
SSC MTS - Structural Organization In Animals 1000+ MCQ [Solved] PDF Download

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. Identify the figure with its correct function Fig :. Adipose connective tissue

A. Areolar connective tissue Serves as a support framework for epithelium.
B. Adipose tissue Store fats and act as heat insulators.
C. Dense regular tissue Provide flexibility.
D. Dense irregular tissue Provide strength and elasticity.
Answer : B
2. Gizzard (proventriculus) in cockroach lies between
A. oesophagus and stomach
B. crop and mesenteron
C. mesenteron and ileum
D. oesophagus and crop
Answer : B
3. Statement 1: Typhlosole increases the effective area of absorption in the intestine.
Statement 2: Typhlosole, present in the intestine, is the characteristic feature of cockroach.

A. Statement 1 and 2 are true and statement 2 is the correct explanation of statement 1.
B. Statement 1 and 2 are true and statement 2 is not the correct explanation of statement 1.
C. Both statements 1 and 2 are false.
D. Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false.
Answer : D
4. Read the following statements and answer the question.
  1. They have a hard and non-pliable ground substance rich in calcium salts and collagen fibres.
  2. They support and protect softer tissues and organs.
  3. Osteocytes are present in the spaces called lacunae.
  4. They also interact with skeletal muscles attached to them to bring about movements.

Which of the following type of tissue is being described by above statements ?

A. Cartilage
B. Bone
C. Blood
D. Neurons
Answer : B
5. Intercalated discs are the communication junctions between the cells of
A. cardiac muscles
B. striped muscles
C. adipose tissue
D. nerve and striated muscles
Answer : A
6. What external changes are visible after the last moult of a cockroach nymph?
A. Development of anal cerci.
B. Development of both forewings and hind wings.
C. Development labium.
D. Mandibles become harder.
Answer : B
7. The mouth parts of cockroach are
A. cutting and biting type.
B. piercing and sucking type.
C. sucking and rasping type.
D. sucking and siphoning type.
Answer : A
8. Which of the following types of connective tissue is mismatched with its matrix ?
A. Areolar Loosely packed matrix of protein fibres
B. Bone Mineralized matrix
C. Cartilage Highly vascular matrix
D. Blood Liquid matrix
Answer : C
9. Which of the following statement (s) is/are correct ?
  1. Loose connective tissue contains fibroblasts, macrophages and mast cells.
  2. Adipose tissue is a type of dense connective tissue located mainly beneath the skin.
  3. Tendons and ligaments are examples of dense irregular connective tissue.
  4. Cartilage, bones and blood are various types of specialized connective tissue.

A. Only (i)
B. Both (ii) and (iv)
C. Both (i) and (iii)
D. (i), (iii) and (iv)
Answer : D
10. The figure given below shows the head region of cockroach. Identify A to F.

A. A- Compound eye, B-Ocellus, C-Maxilla, D-Mandible, E-Labrum, F-Labium
B. A- Ocellus, B-Compound eye, C-Mandible, D-Maxilla, E-Labrum, F-Labium
C. A- Ocellus, B-Compound eye, C-Mandible, D-Maxilla, E-Labium, F-Labrum
D. A- Ocellus, B-Compound eye, C-Maxilla, D-Mandible, E-Labrum, F-Labium
Answer : B
11. The shape of a persons ear is due to mainly to
A. dense regular connective tissue
B. dense irregular connective tissue
C. elastic cartilage
D. fibrocartilage
Answer : C
12. Cartilage tissues are likely to be slow in healing following an injury because
A. cartilage cells cannot reproduce.
B. they lack direct blood supplies.
C. the intercellular material is missing.
D. cartilage cells are surrounded by fluids.
Answer : B
13. Which of the following statements regarding frog is not correct?
A. Fertilization is external and takes place in water.
B. External ear and tympanum can be seen externally.
C. In females the ureters and oviduct open separately in the cloaca.
D. Copulatory pad on the first digit of the fore limbs and vocal sac are present in male frog.
Answer : B
14. Neuroglia are
A. excitable cells of neural tissue.
B. supporting and non-excitable cells of neural tissue.
C. two to three times in volume of neural tissue.
D. protective and excitable cells of neural tissue.
Answer : B
15. If the head of cockroach is cut off, it will still alive for as long as one week. It is because of
A. the body which is covered with a hard chitinous exoskeleton.
B. head which holds a bit of nervous system.
C. head which is of no use.
D. food capturing appratus which is found elsewhere.
Answer : C
16. In cockroach, the testes are present in
A. 3, 4, 5 abdominal segments
B. 4, 5, 6 abdominal segments
C. 5, 6, 7 abdominal segments
D. 6, 7, 8 abdominal segments
Answer : B
17. Figure given below shows reproductive system of female cockroach. The correct labellings indicated by alphabets (A, B & C) ae respectively

