyotype
B. Genotype
C. Phenotype
D. Cytogenetics
Answer : A
13. Human embryo is referred to as fetus from beginning of
A. 1st month of pregnancy
B. 2nd month of pregnancy
C. 3rd month of pregnancy
D. 4th month of pregnancy
Answer : C
14. Mongolian idiocy due to trisomy in 21st chromosome is known as
A. Downs syndrome
B. Turners syndrome
C. Klinefelters syndrome
D. Triple x syndrome
Answer : A
15. The first milk which comes out just after child birth is known as .
A. Colostrum
B. Prolactin
C. Hind milk
D. Lactogen
Answer : A
16. Cu ions released from copper-releasing intra uterine devices (iuds)
A. Prevent ovulation
B. Suppress sperm motility
C. Prevents implantation of embryo
D. Kills sperms
Answer : B
17. Normal sperm count is
A. 40 to 300 million per ml
B. 10 to 20 million per ml
C. < 10 million per ml
D. 200 million per ml
Answer : A
18. Secretion of testosterone is stimulated by
Answer : C
19. Most of major organs of human embryo are formed by the
A. 16th week of pregnancy
B. 15th week of pregnancy
C. 14th week of pregnancy
D. 12th week of pregnancy
Answer : D
20. At the end of meiosis I, the Oocyte yields
A. Secondary Oocyte and first polar body
B. First polar body
C. Secondary Oocyte
D. Second polar body
Answer : A
21. Which one occurs first in the human embryo
A. Neurogenesis
B. Cardiogenesis
C. Hepatogenesis
D. Osteogesis
Answer : A
22. A marriage between man with normal vision and colour blind woman will give birth to
A. Colour blind sons and 50% carrier daughter
B. 50% colourblind sons and 50% carrier daughter
C. Normal males and carrier daughters
D. Colour blind sons and carrier daughters.
Answer : D
23. Embryo at 16-celled stage is called ...
A. Morula
B. Blastula
C. Blastomere
D. Gastrula
Answer : A
24. Prostate gland produces a secretion for ...
A. Attracting sperms
B. Stimulating sperm activity
C. Inhibiting sperm activity
D. None of the above
Answer : B
25. The most important region of the decidua for the nourishment of the conceptus is the deciduas
A. Frondosum
B. Capsularis
C. Parietalis
D. Basalis
Answer : D
26. What happens during fertilization when many sperms reach close to ovum ....
A. Cells of corona radiata trap all the sperm except one
B. Only two sperms nearest to ovum penetrate zona pellucida
C. Secretion of acrosome helps one sperm enter cytoplasm of ovum through zona pellucida
D. All sperms except the one nearest to ovum lose their tails
Answer : C
27. Layers of ovum from outside to inside are .
A. Corona radiata, zona pellucida, vitelline membrane
B. Zona pellucida, corona radiata, vitelline membrane
C. Vitelline membrane, zona pellucida, corona radiata
D. Zona pellucida, vitelline membrane, corona radiate
Answer : A
28. Ovulation occurs under the influence of high titre of
C. Estrogen
D. Progesterone
Answer : A
29. Which part of the ovary act as an endocrine gland in human beings
A. Stroma
B. Vitteline membrane
C. Graffian follicle
D. Epithelium
Answer : C
30. Fertilization is fusion of ..
A. Diploid spermatozoan with diploid ovum to form diploid zygote
B. Haploid spermatozoan with diploid ovum to form diploid zygote
C. Diploid spermatozoan with haploid ovum to form diploid zygote
D. Haploid spermatozoan with haploid ovum to form diploid zygote
Answer : D
31. Villi of human placenta develop from ..
A. Chorion
B. Allantois
C. Yolk sac
D. Amnion
Answer : A
32. In infertility treatment the ovum is fertilized outside the body and injected into the uterus
A. Gamete intra fallopian transfer
B. Invitro fertilization
C. Intra uterine insemination
D. Zygote intra fallopian transfer
Answer : B
33. Tunica albuginea is related to
A. Prostate gland
B. Pituitary gland
C. Hypothalamus
D. Testes
Answer : D
34. Immediately after ovulation, the ovum is covered by a membrane called
A. Chorion
B. Zona pellucida
C. Corona radiata
D. Vitelline membrane
Answer : B
35. Decreased motility of sperm <40 % is known as
A. Azoospermia
B. Oligospermia
C. Asthenozoospermia
D. Necrozoospermia
Answer : C
36. Failure of the brain to grow in the foetus may result in:
A. Plagiocephaly
B. Craniostenosis
C. Anencephaly
D. Microcephaly
Answer : D
37. The part of the sperm containing proteolytic enzymes to digest the zona pellucida is the:
A. Capacitor
B. Head
C. Corona
D. Acrosome
Answer : D
38. Which layer of embryo is formed first
A. ectoderm
B. Mesoderm
C. Endoderm
D. Mesenchyma
Answer : C
39. Sertoli cells are found in
A. Seminiferous tubules
B. Ovaries
C. Prostate gland
D. Semen
Answer : A
40. Approximately how long does it take for a spermatocyte to complete its differentiation into a spermatozoan in the testis?
A. 7 days
B. 70 days
C. 7 months
D. 70 hours
Answer : B
41. Haemophilia is more common in males because it is a
A. Recessive character carried by y-chromosome
B. Dominant character carried by y-chromosome
C. Dominant trait carried by x-chromosome
D. Recessive trait carried by x-chromosome
Answer : A
42. Erythroblastosis foetalis is caused by fertilization between the gametes of
A. Rh -ve female and rh+ ve male
B. Rh+ ve female and rh -ve male
C. Rh+ ve female and rh+ ve male
D. Rh~ ve female and rh -ve male
Answer : A
43. Name the pituitary hormone that regulates sertoli cells
A. Prolactin
D. Oxytocin
Answer : C
44. Increase in basal body temperature in the middle of menstrual cycle is a sign of
A. Fertilization
B. Onset of menstruation
C. Menopause
D. Ovulation
Answer : D
45. Human female reaches menopause at the age of about ...
A. 25 years
B. 35 years
C. 50 years
D. 70 years
Answer : C
46. Highly sophisticated procedure of injecting sperm directly into the ovum is
Answer : C
47. The middle piece of the sperm contains
A. Protein
B. Nucleus
C. Mitochondria
D. Centriole
Answer : C
48. Fimbriae of fallopian tube ...
A. Release ovum from graffian follicle
B. Cause endometrial changes for implantation
C. Help develop corpus luteum
D. Help collection of ovum after ovulation
Answer : D
49. In human embryo, the digestive system develops from the
A. Epithelium
B. Mesoderm
C. Endoderm
D. Ectoderm
Answer : C
50. Part of fallopian tube closest to ovary is
A. Infundibulum
B. Cervix
C. Ampulla
D. Isthmus
Answer : A

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