Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The aneroid barometer uses

A. mercury

B. distilled water

C. alcohol

D. does not use any liquid

Correct Answer :

D. does not use any liquid

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


The unit of heat energy is

A. watt

B. degree

C. joule

D. erg

What is the correct answer?


The cover of a solar cooker is made of glass because

A. it absorbs sun's rays

B. it reflects sun's rays

C. it retains the heat inside by the greenhouse effect

D. it radiates heat better than metals

What is the correct answer?


SONAR (Sound Navigation Ranging) is

A. used by warships and military aircraft to locate enemy submarines

B. used by ships to determine the depth of water beneath them

C. a detective device that uses sound to locate under - water objects

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


Nuclear fission process means

A. absorption of a neutron by a nucleus

B. breakup of the nucleus of a heavy atom into two nearly equal halves emitting two or three neutrons and releasing large amounts of nuclear energy in the process

C. the scattering of neutrons

D. formation of heavier nucleus

What is the correct answer?


Which part of the eye photographic camera?

A. Lens

B. Iris

C. Retina

D. Eyelid

What is the correct answer?


The principle on which a Jet engine works is

A. conservation of mass

B. Newtonian law of action and reaction

C. conservation of angular momentum

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


A heavenly body similar in nature to the sun intensely hot glowing mass that produces its energy by thermonuclear reactions is

A. a planet

B. a meteor

C. a star

D. a comet

What is the correct answer?


It is easier to climb down a staircase than climb up because in climbing down

A. work is done against gravity

B. the steepness of the staircase isn't felt

C. gravity assists

D. there is no friction between the legs and steps

What is the correct answer?


In the electrical circuit of a house the fuse acts as

A. a thermopile

B. a load

C. a step down device

D. a safety device

What is the correct answer?


The focal length or lens or the eye is under the control or the

A. iris

B. pupil

C. ciliary body

D. cornea

What is the correct answer?


The SI unit of electric current is

A. the ampere

B. the volt

C. the ohm

D. the coulomb

What is the correct answer?


The unit of power in SI is

A. Joule

B. Newton

C. Joule/Sec

D. Erg/Sec

What is the correct answer?


Photocells are used

A. in burglar alarms

B. in automotive devices for light switches

C. television cameras

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


The loudness of a sound is determined by

A. Frequency

B. Amplitude

C. Speed

D. Wavelength

What is the correct answer?


Choose the scalar quantity from the following physical quantities

A. force

B. velocity

C. acceleration

D. speed

What is the correct answer?


In a river, the currents are fastest where the river la

A. wide and shallow

B. narrow and shallow

C. wide and deep

D. narrow and deep

What is the correct answer?


Of the following which has got the highest frequency?

A. ultraviolet rays

B. gamma rays

C. radio waves

D. infrared waves

What is the correct answer?


How is it that Pluto is not always the farthest planet of the solar system?

A. Each planet becomes the farthest planet in its turn. Now it is the turn of Piuto

B. The Sun is now in the zodiac in which it is nearest to outer planets

C. The eccentricity of Piuto's orbit being substantial, this orbit cuts the orbit of Neptune

D. Piuto belongs to other solar system

What is the correct answer?


When light passes from air to glass, its velocity in glass

A. increases

B. decreases

C. remains unchanged

D. first decreases then increases

What is the correct answer?


Fish and other aquatic creatures can live inside a deep frozen pond because

A. fish are cold-blooded animals

B. ice is a bad conductor of heat

C. there will always be water just beneath the ice level

D. they can adapt themselves to live in ice

What is the correct answer?


In the case of bodies falling under gravity which of the following remains constant at a given place?

A. kinetic energy

B. potential energy

C. acceleration

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


Why is it cool near an open pond on a hot summer day?

A. Evaporation at the surface causes cooling

B. The heat obsorbed at the surface is passed on to the bottom

C. Because of impurity in the water

D. Because of convection currents set up inside water

What is the correct answer?


When the earth reaches its perihelion

A. it is nearest to the moon

B. it is nearest to the sun

C. it is nearest to Pluto

D. it is farthest from the sun

What is the correct answer?


When we sweat, we feel comfortable under a fan because

A. the air circulated by the fan is cool

B. the fan produces convection currents of air

C. the air circulated by the fan quickens the evaporation of the moisture on our skin

D. the air takes away the heat from our body

What is the correct answer?


Why is it cool near an open pond on a hot summer day?

A. Evaporation at the surface causes cooling

B. The heat obsorbed at the surface is passed on to the bottom

C. Because of impurity in the water

D. Because of convection currents set up inside water

What is the correct answer?


Enriched uranium means

A. Uranium that is very pure

B. Uranium in which the concentration of the isotope U-238 is more than in the naturally occuring uranium

C. Uranium in which the concentration of the isotope U-235 is more than in the naturally occuring uranium

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


A radio set that uses valves does not start operating immediately when it is switched on whereas a set containing only tranaistors operates immediately. The reason for this is that

A. the valve filaments have low resistance

B. valve-radio sets work at a higher voltage

C. transistor set has a low resistance

D. filaments of the valves cake time to beat up and function

What is the correct answer?


Which metal is used in storage batteries?

A. Copper

B. Lead

C. Tin

D. Iron

What is the correct answer?


Isotones are species of atoms containing

A. same number of protons but different number of neutrons

B. same number of neutrons but different number of protons

C. the same total number of protons and neutrons

D. same number of protons and different number of electrons

What is the correct answer?


In hot climatic conditions, the buildings are painted white because

A. white paint is economical

B. it does not fade off

C. it does not crack with higher temperature

D. white coating is a bad conductor of heat and reflects heat rays that fall on it, thus keeping the inside cool