A. A-Spermatheca, B-Collaterial glands, C-Gonapophyses
B. A-Phallic gland, B-Collaterial glands, C-Gonapophyses
C. A-Spermatheca, B-Seminal vesicle, C-Gonapophyses
D. A-Spermatheca, B-Collateral glands, C-Tegmina
Answer : A
18. The supportive skeletal structures in the human external ears and in the nose tip are examples of
A. ligament
B. areolar tissue
C. bone
D. cartilage
Answer : D
19. The ciliated columnar epithelial cells in humans occur in
A. Eustachian tube and stomach lining
B. bronchioles and fallopian tubes
C. bile duct and oesophagus
D. fallopian tubes and urethra
Answer : B
20. Match the description given in column I with their examples given in column II and choose the correct option.
Column IColumn II
1. Aquatic respiratoryA. Skin organ
2. Organ which actsB. Ureter urogenital duct and opens into the cloaca
3. A small median chamberC. Cloaca that is used to pass faecal matter, urine and sperms to the exterior
4. A triangular structureD. Sinus venosus which joins the right atrium and receives blood through vena cava

A. 1 - A, 2 - B, 3 - C, 4 - D
B. 1 - C, 2 - A, 3 - D, 4 - B
C. 1 - B, 2 - A, 3 - C, 4 - D
D. 1 - C, 2 - B, 3 - D, 4 - A
Answer : A
21. Choose the correct sequence of alimentary canal of Cockroach
A. Gizzard -> Crop ->?Malphigian tubules ->?Hepatic caeca ->?Rectum.
B. Gizzard -> Hepatic caeca -> Crop -> Rectum -> Malphigian tubules.
C. Crop -> Gizzard ->?Hepatic caeca ->?Malphigian tubules ->?Rectum.
D. Crop -> Hepatic caeca ->?Gizzard -> Rectum -> Malphigian tubules.
Answer : C
22. The only type of cell seen in a tendon is
A. muscle fibres
B. reticular cells
C. collagenous cells
D. fibroblasts
Answer : D
23. In which one of the following preparations, cell junctions come across most frequently ?
A. Ligament
B. Tendon
C. Cartilage
D. Ciliated epithelium
Answer : D
24. When cardiac muscle cells are damaged by a heart attack, they are usually replaced by
A. connective tissue cells
B. new smooth muscle cells
C. new cardiac muscle cells
D. epithelial cells
Answer : A
25. Which of the following statement is correct regarding Female reproductive system of earthworm ?
A. It consists of two large ovaries, lying laterally in the 6th 7th abdominal segments.
B. Each ovary is formed of a group of five ovarian tubules or ovarioles, containing a chain of developing ova.
C. A pair of spermatheca is present in the 5th segment which opens into the genital chamber.
D. None of the above
Answer : D
26. The given figure shows open circulatory system of cockroach with structure marked as A, B and C. Which structure is a 13 pair of wing shaped involuntary muscles and mantain blood circulation?

