Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


At the end of a reaction enzymes are

A. left as they are

B. reduced

C. increased

D. neutralised

Correct Answer :

A. left as they are

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What is the correct answer?


Which among the following is not a degenerative disease?

A. Diabetes

B. Stroke

C. Myocardial infraction

D. Rabies

What is the correct answer?


Hormones are carried from their place of production by

A. ducts

B. blood

C. lymph

D. muscus

What is the correct answer?


The term 'Fauna' means

A. plant kingdom

B. animal kingdom

C. neither

D. Both

What is the correct answer?


Fledgling is a term often used to denote the young one of a

A. bird

B. fox

C. dog

D. man

What is the correct answer?


The juice from the leaves of ________ is used for the treatment of diarrhoea, cholera and dysentery.

A. Caeselpinea

B. Bryophyllum

C. Centella

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Leaves Call off branches In the winter because of

A. fall in atmospheric pressure

B. completion of the duration of life of the plant

C. formation of separation (absciss layer) just outside the cork

D. shortening of day time

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Hypogeal germination is found in

A. castor

B. onion

C. bean

D. bengal gram

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Fishes send out their nitrogenous waste as

A. ammonia

B. urea

C. uric acid

D. sweat

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The hormone which is Popularly called as stress hormone is

A. Epinephrine

B. Cortisone

C. Thyroxine

D. Insulin

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Who considered evolution as due to mutation?

A. Charles Darwin

B. Lamarck

C. Hugo de Vries

D. Cuvier

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Lecuminous plants are recommended for rotation of crops because they

A. kill harmful insects

B. require little amount of water

C. help in Nitrogen fixation

D. are cash crops

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An organism eating its own species is called

A. carnivore

B. detritivore

C. cannibal

D. herbivore

What is the correct answer?


The natural defence of our body against foreign germs is formed by

A. red corpuscles

B. white corpuscles

C. platelets

D. lymph

What is the correct answer?


The theory of 'jumping genes' was propounded by

A. Gregor John Mendel

B. Thomas Hunt Morgan

C. Barbara McClintock

D. Watson and Crick

What is the correct answer?


Turner's syndrome is a disease caused by

A. bacteria

B. virus

C. fungus

D. chromosomal imbalance

What is the correct answer?


Phototropism means that plants react to the direction of

A. sound

B. wind

C. light

D. gravity

What is the correct answer?


Which of these is most consistently observed in Vitamin B12 deficiency?

A. Pigmentation of skin

B. Red, sore tongue with capillary atrophy

C. Megaloblastic anemia

D. Absence of tendon reflexes

What is the correct answer?


The following disease is prevented by triple-antigen immunization

A. Diphtheria

B. Tuberculosis

C. Smallpox

D. Mumps

What is the correct answer?


The spider spins its web from a liquid secreting from its

A. posterior silk gland

B. posterior abdomen glands

C. mouth

D. salivary glands

What is the correct answer?


Haemophilia is a hereditary disease carried by

A. females and expressed by females

B. females and expressed by males

C. males and expressed by females

D. males and expressed by males

What is the correct answer?


The counting of RBC's can be performed by

A. Haemocytometer

B. Haemoglobinometer

C. Clinostat

D. Thermometer

What is the correct answer?


The smallest size of a cell which can be seen directly by the eye is

A. One micron

B. 10 micron

C. 100 micron

D. 1000 micron

What is the correct answer?


The rate of growth of plants can be measured by a/an

A. manometer

B. auxanometer

C. photometer

D. thermometer

What is the correct answer?


Who was the first scientist/doctor who attempted vaccination?

A. Joseph Lister

B. Robert Koch

C. Elie Metchnikoff

D. Edward Jenner

What is the correct answer?


The normal temperature of human body on the Kelvin scale is

A. 280

B. 290

C. 300

D. 310

What is the correct answer?


Geotropism is reaction of plants to the stimulus of

A. earth

B. light

C. sound

D. gravity

What is the correct answer?


Cutting and layering are the methods of plant propagation usually referred to as

A. asexual reproduction

B. sexual reproduction

C. vegetative reproduction

D. gardening

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The human heart is

A. Neurogenic heart

B. Myogenic heart

C. Pulsating heart

D. Ampullary heart

What is the correct answer?


A biopsy is performed on a patient generally to detect which one of the following?

A. Cancer

B. Tuberculosis

C. Appendicitis

D. Renal failure

What is the correct answer?


Insect pollination is known as

A. Hydrophily

B. Ornithophily

C. Anemophily

D. Entomophily