Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The planet that moves fastest around the sun is

A. Mars

B. Venus

C. Earth

D. Mercury

Correct Answer :

D. Mercury

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


The period of a geostationary (synchronous) satellite orbiting the earth over the equator la

A. 16 hours

B. 12 hours

C. 20 hours

D. 24 hours

What is the correct answer?


The study of astronomy include a

A. astrology

B. astrophysics

C. astrometry

D. Both (b) and (c) above

What is the correct answer?


A lightning conductor installed in a building

A. does not allow the lightning to fall on the building at all

B. drives away the charged clouds

C. forces the lightning to fall on other buildings near that building

D. conducts the electric charges to the ground when lightning strikes the building

What is the correct answer?


When a charged rod is brought near a collection of small pith balls, the balls

A. will jump rapidly up and down for a short time

B. will remain unaffected

C. Both (a) and (b) above

D. It will produce electric shock

What is the correct answer?


An ammeter has

A. a high resistance

B. a very low resistance

C. no resistance at all

D. resistance of 400 � w

What is the correct answer?


If an empty cylinder Is half ruled with a liquid, Its centre of gravity is

A. shifted upwards

B. shifted downwards

C. shifted neither upward nor downward

D. shifted upward or downward depending on the density of the liquid

What is the correct answer?


Diamond shines because of its

A. purity

B. hardness

C. high density

D. high refractive index and low critical angle

What is the correct answer?


A boat loaded with rocks floats in the middle of a swimming pool. A man in the boat throws the rocks overboard. The level of water in the pool will

A. increase

B. decrease

C. remain the same

D. first decrease and then increase

What is the correct answer?


A small bubble of air deep down in a lake rises up to the top of the lake. The volume of the bubble on coming up will

A. increase

B. decrease

C. will not change

D. first increase and then decrease

What is the correct answer?


Increase in pressure

A. has no effect on the boiling point of a liquid

B. raises the boiling point of a liquid

C. lowers the boiling point of a liquid

D. increases the volume of a liquid

What is the correct answer?


Electron-volt is a unit of

A. power

B. velocity

C. energy widely used in nuclear physics

D. number of electrons

What is the correct answer?


The temperature of a large bucket-full of hot water (a few degrees below boiling point) is lower than a beaker full of boiling water. But

A. the hot water contains a much larger quantity of internal energy than the boiling water

B. the boiling water contains more quantity of internal energy than the warm water

C. both of them have got the same amount of internal energy.

D. nothing can be said definitely with the data given

What is the correct answer?


The period of oscillation of a simple pendulum depends upon

A. the mass of its bob

B. the material of the bob

C. the amplitude of vibration

D. acceleration due to the gravity at the site of experiment

What is the correct answer?


If you want to open a door with les difficulty you push it

A. at the middle

B. at a point away from the hinge (near the rim)

C. near the hinge

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Warm air will hold more water vapour than cold air because

A. it is lighter

B. it has more water vapour in it

C. its molecules are close together

D. its molecules are far apart

What is the correct answer?


Electromagnets are used in

A. the telephone ear piece

B. the telegraph

C. the electric bell

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


In which of the following will a piece of iron weigh most?

A. in air

B. in an atmosphere of oxygen

C. in an atmosphere of CO2

D. in vacuum

What is the correct answer?


Acoustics' la a branch or study dealing with

A. historical sites

B. architecture

C. sound

D. trigonometry

What is the correct answer?


The speed of sound in a medium depends upon the properties of the medium such as

A. its density

B. its temperature

C. its elasticity

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


In a refrigerator cooling is produced by

A. the ice that deposits on the freezer

B. the evaporation of a volatile liquid

C. None of the above

D. Both (a) and (b)

What is the correct answer?


When a swing la drawn to a side Its potential energy In relation to the earth

A. increases

B. decreases

C. remains the same

D. is constant

What is the correct answer?


A workman was working on a rail track. A young boy at a distance holds his ear close to the railway track. The boy was able to hear the sound of each blow or the workman twice. It is because

A. speed of sound is greater in steel than in air

B. speed of sound is greater in air than in steel

C. part of sound waves is reflected between rail tracks

D. the boy's ears are at a different distance from the source

What is the correct answer?


When are temperature resistance

A. increases

B. decreases

C. remains the same

D. first increases then decreases

What is the correct answer?


A projectile is fired at an angle with the horizontal with a small velocity. Its horizontal range will be maximum when the angle with the horizontal is


B. 30°

C. 45°

D. 60°

What is the correct answer?


The device that is used to measure the electromotive force of a cell is

A. an ammeter

B. a rheostat

C. a voltmeter

D. a voltameter

What is the correct answer?


The property of a fluid by which it resists relative motion within itself is known as

A. cohesive force

B. surface tension

C. diffusion

D. viscosity

What is the correct answer?


The velocity of sound in air

A. increases as the square root of the absolute temperature

B. decreases with temperature

C. is independent of temperature

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


In a freezer ice cubes will be formed more quickly in trays made of

A. rubber

B. plastic

C. aluminium

D. wood

What is the correct answer?


The aneroid barometer uses

A. mercury

B. distilled water

C. alcohol

D. does not use any liquid

What is the correct answer?


The aneroid barometer uses

A. mercury

B. distilled water

C. alcohol

D. does not use any liquid