A. A
B. B
C. C
D. Both A nad B
Answer : C
27. In all connective tissues, except which of the following, the cells secretes the fibres of collagen or elastin protein ?
A. Bone
B. Cartilage
C. Areolar connective tissue
D. Fluid connective tissue
Answer : D
28. Read the following statements and answer the question.
  1. It is made of a single thin layer of flattened cells with irregular boundaries.
  2. They are found in the walls of blood vessels and air sacs of lungs.
  3. They are involved in functions like forming a diffusion boundary.

Which of the following characteristics of tissue is being described by the above statements ?

A. Squamous epithelium
B. Columnar epithelium
C. Ciliated epithelium
D. Compound epithelium
Answer : A
29. Epithelial tissue is distinguished from connective tissue, muscular, or nervous tissue by its
A. large extracellular matrix.
B. contractibility.
C. ability to carry action potentials.
D. basement membrane.
Answer : D
30. Which of the following statement(s) regarding cell junctions is/are correct ?
A. Tight junctions help to stop substances from leaking across a tissue.
B. Adhering junctions perform cementing to keep neighbouring cells together.
C. Gap junctions facilitate the cells to communicate with each other by connecting the cytoplasm of adjoining cells, for rapid transfer of ions, small molecules and sometimes big molecules.
D. All of the above
Answer : D
31. Select the correct statement regarding Periplaneta americana
A. There are 16 very long malpighian tubules present at the junctions of midgut and hindgut.
B. Grinding of food is carried out only by the mouth parts.
C. Nervous system is located ventrally and consists of segmentally arranged ganglia joined by a pair of longitudinal connectives.
D. Females bear a pair of short thread like anal styles.
Answer : D
32. Read the following statements.
  1. It is a contractile tissue present only in the heart.
  2. Cell junctions fuse the plasma membranes of these cells and make them stick together.
  3. Communication juntions at some fusion points allow the cells to contract as a unit, i.e., when one cell receives a signal to contract, its neighbours are also stimulated to contract.

Which of the following type of tissue is being described by the above statements ?
A. Skeletal muscle
B. Cardiac muscle
C. Smooth muscle
D. Cartilage
Answer : C
33. Match the types of connective tissue given in column-I with their examples given column-II and choose the correct option.
(Types of connective)(Examples)
A. Loose connectiveI. Tendons and ligaments tissue
B. Dense regularII. Skin tissue
C. Dense irregularIII. Cartilage, bones, blood tissue
D. SpecializedIV. Fibroblasts, macrophages connective tissue and mast cells

Answer : C
34. Cockroaches are brown or black bodied animals that are included in class _______ of phylum _______.
A. reptilia; annelida
B. insecta; arthropoda
C. insecta; annelida
D. reptilia; arthropoda
Answer : B
35. The blood of cockroach contains no respiratory pigment. It means that
A. cockroach does not respire.
B. respiration is anaerobic.
C. oxygen goes directly into tissues by diffusion.
D. oxygen goes directly into tissues by intracellular capillary system.
Answer : D
36. Nervous tissue cells that play several supporting roles but do not transmit impulses are called
A. glial cells
B. dendrites
C. nerve cells
D. neurons
Answer : A
37. Which of the following animals maintain ecological balance?
A. Frog
B. Rabbit
C. Earthworm
D. Cockroach
Answer : A
38. Statement 1 : Cartilage (protein matrix) and bone (calcium matrix) are rigid connective tissue.
Statement 2 : Blood is connective tissue in which plasma is the matrix.

A. Statement- 1 and statement-2 are true and statement-2 is a correct explanation for statement -1
B. Statement -1 and statement-2 are true and statement-2 is not a correct explanation for statement -1
C. Statement - 1 is true and statement- 2 is false
D. Both the statements are false.
Answer : B
39. What will happen if ligaments are cut or broken?
A. No movements at joints.
B. Bones will become fixed.
C. Bones will become unfixed.
D. Bone will move freely at joints.
Answer : C
40. In the given diagram of areolar connective tissue, the different cells and parts have been marked by alphabets (A, B, C & D). Choose the answer in which these alphabets correctly match with the parts and cells they indicate.

