Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Phenol formaldehyde is produced by condensation polymerisation. It is also known as

A. Teflon

B. Bakelite

C. Polyester

D. Nylon-66

Correct Answer :

B. Bakelite

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Thermoplastic materials

A. Do not soften on application of heat

B. Are heavily branched molecules

C. Are solvent insoluble

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


Liquefaction of gases cannot be done by

A. Exchange of heat with colder stream

B. Adiabatic expansion through a throttle valve (Joule-Thomson expansion)

C. Merely compressing it beyond critical pressure

D. Adiabatic expansion against a piston or in a turbine

What is the correct answer?


Refractory bricks burnt at very high temperature have got

A. Greater resistance to corrosion by slags

B. Less resistance to corrosion by slags

C. High spalling tendency

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


Concentration of hydrogen peroxide is done by

A. Crystallisation

B. Vacuum crystallisation

C. Atmospheric distillation

D. Dehydration

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not an insecticide?

A. Hydrocyanic acid

B. Nicotine

C. Sodium fluoride

D. Hexane

What is the correct answer?


Deacon's method is used for the manufacture of

A. Glauber's salt

B. Common salt

C. Chlorine

D. Graphite electrode

What is the correct answer?


Ultimate analysis of coal determines its __________ content.

A. Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen & sulphur

B. Carbon, ash, sulphur & nitrogen

C. Carbon, sulphur, volatile matter & ash

D. Carbon, volatile matter, ash & moisture

What is the correct answer?


Pick out the wrong statement.

A. Catalytic hydrogenation of carbon monoxide produces methyl alcohol

B. In nylon-6, the number 6 represents the total number of carbon atoms in the ring

C. Raw materials for DDT manufacture are benzene and chlorine

D. Ethanolamines are produced by using ammonia and ethylene oxide as raw material

What is the correct answer?


__________ Nature of hypo (sodium thiosulphate) makes it useful in photography.

A. Oxidising

B. Reducing

C. Complex forming

D. Photochemical

What is the correct answer?


A 'unit process' is exemplified by the

A. Distillation

B. Hydrogenation of oils

C. Absorption

D. Humidification

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is an ore of iron?

A. Galena

B. Chalcopyrite

C. Hematite

D. Bauxite

What is the correct answer?


Dehydrogenation of ethyl benzene produces

A. Styrene

B. Naphthalene

C. Phenol

D. Benzoic acid

What is the correct answer?


Electro deposition of metals i.e. electroplating is never done on

A. Metals

B. Alloys

C. Refractories

D. Non-metals

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not a food additive?

A. Citric acid

B. Invertage

C. Benzoyl peroxide

D. Ammonium chloride

What is the correct answer?


Pick out the endothermic reaction out of the following.

A. C+ ½O2 = CO

B. CO + 3H2 = CH4 + H2O

C. CaCO3 = CaO + CO2

D. CO + ½O2 = CO2

What is the correct answer?


Bleaching action of bleaching powder is due to its __________ properties.

A. Reducing

B. Oxidising

C. Disinfecting

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is an endothermic reaction?

A. Absorption of SO3 in 98% H2SO4

B. C + H2O = CO + H2

C. Thermal dissociation of iron pyrites

D. Both (B) and (C)

What is the correct answer?


Cellulose content of bamboo and ideal fibrous raw material for the manufacture of paper is __________ percent.

A. 10

B. 50

C. 80

D. 95

What is the correct answer?


Neoprene is the trade name of

A. Polyurethane

B. Phenol formaldehyde

C. Polychlorophrene

D. Styrene-butadiene rubber

What is the correct answer?


Styrene-butadiene-rubber (SBR) as compared to natural rubber has

A. Poorer tensile strength

B. Poorer resistance to oxidation

C. Greater amount of heat build-up under heavy loading

D. All (A), (B) and (C)

What is the correct answer?


Riboflavin is a/an

A. Vitamin

B. Analgesic drug

C. Anaesthetics

D. Anti-malarial drug

What is the correct answer?


Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) is added in detergents to

A. Prevent redeposition of soil on cleaned surface

B. Act as optical brightening agent

C. Inhibit corrosion in washing machines made of aluminium

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


__________ are added in lacquers to remove film brittleness and to improve adhereness.

A. Film forming materials

B. Plasticisers

C. Diluents

D. Solvents

What is the correct answer?


Phenol is mainly used

A. To produce benzene

B. To produce phenol formaldehyde

C. To produce polyester resin

D. As a plasticiser for unsaturated polyester

What is the correct answer?


Setting of plaster of Paris is accompanied with

A. Hydration

B. Dehydration

C. Hydrolysis

D. Loss of CO2

What is the correct answer?


Commercial production of calcium carbide requires limestone and __________ as raw materials.

A. Coke

B. Sand

C. Soda ash

D. Fuel oil

What is the correct answer?


Multistage catalytic converter is not used in the

A. Conversion of SO2 to SO3

B. NH3 synthesis reaction

C. Both (A) and (B)

D. Neither (A) nor (B)

What is the correct answer?


Analgesic drugs are

A. Pain relievers

B. Antibiotics

C. Used in the treatment of T.B.

D. Used in the treatment of typhoid

What is the correct answer?


Naphthols are derivates of

A. Methyl amine

B. Naphthalene

C. Phenol

D. Xylene

What is the correct answer?


Washing soda is chemically represented by

A. Na2CO3

B. Na2CO3.H2O

C. Na2CO3.10H2O