
Senile enlargement of the prostate 1000+ MCQ with answer for SSC JE

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. What is (are) true concerning IPSS questionnaire?
A. it focuses on last month`s symptoms
B. scores of moderate symptoms suggest surgical treatment if the patient`s quality of life was poor
C. it has been validated and translated to many languages
D. all of the above
Answer : D
2. Transurethral incision of the prostate (TUIP):
A. is only indicated in small prostates
B. complications are related to the amount of lost blood and removed chips
C. is a minimal procedure where no risk of rectal injury or retrograde ejaculation have been reported
D. it entails making 1 or 2 incisions along all prostate lobes except the apical
Answer : A
3. Which statement(s) describe(s) the bladders response to an obstructing prostate?
A. it may develop detrusor instability with irritative LUTS
B. it may develop poor compliance with frequency and urgency symptoms
C. it may develop poor detrusor contractility with obstructive LUTS
D. all of the above
Answer : D
4. Complications related to obstructive BPH/LUTS include all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. bladder stones
B. prostate cancer
C. renal insufficiency
D. bladder diverticula
Answer : B
5. a. no risk of dilutional hyponatremia
A. operating on patients with multiple bladder diverticula
B. operating on patients who cannot flex their hips and/or knees
C. unfavorable tissue preservation for pathological examination
D. . What is (are) the contraindication(s) to open prostatectomy for prostatic adenoma?
Answer : D
6. The most serious complication of TURP is:
A. damage to the internal sphincter
B. damage to the external sphincter
C. bladder perforation
D. damage to a ureteral orifice
Answer : A
7. In BPH patients, which of the following measures reduces PSA value by one-half?
A. 2 weeks after performing prostatic urethral lift
B. 6-month treatment with 5?-reductase inhibitors
C. after placing a stent in the prostatic urethra
D. immediately after removing one-half of the prostate by TURP
Answer : B
8. In men with LUTS, which of the following is NOT a compelling indication for upper urinary tract imaging?
A. urolithiasis
B. receiving chemotherapy
C. upper tract surgery
D. painless hematuria
Answer : B
9. On treating BPH, which procedure provides the best tissue preservation for pathological examination?
Answer : C
10. Anticholinergic medications work best with BPH patients who have:
A. small prostate
B. mainly median lobe hypertrophy
C. history of urinary retention
D. mainly irritative symptoms
Answer : D
11. as adjuncts therapy in BPH cases?
A. men with storage symptoms
B. men with ED
C. failed combination of ?-adrenergic blocker and 5?-reductase inhibitor
D. a & b
Answer : D
12. What is false concerning bladder and prostate histology in BPH?
A. obstruction results in bladder smooth muscle hypertrophy and myofibroblasts deposition
B. BPH occurs chiefly in the transitional zone and periurethral tissues
C. BPH microscopical changes begin in early thirties
D. histologic findings of chronic prostatitis are common in BPH
Answer : A
13. To achieve better hemostasis in prostate laser surgery, what is the ideal wavelength that is easily absorbed by hemoglobin?
A. 532 nm
B. 694 nm
C. 755 nm
D. 1064 nm
Answer : A
14. A 55 yrs. male patient with familial BPH, IPSS 9, PSA 23ng/ml, prostate size 31 cc, PVR 54 cc, on watchful waiting management. Next step should be:
A. tamsulosin 0.8 mg
B. reassurance
C. repeat total and free PSA
D. diagnostic cystoscopy
Answer : C
15. In men with obstructive BPH, what will NOT resolve after TURP?
A. bladder trabeculation
B. significant PVR
C. low peak flow rate
D. high IPSS
Answer : A
16. Which drug reduces the incidence of prostate cancer by 23% with a small increase in high-grade tumor incidence?
A. cetrorelix
B. flutamide
C. dutasteride
D. zanoterone
Answer : B
17. In BPH patients, follow up PSA is of value because:
A. it helps predict the response to 5?-reductase inhibitors
B. it monitors LUTS/BPH progression
C. BPH patients are at higher risk of developing prostate cancer
D. a & b
Answer : D
18. What is false concerning the diagnosis of BPH?
A. IPSS cannot be used to establish the diagnosis of BPH/LUTS
B. prostate biopsy is essential in diagnosing BPH and excluding cancers
C. PSA and uroflowmetry help diagnose the condition
D. none of the above
Answer : A
19. a. ?-adrenergic blocker
A. combination of ?-adrenergic blocker and 5?-reductase inhibitor
B. watchful waiting
D. . What is the commonest cause of LUTS in men beyond middle age?
Answer : C
20. What class(es) of medications decrease(s) IPSS questionnaire points?
A. calcium channel blockers
B. antihistamines
C. antidepressants
D. cold medications containing pseudoephedrine
Answer : A
21. On treating BPH, which procedure carries the risk of morcellator injury to the bladder?
Answer : B
22. BPH patients with severe irritative symptoms or microscopic hematuria should:
A. go for urine cytology testing
B. go for PSA testing
C. go for TRUS
D. use anticholinergic medication
Answer : A
23. What is true regarding mirabegron, the ?3 agonist, in treating BPH?
A. achieves better results when combined with antimuscarinic
B. enhances detrusor contractility resulting in higher Q-max
C. enhance detrusor relaxation during bladder-filling phase
D. increases voiding pressure that poses risk on renal function
Answer : C
24. What statement is true regarding post-void residual of urine (PVR)?
A. nearly all men have PVR of less than 12 ml
B. it predicts the outcome of surgical treatment
C. it correlates well with BPH/LUTS
D. it is diagnostic for bladder outlet obstruction
Answer : A
25. What is true regarding the use of ?-blockers and the development of Intraoperative Floppy Iris Syndrome (IFIS)?
A. complicates approximately 0.7% of cataract surgery cases
B. manifests as poor preoperative pupil dilation, iris prolapse, and progressive intraoperative miosis
C. it could persist long after the discontinuation of tamsulosin
D. intraoperative lidocaine reduces its incidence in patients taking ?- adrenergic inhibitors
Answer : C
26. What is false regarding prostate embolization for BPH?
A. the aim is to occlude the internal iliac vessels
B. there is a considerable radiation risk during the procedure
C. bilateral embolization provides better results
D. eye protection is not required
Answer : A
27. Preferably, what is the last part of the prostate to be removed while performing TURP?
A. bladder neck
B. apex
C. median lobe
D. para-collecular
Answer : B
28. What drug prevents recurrent gross hematuria secondary to BPH?
A. enoxaparin
B. silodosin
C. finasteride
D. tolterodine
Answer : C
29. What is false regarding BPH symptomatology?
A. the size of the prostate correlates well to the degree of obstruction
B. a decrease of 3 points in IPSS is associated with a subjective perception of improvement
C. median lobe enlargement gives rise to serious obstructive symptoms
D. bladder trabeculation is not specific for an obstructing prostate
Answer : A
30. The most serious drawback of anticholinergic drugs on BPH patients is:
A. renal insufficiency
B. urinary retention
C. dry mouth
D. painless hematuria
Answer : B
31. What is (are) the indication(s) to prescribe ?-adrenergic inhibitors for BPH patients?
A. peak flow rate of ? 12 mL/sec
B. prostate volume > 40 ml
C. PSA > 1.5 ng/dL
D. b & c
Answer : A
32. What is (are) the favorite criterion (criteria) to prescribe 5?- reductase inhibitors for BPH cases?
A. PSA > 1.5 ng/dL
B. prostate volume > 40 ml
C. IPSS > 19
D. a & b
Answer : D
33. In an 80 yrs. diabetic man on insulin for 35 yrs.; what would be the proper sequence of developing the following obstructing BPH/LUTS?
