
SSC Stenographer - Computer Fundamental 1000+ MCQ [Solved] PDF Download

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. Microprocessors as switching devices are for which generation computers
A. First Generation
B. Second Generation
C. Third Generation
D. Fourth Generation
Answer : D
2. Software in computer
A. Enhances the capabilities of the hardware machine
B. Increase the speed of central processing unit
C. Both of above
D. None of above
Answer : A
3. Chief component of first generation computer was
A. Transistors
B. Vacuum Tubes and Valves
C. Integrated Circuits
D. None of above
Answer : B
4. Which of the following was a special purpose computer?
D. All of the above
Answer : A
5. The BIOS is the abbreviation of ________.
A. Basic Input Output System
B. Best Input Output System
C. Basic Input Output Symbol
D. Base Input Output System
Answer : A
6. A hybrid computer
A. Resembles digital computer
B. Resembles analogue computer
C. Resembles both a digital and analogue computer
D. None of the above
Answer : C
7. A floppy disk contains
A. Circular tracks only
B. Sectors only
C. Both circular tracks and sectors
D. None of the above
Answer : C
8. A kind of serial dot-matrix printer that forms characters with magnetically-charged ink sprayed dots is called
A. Laser printer
B. Ink-jet printer
C. Drum printer
D. Chan printer
Answer : B
9. The computer abbreviation KB usually means
A. Key Block
B. Kernel Boot
C. Kilo Byte
D. Kit Bit
Answer : C
10. Which of the following storage devices can store maximum amount of data?
A. Floppy Disk
B. Hard Disk
C. Compact Disk
D. Magneto Optic Disk
Answer : B
11. A modern electronic computer is a machine that is meant for
A. Doing quick mathematical calculations
B. Input storage, manipulation of outputting of data
C. Electronic data processing
D. Performing repetitive tasks accurately
Answer : B
12. RAM can be treated as the ________ for the computer's processor
A. factory
B. operating room
C. waiting room
D. planning room
Answer : C
13. High density double sided floppy disks could store _____ of data
A. 1.40 GB
B. 1.44 MB
C. 1.40 MB
D. 1.44 GB
Answer : B
14. In which language is source program written?
A. English
B. Symbolic
C. High level
D. Temporary
Answer : C
15. Which of the following is true?
A. Fields are composed of bytes
B. Records are composed of fields
C. Fields are composed of characters
D. All of above
Answer : D
16. Which of the following items are examples of storage devices?
A. Floppy / hard disks
C. Tape devices
D. All of the above
Answer : D
17. Model 5100 was_____ in 1957.
A. The first PC built by IBM
B. The first PC built by Apple
C. The first PC built by Motorola
D. The first PC built by Intel
Answer : A
18. The arranging of data in a logical sequence is called
A. Sorting
B. Classifying
C. Reproducing
D. Summarizing
Answer : A
19. The computer code for the interchange of information between terminals is
D. All of above
Answer : A
20. Floppy disks typically in diameter
A. 3?
B. 5.25?
C. 8?
D. All of above
Answer : D
21. What is the latest write-once optical storage media?
A. Digital paper
B. Magneto-optical disk
C. WORM disk
D. CD-ROM disk
Answer : D
22. Computers process data into information by working exclusively with :
A. multimedia
B. word
C. numbers
D. characters
Answer : C
23. Which of the following IC was used in third generation of computers?
D. Both a and b
Answer : D
24. The output quality of a printer is measured by
A. Dots per inch
B. Dot per sq. inch
C. Dots printed per unit time
D. All of above
Answer : A
25. The first web browser is
A. Mosaic
B. Netscape
C. Internet explorer
D. Collabra
Answer : A
26. Which of the following is the largest manufacturer of Hard Disk Drives?
B. Seagate
C. Microsoft
D. 3M
Answer : B
27. Which of the following is a class of computers based on model?
A. Digital Computer
B. Hybrid Computers
C. Analog Computers
D. AT Computers
Answer : D
28. MAN stands for
A. Maximum Area Network
B. Minimum Area Network
C. Main Area Network
D. Metropolitan Area Network
Answer : D
29. Dot-matrix is a type of
A. Tape
B. Printer
C. Disk
D. Bus
Answer : B
30. Instructions and memory address are represented by
A. Character code
B. Binary codes
C. Binary word
D. Parity bit
Answer : B
31. Which of the following is first generation of computer
B. IBM-1401
C. CDC-1604
D. ICL-2900
Answer : A
32. Which of the following is called low level languages?
A. Machine language
B. Assembly language
C. Both of the above
D. None of above
Answer : C
33. One computer that is not considered a portable is
A. Minicomputer
B. Laptop computer
C. Notebook computer
D. All of above
Answer : A
34. The digital computer was developed primarily in
B. Japan
Answer : C
35. Unwanted repetitious messages, such as unsolicited bulk e-mail is known as
A. Spam
B. Trash
C. Calibri
D. Courier
Answer : A
36. Primary memory stores
A. Data alone
B. Programs alone
C. Results alone
D. All of these
Answer : D
37. Which was the world's first minicomputer and when was it introduced?
A. PDP-I, 1958
B. IBM System/36, 1960
C. PDP-II, 1961
D. VAX 11/780, 1962
Answer : A
38. ENIAC uses
A. Decimal Numbering System
B. Octal Numbering System
C. Binary Numbering System
D. Hexadecial Numbering System
Answer : A
39. Abacus was the first
A. electronic computer
B. mechanical computer
C. electronic calculator
D. mechanical calculator
Answer : D
40. A fault in a computer program which prevents it from working correctly is known as
A. Boot
B. Bug
C. Biff
D. Strap
Answer : B
41. IBM 1401 is
A. First Generation Computer
B. Second Generation Computer
C. Third Generation Computer
D. Fourth Generation Computer
Answer : B
42. UNIVAC is
A. Universal Automatic Computer
B. Universal Array Computer
C. Unique Automatic Computer
D. Unvalued Automatic Computer
Answer : A
43. Integrated Circuits (ICs) are related to which generation of computers?
A. First generation
B. Second generation
C. Third generation
D. Fourth generation
Answer : C
44. Who invented Analytical engine?
A. Blaise Pascal
B. George Bool
C. Charles Babbage
D. Dr. Herman Hollerith
Answer : C
45. By programmable machine we mean
A. computers
B. modern television
C. washing machines
D. anything that can be set to perform different tasks with suitable programs
Answer : A
46. Which of the following is NOT one of the four major data processing functions of a computer?
A. gathering data
B. processing data into information
C. analysing the data or information
D. storing the data or information
Answer : C
47. A digital computer did not score over an analog computer in terms of
A. Speed
B. Accuracy
C. Reliability
D. Cost
Answer : B
48. Daisy wheel printer is a type of
A. Matrix printer
B. Impact printer
C. Laser printer
D. Manual printer
Answer : B
49. What is a compiler?
A. A compiler does a conversion line by line as the program is run
B. A compiler converts the whole of a higher level program code into machine code in one step
C. A compiler is a general purpose language providing very efficient execution
D. None of the above
Answer : B
50. The 2's compliment of a binary no. is obtained by adding________to its 1's compliment.
A. 0
B. 1
C. 10
D. 12
Answer : B

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