
Urologic infections and inflammations 1000+ MCQ with answer for SBI Clerk

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. What is false regarding viral cystitis?
A. in pediatrics, adenovirus types 11 and 21 could result in hemorrhagic cystitis
B. immunosuppressed children are especially susceptible to Cytomegalovirus and Adenoviruses 7, 21, and 35
C. in pediatrics, acute viral cystitis might present as acute retention of urine
D. classically, treatment should be culture-specific
Answer : D
2. What is the bladder`s first-line defense against infections?
A. natural sloughing of bladder mucosa
B. voiding
C. urine osmolarity
D. urine pH
Answer : B
3. What condition(s) could occur in schistosomal ureter?
A. beading of the lower ureteral segment
B. ureteral fibrosis and calcifications of the distal ureter
C. stricture at the uretero-vesical junction
D. all of the above
Answer : D
4. During the initial 3-month period of HIV infection, what would be the best diagnostic lab test?
A. viral load assay
B. western blot analysis
C. southern blot analysis
D. HIV-1/HIV-2 serology assay
Answer : A
5. What is true regarding balanoposthitis?
A. is best diagnosed by ascending urethrography
B. occurs mostly in diabetic and immunosuppressed patients
C. could be due to maceration injury, irritant dermatitis, or Candida
D. commonly presents with deep inguinal lymphadenopathy
Answer : C
6. Which of the following does NOT cause unresolved bacteriuria?
A. giant staghorn stone
B. perivesical abscess with fistula to the bladder
C. bacterial resistance
D. self-inflicted infection
Answer : B
7. What is false concerning Brucellosis epididymitis?
A. commonly presents with scrotal pain, swelling, fever, and leucocytosis
B. epididymo-orchitis is the most frequent genitourinary complication of brucellosis
C. epididymo-orchitis occurs in 10-15% of male patients with brucellosis
D. treatment includes doxycycline and rifampicin for 6-8 weeks
Answer : A
8. What is the earliest clinical finding of urosepsis?
A. elevated body temperature
B. dropped blood pressure
C. elevated heart rate
D. reduced urine output
Answer : C
9. What condition does NOT present as an acute loin pain with fever and marked flank tenderness?
A. ascending UTI causing acute lobar nephronia
B. acute pyelonephritis in a transplanted kidney
C. infected renal subcapsular hematoma
D. perinephric abscess causing septicemia
Answer : B
10. What is false concerning acute glomerulonephritis?
A. manifested as a sudden onset of hematuria, proteinuria, oliguria, edema, hypertension, and RBC casts in the urine
B. post-streptococcus GN has an incubation period of 1-3 weeks with specific strains of group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus
C. the triad of sinusitis, pulmonary infiltrates, and nephritis, suggests Wegener granulomatosis
D. C3, C4, ESR and antistreptolysin O titer are increased
Answer : D
11. What is false concerning foreign body cystitis?
A. most commonly due to indwelling catheters
B. the areas of inflammation are usually confined to the lateral walls or the dome of the bladder
C. radiographic changes are nonspecific or present as bullous edema
D. indwelling catheters are associated with squamous cell carcinoma of the bladder
Answer : B
12. What is the most virulent factor for bacterial adherence?
A. P blood group
B. fimbria
C. pili
D. hemolysin
Answer : C
13. What could NOT cause recurrent UTI in a 25 yrs. woman?
A. bladder neck suspension surgery
B. chronic constipation
C. poor genital hygiene
D. contraceptive diaphragm
Answer : A
14. What is false concerning epididymitis?
A. should be distinguished from testicular torsion in the emergency setting
B. viral epididymitis is commoner in the elderly
C. chronic epididymitis might complicate BPH
D. chronic epididymitis might require epididymectomy
Answer : B
15. Patients with bladder pain syndrome have:
A. a history of repeated urologic and/or gynecologic procedures
B. 10 fold higher incidence of childhood voiding problems
C. 4 fold higher incidence of anxiety-depression syndrome
D. 6 fold higher incidence of psychosomatic disorders
Answer : B
16. Which of the following is NOT a treatment option for BPS/IC?
A. substitution cystoplasty and continent diversion
B. fulguration of a Hunner`s ulcer or hydrodistention
C. intravesical installation of silver nitrate or dimethyl sulfoxide
D. low dose external beam irradiation
Answer : D
17. What are the most commonly affected organs by genitourinary schistosomiasis?
A. kidneys and adrenals
B. bladder and ureters
C. prostate and vasa
D. testes and epididymi
Answer : B
18. What is false concerning renal hydatid cysts?
A. might rupture into the collecting system causing (hydatiduria)and renal colic
B. are formed by the eggs of the tapeworm Echinococcus granulosus
C. most cysts are asymptomatic but might manifest as flank mass, dull pain, or hematuria
D. the most rliable diagnostic test uses partially purified hydatid arc 5 antigens in a double-diffusion test
Answer : B
19. A 60 yrs. man underwent TURP for, only, obstructive LUTS. Histology of prostate chips reveals prostatitis. What NIH type of prostatitis would it be?
A. type I
B. type II
C. type III
D. type IV
Answer : D
20. What is the preferred antimicrobial prophylaxis for transrectal prostate biopsy?
A. aminoglycoside
B. fluoroquinolone
C. 2nd generation cephalosporin
D. doxycycline
Answer : B
21. What is the most significant complication of papillary necrosis?
A. ureteral obstruction
B. proteinuria
C. stone formation
D. renal scarring
Answer : A
22. Under which surgical wound classification, does diagnostic cystoscopy under sterile technique fit?
A. dirty - infected
B. contaminated
C. clean - contaminated
D. clean
Answer : C
23. What is true concerning ovarian vein syndrome?
A. manifests as recurrent renal colics due to ureteral obstruction
B. treatment is surgical mobilization of ureter and ligation of the vein
C. commonly, occurs at the left side
D. the pain worsens on sitting upright and during pregnancy
Answer : B
24. What is essential on diagnosing bladder pain syndrome BPS/IC?
A. sterile pyuria on 3 consecutive cultures
B. the presence of glomerulations and/or Hunner`s ulcer on endoscopy
C. pain and discomfort related to the bladder
D. urgency and frequency with no documented infection
Answer : C
25. What are the diagnostic findings on cystometrogram for BPS/IC?
A. discomfort on placing urethral catheter and pain on bladder filling
B. difficulty in zeroing the pressure and diminished response to first cough
C. low filling pressure but high voiding pressure
D. uninhibited bladder contractions with a relative bladder hypotonia
Answer : A
26. What is false concerning antiretroviral medications?
A. multiple antiretroviral drugs can be combined into a single pill
B. might cause radiolucent renal stones
C. can lead to a significant rise in the serum level of PDE5 inhibitors, if taken simultaneously
D. have the advantage of structured treatment interruptions (drug holidays)
Answer : D
27. What are the target immune cells for HIV?
A. phagocytes
B. CD4 T cells
C. B lymphocytes
D. natural killer cells
Answer : B
28. No need for radiologic studies for recurrent UTI in:
A. children
B. the elderly
C. men
D. women
Answer : D
29. What is false regarding schistosomal cystitis?
A. an esinophilic immune reaction is generated in response to the eggs
B. chronic schistosomiasis can eventually result in small bladder and the development of cancers
C. schistosoma mansoni often causes urinary tract infections
D. could cause inflammatory polys and recurrent hematuria
Answer : C
30. What are the most commonly affected organs by genitourinary tuberculosis?
A. kidneys, prostate and epididymi
B. bladder, ureters and renal pelvis
C. vasa, scrotum and adrenals
D. testes, bladder neck and seminal vesicles
Answer : A
31. What is false concerning the cystoscopic findings of interstitial cystitis?
A. Hunner`s ulcers are multiple ulcerative patches surrounded by mucosal congestion on the dome or lateral walls
B. ulcers might get distorted after overdistention, because discrete areas of mucosal scarring rupture during the procedure