A. A-Adipocyte, B-Collagen fibres, C-Microfilament, D-Mast cells
B. A-Macrophage, B-Collagen fibres, C-Microfilament, D-Mast cells
C. A-Macrophage, B-Collagen fibres, C-Microtubule, D-RBC
D. A-Macrophage, B-Fibroblast, C-Collagen fibres, D-Mast cells
Answer : D
41. Which one of the following pairs of structures distinguishes a nerve cell from other types of cell ?
A. Vacuoles and Fibres
B. Flagellum and Medullary sheath
C. Nucleus and Mitochondria
D. Cell body and Dendrites
Answer : D
42. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct about nervous system of cockroach ?
  1. It consists of a series of fused segmentally arranged ganglia joined by paired longitudinal connectives on the ventral side.
  2. There are six ganglia lie in the thorax, and three in the abdomen.
  3. The sense organs are antennae, eyes, maxillary pulps, labial pulps and anal cerci etc.
  4. Each eye consists of about 5000 hexagonal ommatidia.

A. Both (i) and (iii)
B. Only (ii)
C. Both (i) and (iv)
D. All of these
Answer : C
43. Hair present in the skin are
A. epidermal in origin and made of dead cells.
B. epidermal in origin and made of living cells.
C. dermal in origin and made of living cells.
D. dermal in origin and made of dead cells.
Answer : D
44. Match column-I with column-II and choose the correct option.
A. PeriplanetaI. Hepatic caecae americana
B. A ring of 6-8 blindII. Phylum arthropoda tubules
C. Vascular systemIII. Spiracles
D. 10 pairs of smallIV. Malpighian tubules holes
E. ExcretionV. Open type

A. A I; B II; C III; D IV; E V
B. A II; B I; C V; D III; E IV
C. A II; B I; C III; D V; E IV
D. A III; B IV; C II; D V; E I
Answer : B
45. Consider the following statements regarding cockroach and mark the correct option.
  1. Head is formed by the fusion of 6-segments.
  2. Mouth parts are biting and chewing type.
  3. Crop is the part of mid gut.

A. Only (ii) is correct
B. (ii) and (iii) are correct
C. (i) and (ii) are correct
D. Only (iii) is correct
Answer : C
46. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct about muscle tissue ?
A. Each muscle is made of many long, cylindrical fibres arranged in parallel arrays.
B. Muscle fibres contract (shorten) in response to stimulation, then relax (lengthen) and return to their uncontracted state in a coordinated fashion.
C. Muscles play an active role in all movements of the body.
D. All of the above
Answer : D
47. Smooth muscles are______.
A. voluntary, branched, uninucleate
B. voluntary, multinucleate, cylindrical
C./strong> involuntary, cylindrical, multinucleate
D. involuntary, spindle shaped, uninucleated, tapering
Answer : D
48. The following figure shows the extarnal features of cockroach with few structures labelled as A, B, C, D, & E. Identify A to E .

A. A- Mesothorax, B-Pronotum, C-Metathorax, D-Tegmina, E-Anal style
B. A- Pronotum, B-Metathorax, C-Mesothorax, D-Tegmina, E-Sterna
C. A- Pronotum, B-Mesothorax, C-Metathorax, D-Tegmina, E-Anal cerci
D. A- Pronotum, B-Mesothorax, C-Metathorax, D-Tegmina, E-Anal style
Answer : C
49. Mast cells are associated with
A. exocrine glands
B. endocrine glands
C. areolar connective tissue
D. neural tissue
Answer : C
50. The intercellular material of the given figure is solid and resists compression. Identify the figure and the label marked as A & B.

A. Fig - Cartilage, A - Collagen, B - Collagen
B. Fig - Cartilage, A - Microtubule, B - Collagen fibres
C. Fig - Bone, A - Chondrocyte, B - Chondroclast
D. Fig - Bone, A - Chondroclast, B - Osteoblast
Answer : A

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