Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


A number of forces acting simultaneously on a particle of a body

A. May not be replaced by a single force

B. May be replaced by a single force

C. May be replaced by a single force through C.G. of the body

D. May be replaced by a couple

Correct Answer :

B. May be replaced by a single force

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


The C.G. of the shaded area of the below figure whose curve OM is a parabola from y-axis, is

A. a/4

B. 3a/4

C. 3b/10

D. 3a/10

What is the correct answer?


Principle of Transmissibility of Forces states that, when a force acts upon a body, its effect is

A. Maximum if it acts at the centre of gravity of the body

B. Different at different points on its line of

C. Same at every point on its line of action

D. Minimum if it acts at the C.G. of the body

What is the correct answer?


Ball A of mass 250 g moving on a smooth horizontal table with a velocity of 10 m/s hits an identical stationary ball B on the table. If the impact is perfectly elastic, the velocity of the ball B just after impact would be

A. Zero

B. 5 m/sec

C. 10 m/sec

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


Two circular discs of same weight and thickness are made from metals having different densities. Which disc will have the larger rotational inertia about its central axis?

A. Disc with larger density

B. Disc with smaller density

C. Both discs will have same rotational inertia

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


The vertical reaction at the support A of the structure shown in below figure, is

A. 1 t

B. 2 t

C. 3 t

D. 3.5 t

What is the correct answer?


The centre of gravity of the trapezium as shown in below figure from the side is at a distance of

A. (h/3) × [(b + 2a)/(b + a)]

B. (h/3) × [(2b + a)/(b + a)]

C. (h/2) × [(b + 2a)/(b + a)]

D. (h/2) × [(2b + a)/(b + a)]

What is the correct answer?


One end of a light string 4 m in length is fixed to a point on a smooth wall and the other end fastened to a point on the surface of a smooth sphere of diameter 2.25 m and of weight 100 kg. The tension in the string is

A. 17.5 kg

B. 19.5 kg

C. 22.5 kg

D. 25 kg

What is the correct answer?


A simple pendulum of length l has an energy E, when its amplitude is A. If the length of pendulum is doubled, the energy will be

A. E

B. E/2

C. 2E

D. 4E

What is the correct answer?


A uniform rod 9 m long weighing 40 kg is pivoted at a point 2 m from one end where a weight of 120 kg is suspended. The required force acting at the end in a direction perpendicular to rod to keep it equilibrium, at an inclination 60° with horizontal, is

A. 40 kg

B. 60 kg

C. 10 kg

D. 100 kg

What is the correct answer?


The unit of Moment of Inertia of a body, is

A. m

B. m2

C. m3

D. m4

What is the correct answer?


Time required to stop a car moving with a velocity 20 m/sec within a distance of 40 m, is

A. 2 sec

B. 3 sec

C. 4 sec

D. 5 sec

What is the correct answer?


If the kinetic energy and potential energy of a simple harmonic oscillator of amplitude A are both equal to half the total energy, then the displacement is equal to

A. A

B. A/2

C. A/√2

D. A√2

What is the correct answer?


If the direction of projection bisects the angle between the vertical and the inclined plane, then the range of projectile on the inclined plane is

A. Zero

B. Maximum

C. Minimum

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


The maximum displacement of a particle executing S.H.M. corresponds to

A. Zero potential energy and maximum kinetic energy

B. Zero kinetic energy and maximum potential energy

C. Maximum kinetic energy and maximum potential energy

D. Minimum kinetic energy and minimum potential energy

What is the correct answer?


A bullet weighing 10 gm moves with a velocity of l km/sec. Its kinetic energy is (i) 5000 Nm (ii) 5000 kg.m (iii) 5000 J The correct answer is

A. Only (ii)

B. Both (i) and (iii)

C. Both (ii) and (iii)

D. All (i), (ii) and (iii)

What is the correct answer?


A stone of mass 1 kg is tied to a string of length 1 m and whirled in a horizontal circle at a constant angular speed 5 rad/sec. The tension in the string is,

A. 5 N

B. 10 N

C. 15 N

D. 25 N

What is the correct answer?


The height at which the end of a rope of length l should be tied so that a man pulling at the other end may have the greatest tendency to overturn the pillar, is

A. ¾ l

B. ½ l

C. l/√2

D. 2/√3 l

What is the correct answer?


A car goes round a curve of radius 100 m at 25 m/sec. The angle to the horizontal at which the road must be banked to prevent sideways friction on the car wheels is tan1 x, where x is (Assume g = 10 m/sec²)

A. 3/8

B. 1/2

C. 9/5

D. 5/8

What is the correct answer?


A vehicle weighing w kg is to run on a circular curve of radius r. If the height of its centre of gravity above the road level is h and the distance between the centres of wheels is 2a, the maximum velocity, in order to avoid over turning, will be

A. gra/h

B. √(gra/h)

C. 3√(gra/h)

D. 4√(gra/h)

What is the correct answer?


ω rad/sec is the angular velocity of a crank whose radius is r. If it makes θ° with inner dead centre and obliquity of the connecting rod l is , the velocity v of the piston, is given by the equation

A. ω2 (l cos + r sin tan θ)

B. ω2 (l sin + r cos φ tan θ)

C. ω (l sin + r cos tan θ)

D. ω2 (l sin - r cos θ tan )

What is the correct answer?


A particle of mass 2 kg executes simple harmonic motion of frequency 6/71 Hz and amplitude 0.25 m. Its maximum kinetic energy is

A. 4.5 J

B. 9.0 J

C. 12.0 J

D. 18.0 J

What is the correct answer?


Minimum pull in a suspended cable with supports at two ends is equal to

A. Horizontal thrust

B. Support reactions

C. Resultant of horizontal thrust and support reaction

D. Half the weight of the cable

What is the correct answer?


A ladder of weight 'w' rests against a smooth vertical wall, and rests on rough horizontal ground, the coefficient of friction between the ladder and the ground being 1/4. The maximum angle of inclination of the ladder to the vertical, if a man of weight 'w' is to walk to the top of it safely, is tan'1 x, where x is

A. 1/4

B. 1/3

C. 3

D. 4

What is the correct answer?


A simple pendulum of length 1 has an energy E when its amplitude is A. If its amplitude is increased to 2 A, the energy becomes

A. E

B. E/2

C. 2E

D. 4E

What is the correct answer?


A particle moves with a velocity of 2 m/sec in a straight line with a negative acceleration of 0.1 m/sec2. Time required to traverse a distance of 1.5 m, is

A. 40 sec

B. 30 sec

C. 20 sec

D. 15 sec

What is the correct answer?


If two forces P and Q (P > Q) act on the same straight line but in opposite direction, their resultant, is

A. P + Q

B. P/Q

C. Q/P

D. P - Q

What is the correct answer?


The motion of a particle is described by the relation x = t2- 10t + 30, where x is in metres and t in seconds. The total distance travelled by the particle from t = 0 to t = 10 seconds would be

A. Zero

B. 30 m

C. 50 m

D. 60 m

What is the correct answer?


A particle is dropped from a height of 3 m on a horizontal floor, which has a coefficient of restitution with the ball of 1/2. The height to which the ball will rebound after striking the floor is

A. 0.5 m

B. 0.75 m

C. 1.0 m

D. 1.5 m

What is the correct answer?


The potential energy of a particle falling through a straight shaft drilled through the earth (assumed homogenous and spherical) is proportional to

A. log r

B. r


D. 1/r Where r is the distance of the particle from centre of the earth

What is the correct answer?


The reaction RB of the roller support B of the beam shown in below figure is

A. 10.8 t

B. 10.6 t

C. 10.4 t

D. 10.2 t