C. in non-ulcerative type, overdistention demonstrates glomerulations on the dome and lateral walls
D. overdistention results in mucosal tears and submucosal hemorrhage
Answer : B
32. What is true concerning BPS/IC?
A. the onset of symptoms is insidious
B. the lesion has no proven relation to bladder cancer
C. if left untreated, the bladder will turn small, contracted, with submucosal calcifications
D. a single positive urine culture refutes the diagnosis
Answer : B
33. What is false concerning UTI in long-term care facilities?
A. in catheterized individuals, entry of bacteria into the bladder is facilitated by the bacterial glycocalyx biofilm
B. infection cannot be reliably distinguished from bacteriuria by lab tests
C. co-trimoxazole is the preferred antibiotic for empiric therapy
D. symptomatic UTI may be a diagnosis of exclusion
Answer : C
34. Which of the following has NO role in bacterial colonization in the prostate?
A. intra-prostatic ductal reflux
B. paraphimosis
C. specific blood groups
D. unprotected anal intercourse
Answer : B
35. Which of the following is NOT a first-choice antimicrobial agent for uncomplicated acute cystitis in women?
A. nitrofurantoin monohydrate/macrocrystals
B. trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole
C. ampicillin
D. fosfomycin
Answer : C
36. When comparing nosocomial to community-acquired UTI, the latter is:
A. 45% are caused by E. coli
B. related to an indwelling urinary catheter in approximately 40% of cases
C. responds fairly to oral antibiotics
D. tends to report higher antibiotic resistance
Answer : C
37. What is the commonest intra-scrotal pathology i AIDS patients?
A. beaded vas deferens
B. testicular micrilithiasis
C. testicular atrophy
D. epididymal granuloma
Answer : C
38. What is false in the treatment and prevention of STDs?
A. antibiotic therapy is recommended for affected individuals with documented trichomonal infection and sexual partners even if asymptomatic
B. empirical treatment for gonococcal urethritis should cover chlamydia trachomatis
C. consistent and proper usage of condoms is estimated to prevent HIV transmission by approximately 80 to 95%
D. vaccinations are available for the prevention of human papillomavirus, N. gonorrhea, chlamydia trachomatis
Answer : D
39. Which of the following conditions is NOT associated with interstitial cystitis?
A. inflammatory bowel disease
B. rheumatoid arthritis
C. systemic lupus erythematosus
D. fibromyalgia
Answer : B
40. What is false about urinary catheters?
A. condom catheters carry less risk of UTI if compared to urethral
B. suprapubic catheters carry less risk of UTI if compared to urethral
C. latex catheters carry less risk of UTI if compared to silicon
D. intermittent catheterization carry less risk of UTI if compared to indwelling catheters
Answer : C
41. Asymptomatic bacteriuria should be treated in the following situations:
A. in the elderly
B. in long-term catheterized patient
C. in pregnancy
D. none of the above
Answer : C
42. What is false concerning sepsis syndrome?
A. poor tissue perfusion manifests as hyperlactemia and decreased capillary refill
B. acute oliguria indicates an organ dysfunction and circulatory collapse
C. septic shock is an extreme form of sepsis when hypotension persists despite adequate fluid resuscitation
D. hypotension is a sign of hyperdynamic circulation at an early septic shock
Answer : D
43. Directed physiotherapy could be of value in treating what NIH type of prostatitis?
A. type II
B. type III-a
C. type III-b
D. type IV
Answer : C
44. What could cause scrotal sinus?
A. improperly drained hair follicle scrotal abscess
B. syphilitic orchitis
C. tuberculous epididymitis
D. all of the above
Answer : D
45. What is false concerning the presentation of prostatitis syndrome?
A. type I could harbor prostate abscess
B. type II presents as intermittent urinary tract infections
C. type III-a presentation might include psychological complaints
D. between 10-15% of men with type IV, have pus cells in their semen but no symptoms
Answer : C
46. What is false regarding malakoplakia?
A. is an uncommon granulomatous disease that affect the skin and/or urinary bladder
B. it might be due to a disturbed function of B lymphocytes
C. characterized by the presence of basophilic inclusion structure (Michaelis-Gutmann body)
D. it might be due to a defective phagolysosomal activity of monocytes or macrophages
Answer : B
47. What is the most important pharmacokinetic property of a drug to cure UTI?
A. mode of administration
B. level in the serum
C. level in the urine
D. dosage
Answer : C
48. What group of patients should be treated for UTI only when symptomatic?
A. patients with indwelling catheters
B. neurogenic bladder patients on CIC
C. pregnant women
D. children under 5 years
Answer : A
49. What is the likelihood of contracting gonorrheal disease following a single intercourse with an infected woman?
A. 1.7%
B. 7%
C. 17%
D. 71%
Answer : C
50. What is false concerning urinary catheter-associated UTI (CAUTI)?
A. once a catheter is placed, the daily incidence of bacteriuria is 3-10%
B. on long-term catheterization, over 90% of patients develop bacteriuria
C. the practice of using urinary catheters to control incontinence in bedridden patients should be discouraged
D. urine bags should be placed on the floor to enhance gravity drainage
Answer : D

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