Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Gypsum is a

A. Mechanically formed sedimentary rock

B. Igneous rock

C. Chemically precipitated sedimentary rock

D. Metamorphic rock

Correct Answer :

C. Chemically precipitated sedimentary rock

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Cement paints usually

A. Contain hydrated lime

B. Contain 5% to 10% colour pigments

C. Contain 5% sodium chloride

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


Turpentine oil is used in paints as

A. Thinner

B. Vehicle

C. Base

D. Drier

What is the correct answer?


Expanded metal is

A. Manufactured from steel sheets

B. Used for reinforced concrete in road pavements

C. Measured in term of SWM (short way mesh) and LWM (long way mesh)

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


Cast steel is manufactured by

A. Cementation process

B. Crucible process

C. Bessemer process

D. Open hearth process

What is the correct answer?


The stretcher bond in brick masonry can be used only when the thickness of wall is

A. 90 mm

B. 180 mm

C. 190 mm

D. 280 mm

What is the correct answer?


A prime coat is given to steel work with

A. An oxide of iron paint

B. A mixture of white lead and lead paint

C. A special paint

D. Cement paint

What is the correct answer?


For sanitary pipes and chemical stonewares,

A. Salt glazing is used

B. Lead glazing is used

C. Opaque glazing is used

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


Teak wood is suitable for

A. Sports articles

B. Furnitures

C. Railway sleepers

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


The cracks caused by shrinkage of the exterior surface of the wood exposed to atmosphere, are called:

A. Radial shakes

B. Heart shakes

C. Wind cracks

D. Twisted fibres

What is the correct answer?


Initial setting time of cement for asbestos cement products should be not less than

A. 30 minutes

B. 50 minutes

C. 75 minutes

D. 90 minutes

What is the correct answer?


The normal curing period for lime mortar, is:

A. 1 day

B. 3 days

C. 7 days

D. 10 days

What is the correct answer?


For high grade instruments the steel preferred to, is

A. Cast steel

B. Bessemer steel

C. Mild steel

D. Whitworth compressed steel

What is the correct answer?


The nominal size of the modular brick is

A. 190 mm × 90 mm × 80 mm

B. 190 mm × 190 mm × 90 mm

C. 200 mm × 100 mm × 100 mm

D. 200 mm × 200 mm × 100 mm

What is the correct answer?


For light and ornamental casting, the most unsuitable pig iron, is

A. Bessemer pig

B. Grey or foundry pig

C. White or forge pig

D. Mottled pig

What is the correct answer?


Seasoning of timber is essential to remove

A. Knots from timber

B. Sap from timber

C. Twisted fibre from timber

D. Roughness of timber

What is the correct answer?


Pegmatite is a/an

A. Intrusive igneous rock

B. Extrusive igneous rock

C. Sedimentary rock

D. Metamorphic rock

What is the correct answer?


Most commonly used solvent in oil paints, is

A. Petroleum

B. Spirit

C. Coal tar

D. Turpentine

What is the correct answer?


Sandstone is a (i) Sedimentary rock (ii) Aqueous rock (iii) Siliceous rock The correct answer is

A. Only (i)

B. Both (i) and (ii)

C. Both (i) and (iii)

D. All (i), (ii) and (iii)

What is the correct answer?


The ratio of the thickness of web to that of flange of steel rolled structural beams and channels is

A. Less than 1

B. Equal to 1

C. Greater than 1

D. Less than 1 in beams but greater than 1 in channels

What is the correct answer?


After storage, the strength of cement

A. Decreases

B. Increases

C. Remains same

D. May increase or decrease

What is the correct answer?


Quartzite is a

A. Metamorphic rock

B. Argillaceous rock

C. Calcareous rock

D. Siliceous rock

What is the correct answer?


The type of steel used for precision levelling staff, is

A. Titanium steel

B. Carbon steel

C. Invar

D. Stainless steel

What is the correct answer?


Which one of the following is used for preparing porcelain?

A. Clay

B. Feldspar

C. Quartz

D. All of these

What is the correct answer?


The operation of removal of impurities or clay adhering to iron ores, is known as

A. Dressing

B. Calcination

C. Roasting

D. Smelting

What is the correct answer?


The weight of 1 m3 of brick earth, is about

A. 1200 kg

B. 1500 kg

C. 1800 kg

D. 2000 kg

What is the correct answer?


A ferrous metal is

A. Cast iron

B. Wrought iron

C. Steel

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


The trunk of tree left after cutting all the branches is known as

A. Log

B. Batten

C. Plank

D. Baulk

What is the correct answer?


Resins are

A. Not soluble in water

B. Soluble in spirit

C. Used in varnishes

D. Left behind on evaporation of oil

What is the correct answer?


The most commonly used base for timber painting, is

A. Red lead

B. Zinc white

C. White lead

D. Titanium white

What is the correct answer?


Which one of the following is an air binding material?

A. Gypsum

B. Acid-resistant cement

C. Quick lime

D. All of these