Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The great circle whose plane is perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the earth, is called

A. Equator

B. Terrestrial equator

C. 0° latitude

D. All the above

Correct Answer :

D. All the above

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What is the correct answer?


Pick up the correct statement from the following:

A. If the applied tension to the tape is more than the standard, the tension correction is positive

B. If the applied tension to the tape is less than the standard, the tension correction is negative

C. If the temperature during measurement is greater than the standard temperature, the temperature correction is positive

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


H is the flying height above mean ground level and f is the principal distance of a vertical photograph. The mean scale of the photographs is

A. H. f

B. H/f

C. f/H

D. H + f

What is the correct answer?


If δ is the declination of the star and φ is the latitude of the observer, then the azimuth of the star at elongation is given by

A. sin z = sec φ . cos δ

B. cos z = sec φ . cos δ

C. tan z = sec φ . cos δ

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


The latitude (λ) of a place and the altitude (α) of the pole are related by

A. λ = α

B. λ = 90° - α

C. λ = α - 90°

D. λ = 180° - α

What is the correct answer?


The altitudes of a circumpolar star at culminations are 70° and 10°, both culminations being north of zenith. The declination of the star, is

A. 80°

B. 70°

C. 60°

D. 50°

What is the correct answer?


The point on the photograph where bisector between the vertical line through optical centre of the camera lens and the plate perpendicular meets, is known as

A. Principal point

B. Isocenter

C. Plumb point

D. Perspective centre

What is the correct answer?


The declination and right ascension of the sun becomes 23° 27' N and 90° respectively on

A. March 21

B. June 21

C. September 21

D. December 22

What is the correct answer?


At western elongation, the pole star moves

A. Eastward

B. Westward

C. Northward

D. Southward

What is the correct answer?


The shortest distance between two places measured along the surface of the earth, is

A. Length of the equator between their longitudes

B. Length of the parallel between their longitudes

C. Length of the arc of the great circle passing through them

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


At lower culmination, the pole star moves

A. Eastward

B. Westward

C. Northward

D. Southward

What is the correct answer?


Pick up the correct statement from the following:

A. Refraction correction is zero when the celestial body is in the zenith

B. Refraction correction is 33' when the celestial body is on the horizon

C. Refraction correction of celestial bodies depends upon their altitudes

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


Longitude of a place is the angular distance between the meridian of the place and

A. The standard meridian

B. The international date line

C. That of Greenwich

D. Both (a) and (c) of above

What is the correct answer?


The great circle along which the sun appears to trace on the celestial sphere with earth as centre during the year, is called

A. Equator

B. Celestial equator

C. Ecliptic

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


The station pointer is generally used in

A. Triangulation surveying

B. Astronomical surveying

C. Hydrographical surveying

D. Photogrammetric surveying

What is the correct answer?


Parallax bar measures

A. Parallax

B. Height

C. Parallax difference

D. Height difference

What is the correct answer?


The correction for parallax, is

A. - 8.8 cos α

B. + .8 sin α

C. + 8.8 cos α

D. - 8.8 cos α

What is the correct answer?


Latitude of a place is the angular distance from

A. Greenwich to the place

B. Equator to the poles

C. Equator to the nearer pole

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


23 cm × 23 cm photographs are taken from a flying height with a camera of focal length of 3600 m and 15.23 cm respectively. A parallax difference of 0.01 mm represents

A. 1 m

B. 2 m

C. 4 m

D. 8 m

What is the correct answer?


Pick up the correct statement from the following:

A. Centre of the celestial sphere is taken as the position of the observer

B. Centre of the celestial sphere is taken as the centre of the earth

C. Stars move and maintain their relative positions

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


The relief displacement of a building 72 m high on photograph is 7.2 mm and its top appears 10 cm away from principal point. The flying height of the camera, is

A. 500 m

B. 1000 m

C. 1500 m

D. 2000 m

What is the correct answer?


Pick up the correct statement for horizontal photographs.

A. Parallel lines do not appear parallel in central projection

B. The two sides of a road meet at the vanishing point

C. The lines parallel to the negative plane are projected as parallel lines

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


The point at which sun's declination changes from north to south, is known as

A. First point of Aeries

B. First point of Libra

C. Vernal Equinox

D. Both (b) and (d) of the above

What is the correct answer?


Polaris is usually observed for the determination of the azimuth when it is

A. At culmination

B. At elongation

C. Neither at culmination nor at elongation

D. Either at culmination or at elongation

What is the correct answer?


If v, t and f/H are the ground speed of the aircraft, the shutter speed of the camera and the scale of the photograph respectively, then the amount of image displacement

A. i = v. t. H/f

B. i = v. f/t. H

C. i = v. t. (f/H)

D. i = t. H/v. f

What is the correct answer?


Homologous points are

A. Opposite corners of a photograph

B. Nodal points of the camera lens

C. Corresponding points on the ground and photograph

D. Plumb points of stereo pair of photographs

What is the correct answer?


Pick up the correct statement from the following:

A. The sun's right ascension increases for 0 h to 24 h when it returns to the First point of Aries

B. The maximum declination of the sun increases up to 23 ½° N on about 21st June

C. The minimum declination of the sun is zero' on 22nd September

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


The principal line is the line joining the principal point and

A. Nadir

B. Isocenter

C. Perspective centre

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


The difference in longitude of two places expressed in time is equal to the difference in their

A. Sidereal time

B. Apparent solar time

C. Mean solar time

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


The angle between the axis of earth and the vertical at the station of observation is called

A. Astronomical latitude

B. Astronomical co-latitude

C. Co-declination of star

D. Declination of star

What is the correct answer?


Pick up the correct statement from the following:

A. The horizontal direction of the pole is called astronomical north

B. The angle between the direction of true north and the direction of a survey line is called astronomical bearing

C. The astronomical bearing is generally called azimuth

D. All the above