Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Guernica is a powerful anti-war painting created by:

A. Pablo Picasso

B. Salvador Dal�

C. Henri Matisse

D. Joan Mir�

Correct Answer :

A. Pablo Picasso

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What is the correct answer?


The art movement that focused on the subconscious and automatic drawing is:

A. Realism

B. Surrealism

C. Cubism

D. Impressionism

What is the correct answer?


The Girl with a Pearl Earring is a famous painting by:

A. Johannes Vermeer

B. Rembrandt

C. Leonardo da Vinci

D. Vincent van Gogh

What is the correct answer?


Who is known for his series of paintings of water lilies?

A. Vincent van Gogh

B. Claude Monet

C. Pierre-Auguste Renoir

D. Paul C�zanne

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The art movement characterized by bold, colorful geometric shapes is:

A. Cubism

B. Fauvism

C. Abstract Expressionism

D. Suprematism

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The artist known for his use of geometric shapes and primary colors is:

A. Piet Mondrian

B. Wassily Kandinsky

C. Kazimir Malevich

D. Fernand L�ger

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The Last Supper is a famous fresco painting by:

A. Raphael

B. Leonardo da Vinci

C. Michelangelo

D. Caravaggio

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Which art movement was characterized by fractured, abstract forms?

A. Cubism

B. Surrealism

C. Impressionism

D. Realism

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Who is known for his use of color and the creation of the Fauvism movement?

A. Vincent van Gogh

B. Georges Braque

C. Henri Matisse

D. Juan Gris

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The Guernica painting by Picasso was created in response to which historical event?

A. World War I

B. The Spanish Civil War

C. The French Revolution

D. The Renaissance

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Who is known for his series of paintings depicting haystacks and water lilies?

A. Vincent van Gogh

B. Claude Monet

C. Pierre-Auguste Renoir

D. Paul C�zanne

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Which artistic movement rejected traditional techniques and embraced spontaneity and emotion?

A. Abstract Expressionism

B. Cubism

C. Impressionism

D. Pop Art

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Which artistic movement is characterized by distorted and exaggerated depictions of figures, often with vibrant colors?

A. Impressionism

B. Cubism

C. Surrealism

D. Expressionism

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The Gates of Paradise is a set of bronze doors created by which artist?

A. Donatello

B. Michelangelo

C. Ghiberti

D. Botticelli

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Which ancient civilization is known for the construction of the Parthenon?

A. Roman

B. Egyptian

C. Greek

D. Mesopotamian

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The painting Starry Night is associated with which artist?

A. Pablo Picasso

B. Vincent van Gogh

C. Salvador Dal�

D. Claude Monet

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The Forbidden City is a masterpiece of architecture from which culture?

A. Roman

B. Greek

C. Chinese

D. Indian

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Whistler's Mother is a famous painting by:

A. James Abbott McNeill Whistler

B. John Singer Sargent

C. �douard Manet

D. Gustave Courbet

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Who is known for his use of geometric abstraction and the creation of the Bauhaus school?

A. Piet Mondrian

B. Wassily Kandinsky

C. Kazimir Malevich

D. Walter Gropius

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The Sistine Chapel ceiling was painted during the Renaissance period. Who commissioned it?

A. Pope Julius II

B. Pope Benedict XVI

C. Pope Francis

D. Pope Pius IX

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Who is known for his Haystacks series of paintings?

A. Vincent van Gogh

B. Claude Monet

C. Pierre-Auguste Renoir

D. Paul C�zanne

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The Birth of Venus is associated with which art movement?

A. Realism

B. Romanticism

C. Impressionism

D. Neoclassicism

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The art movement that sought to break away from traditional forms and explore pure abstraction is:

A. Abstract Expressionism

B. Cubism

C. Surrealism

D. Pop Art

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Who is known for his paintings of Marilyn Monroe and Campbell's Soup Cans?

A. Salvador Dal�

B. Jackson Pollock

C. Andy Warhol

D. Roy Lichtenstein

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The Arnolfini Portrait is a famous painting by:

A. Johannes Vermeer

B. Jan van Eyck

C. Rembrandt

D. Pieter Bruegel the Elder

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The artist famous for his Sunflowers series is:

A. Vincent van Gogh

B. Pablo Picasso

C. Jackson Pollock

D. Andy Warhol

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A. Auguste Rodin

B. Leonardo da Vinci

C. Pablo Picasso

D. Vincent van Gogh

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Which art movement focused on everyday life and ordinary subjects?

A. Realism

B. Romanticism

C. Impressionism

D. Cubism

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The art movement that embraced randomness and chance in artistic creation is:

A. Realism

B. Surrealism

C. Abstract Expressionism

D. Dadaism

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The statue of David, created by Michelangelo, is made of:

A. Marble

B. Bronze

C. Wood

D. Plaster

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The Winged Victory of Samothrace is a famous sculpture from which civilization?

A. Greek

B. Roman

C. Egyptian

D. Mesopotamian