Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Mapacrine and Paludrine drugs are used for

A. malaria

B. amoebiasis

C. tapeworms

D. ascariasis

Correct Answer :

A. malaria

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What is the correct answer?


Trophozoites of E.histolytica reproduced by

A. binary fission

B. conjugation

C. autogamy

D. budding

What is the correct answer?


In Amoeba proteus, the term proteus is after the name of

A. the discoverer

B. a disease

C. a god

D. a place

What is the correct answer?


Amoeba secretes digestive enzymes to hydrolyse

A. starch

B. sugar

C. proteins

D. all of these and fats

What is the correct answer?


According to Whittaker's system of classification, all the living organisms are classifed into 5 kingdoms and Viruses are placed under

A. Monera

B. Protista

C. Protoctista

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


The infective stage of Entamoeba histolytica is

A. sporozoite

B. minuta form

C. mature cyst

D. trophic form

What is the correct answer?


The resultant cells of schizogony in the life history of malarial parasite are

A. schizonts

B. merozoites

C. ookinetes

D. sporozoites

What is the correct answer?


The catabolic wastes in Amoeba consist of

A. water and CO2

B. water, CO2 and minerals

C. Water, CO2, minerals and urea

D. all of these

What is the correct answer?


Asexual reproduction during schizogony of malarial parasite is a kind of

A. binary fission

B. budding

C. fragmentation

D. multiple fission

What is the correct answer?


Sporogony of malaria parasite occurs in

A. liver of man

B. RBC of man

C. stomach wall of mosquito

D. salivary glands of mosquito

What is the correct answer?


Malarial parasites could best be obtained from a patient

A. an hour before rise of temperature

B. when temeprature rises with rigor

C. when temeprature comes down to normal

D. five hours after the temperature reaches normal level.

What is the correct answer?


Trypanosomiasis is a disease, transmitted by vector

A. Louse

B. Tsetse fly

C. Mayfly

D. Firefly

What is the correct answer?


Ingestion of some water with food in Amoeba takes place by the process of

A. endosmosis

B. pinocytosis

C. phagocytosis

D. none of these

What is the correct answer?


The first generation in the asexual phase of Plasmodium in RBCs of man is known as

A. trophozoites

B. merozoites

C. metacryptomerozoi tes

D. phanerozoites

What is the correct answer?


A liver biopsy of a patient suffering from amoebic hepatic abscess would demonstrate the presence of

A. trophozoites

B. cysts

C. precystic stages

D. sporozoites

What is the correct answer?


Kala-azar is a disease caused by

A. Trypanosma gambiense transmitted by Tsetse fly

B. Leishmania donovani transmitted by sandfly

C. Taenia solium transmitted by infected pork

D. Wuchereria bancrofti transmitted by Culex

What is the correct answer?


The process of reconstitution of macro-nulceus in Paramecium without any change in micro-nucleus is called

A. Cytogamy

B. Hemimixis

C. Endomixis

D. Autogamy

What is the correct answer?


Nitrogenous wastes in Amoeba are expelled through

A. plasmalemma

B. pseudopodia

C. hyaline cap

D. contractile vacuole

What is the correct answer?


The trophozoite of Entamoeba histolytica reproduces by

A. binary fission

B. sporulation

C. amitosis

D. mitosis

What is the correct answer?


The cysts of E.histolytica develop in an infected individual in the

A. intestinal wall

B. lumen of intestine

C. tissues of man

D. areas of metastatic inversion

What is the correct answer?


African sleeping sickness or Gambiense fever is caused by

A. Entamoeba

B. Trypanosma

C. Leishmania

D. Trichomonas

What is the correct answer?


Protozoa which completely lack trophj organelles are classifed under

A. sporozoa

B. rhizopoda

C. ciliophora

D. flagellata

What is the correct answer?


Gametocytes of Plasmodium are produced in the

A. stomach of mosquito

B. erythrocytes of man from schizonts

C. erythrocytes of man from merozoites

D. all of these

What is the correct answer?


The Trx/panosoma causes sleeping sickness in man. It finally involves

A. liver

B. blood

C. brain

D. cerebro-spinal fluid

What is the correct answer?


Trypanosoma is transmitted by

A. contamination

B. kissing

C. contagination

D. inoculation

What is the correct answer?


Down stroke and recovery stroke are characteristic of

A. movement of pseudopodia

B. movement of flagella

C. movement of cilia

D. none of these

What is the correct answer?


Schuffner's granules or dots are found in

A. trophozoite

B. sporozoite

C. schizont

D. merozoite

What is the correct answer?


RBCs are found in the food vacuoles of

A. Amoeba proteus

B. Hydra viridissima

C. Leishmania donovani

D. Entamoeba histolytica

What is the correct answer?


Inoculation in malaria is out of question because

A. Plasmodium produces minute bodies

B. Plasmodium produces antitoxins

C. Plasmodium produces antitoxins and antibodies

D. All of these

What is the correct answer?


Entamoeba differs from Amoeba in not having

A. nucleus

B. pseudopodia

C. ectoplasm

D. contractile vascule

What is the correct answer?


Gametocytes of Plasmodium are formed in

A. liver of man

B. blood of man

C. RBC of man

D. stomach of female mosquito