Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Suppose that a text file abc.txt that contains multiple lines, then how to print all complete lines with line numbers using AWK?

A. awk '{print NS,$1}' abc.txt

B. awk '{print NR,$0}' abc.txt

C. awk '{print NR,$1}' abc.txt

D. awk '{print NS,$1}' abc.txt

Correct Answer :

B. awk '{print NR,$0}' abc.txt

The 2nd command is correct to print all complete lines with line numbers using AWK.

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a) The comm command is used to compare the data of two files.
b) It displays three columns in the output by default.
c) It displays two columns in the output by default.
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A. -r

B. -R


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B. :Q

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b) o
c) u
d) g

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a) The locate command is also used to search a file.
b) The locate command searches the file into the database.
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Suppose that a text file abc.txt that contains multiple lines, then how to print all complete lines with line numbers using AWK?

A. awk '{print NS,$1}' abc.txt

B. awk '{print NR,$0}' abc.txt

C. awk '{print NR,$1}' abc.txt

D. awk '{print NS,$1}' abc.txt

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B. ct

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A. CentOS

B. Linux mint

C. SunOS


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B. ls -n

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B. ls -k

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b) /var
c) /run
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B. #N

C. $N

D. !!N

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B. Output Record Symbol

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A. Local

B. Global

C. Both

D. None

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B. man hier

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B. chmod x-w

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A. \

B. >

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B. 1990

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