A. frequency, over-flow incontinence, straining, retention
B. straining, frequency, over-flow incontinence, retention
C. straining, frequency, retention, over-flow incontinence
D. frequency, straining, retention, over-flow incontinence
Answer : D
34. a. management of concomitant Hutch diverticulum
A. removing small bladder stones
B. better access to prostatic fossa
C. technically, easier trigonization
D. . When comparing retropubic to suprapubic prostatectomy for removing prostatic adenoma, the former has the advantage of:
Answer : B
35. What is false concerning the pathogenesis of BPH?
A. intra-prostatic levels of estrogen decrease in men with BPH
B. stimulation of the adrenergic nervous system results in a dynamic increase in prostatic urethral resistance
C. inflammation may play a role through cytokines to promote cell growth
D. hyperplasia occurs due to an imbalance between cell death and cell proliferation
Answer : D
36. a. small fibrous glands
A. the presence of prostate cancer
B. previous prostatectomy
C. all of the above
D. . Robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy for prostatic adenoma has the following advantage over TURP:
Answer : C
37. What is the capsular perforation rate in prostate vaporization surgery?
A. 0.2 1%
B. 1.2 2.1%
C. 2.3 3.4%
D. 3.7 5.6%
Answer : D
38. What prostatic lobe(s) can be assessed during DRE?
A. anterior
B. median
C. left lateral
D. all of the above
Answer : C
39. Which statement is false concerning transurethral microwave therapy (TUMT) for BPH treatment:
A. induces nerve egeneration in the prostate and tissue necrosis
B. frequently results in transient urinary retention
C. frequently leads to erectile dysfunction
D. the high-energy platform is superior to the low-energy with regard to clinical efficacy
Answer : C
40. What is false regarding BPH genetics?
A. BPH is an inheritable and progressive disease
B. familial BPH presents at an older age when compared to sporadic cases
C. approximately 90% of men in their 80s have histologic evidence of BPH
D. BPH tends to be more severe and progressive in black men when compared to whites
Answer : B
41. A BPH patient presents with retention of urine. He is Catheterized. Later, he underwent TURP. When would the highest PSA value be?
A. before catheterization
B. after catheterization and before TURP
C. immediately after TURP
D. 2 weeks after TURP
Answer : C
42. What is the likelihood that PSA level in men with acute urinary retention due to urethral stricture will decrease after catheterization?
A. never
B. unlikely
C. likely
D. always
Answer : D
43. In BPH patients, total PSA level correlates to:
A. the glandular component of the prostate
B. the IPSS questionnaire points
C. the PVR
D. the transitional zone volume
Answer : A
44. The probability of developing acute urinary retention is related to:
A. the neurological status of the patient
C. severity of obstructive LUTS
D. all of the above
Answer : D
45. a. lesser chance of post-operative urethral stricture
A. milder postoperative hematuria
B. tension-free bladder closure
C. extra-peritoneal approach
D. . When comparing TURP to open prostatectomy for removing prostatic adenoma, the latter has the following advantages, EXCEPT:
Answer : D
46. What is (are) the possible complication(s) of prostate stents?
A. hematuria and infections
B. migration and encrustation of the stent
C. irritative urinary symptoms and painful ejaculation
D. all of the above
Answer : D
47. An ED patient on low-dose tadalafil develops BPH. What medication should he avoid?
A. tamsulosin
B. alfuzosin
C. doxazosin
D. silodosin
Answer : C
48. What is false concerning TURP syndrome?
A. symptoms begin with a serum sodium of less than 120 mEq/L
B. the mortality is 2.7-5.8 %
C. manifestations rely on acute changes in the intravascular volume and plasma solute concentrations
D. the preferred height of irrigating fluid is 60 cm above the patient
Answer : B
49. The lowest re-treatment rate of BPH is for:
Answer : A
50. What is the initial response of the detrusor muscle to obstruction?
A. increased intravesical pressure
B. increased detrusor pressure
C. increase collagen deposition in the detrusor
D. detrusor smooth muscle hypertrophy
Answer : A

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