Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The radiator in a car serves to

A. cool the engine

B. heat up the engine

C. start the car

D. moderate the speed

Correct Answer :

A. cool the engine

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What is the correct answer?


The rings of Saturn were discovered by

A. Galileo

B. Bhaskara

C. Aryabhatta

D. Ptolemy

What is the correct answer?


The inside of both the walls of a thermos flask is silvered i.e., on the vacuum side in order to reduce heat loss by

A. convection

B. radiation

C. conduction

D. All the three

What is the correct answer?


A nuclear reactor is said to have become 'critical' when

A. it stops due to malfunctioning

B. it starts emitting dangerous radioactive radiations

C. it is shut down to avoid explosion

D. it is ready to produce controlled energy

What is the correct answer?


The inside of both the walls of a thermos flask is silvered i.e., on the vacuum side in order to reduce heat loss by

A. convection

B. radiation

C. conduction

D. All the three

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The tiniest of the stars belong to the group known as

A. Giant stars

B. White Dwarf stars

C. Neutron stars

D. Super-giant stars

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The solar wind is composed of

A. outward stream of protons and electrons on the surface of the sun during solar flares and sun-spot activity

B. plasma

C. ionized gas

D. All of these

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The device used to record the sound is

A. a microphone

B. a headphone

C. a phonograph

D. an amplifier

What is the correct answer?


The difference between planets and stars is

A. planets do not have light of their own whereas stars shine by their own light

B. planets do not twinkle like stars

C. planets are much smaller than stars

D. All the above

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Electron-volt is a unit of

A. power

B. velocity

C. energy widely used in nuclear physics

D. number of electrons

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The weight of a body is

A. maximum at the equator

B. minimum at the equator

C. minimum at the poles

D. the same everywhere

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'Acoustics' is a branch or study dealing with

A. historical sites

B. architecture

C. sound

D. trigonometry

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The frequency of an ultrasonic wave is

A. the same as that of an audible sound

B. above the audible range

C. below the audible range

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Among the following the most suitable material for the core of an electro-magnet is

A. steel

B. wood

C. soft iron

D. copper

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Out of the following which element has the longest half-life period?

A. Radium

B. Radon

C. Uranium-238

D. Plutonium

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The plants in a greenhouse are enclosed in a glass enclosure because

A. glass allows the heat radiations of shorter wavelengths from the sun to pass through

B. the plants absorb them - these shorter wavelengths - and reradiate them in the form of longer wavelengths

C. the longer wavelengths cannot penetrate through the glass walls

D. All the above

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The first Indian Satellite launched from a Russian Cosmodrome on April 16, 1975 was named

A. Bhaskara

B. Insat I-A

C. Aryabhatta

D. SLV-l

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Diamond shines because of its

A. purity

B. hardness

C. high density

D. high refractive index and low critical angle

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The focal length or lens or the eye is under the control or the

A. iris

B. pupil

C. ciliary body

D. cornea

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A lactometer is used to

A. find out the specific gravity of liquids

B. measure the volumes of liquids

C. test the purity of milk

D. determine the strength of acid in car batteries

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Powder clings to the skin because of

A. cohesion

B. adhesion

C. capillary action

D. absorption

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In a vacuum the following three articles are dropped at the same time and from the lame height. Which will reach the ground quicker?

A. a stone

B. a piece of wood

C. a feather

D. all will reach the ground at the same time

What is the correct answer?


The red colour of the setting sun is due to

A. the least scattered red colour reaching the eye

B. the dispersion of sun light occurred in air molecule in atmosphere

C. the diffraction of sunrays in atmospheric layers

D. interference of all the rays coming from the sun

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The force that keeps a body in a circular motion is called

A. the centripetal force

B. the centrifugal force

C. the frictional force

D. All the above

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If a bar magnet is broken into two pieces

A. both pieces will lose their magnetism

B. one piece will have North Pole on both ends and the other South Pole on its both ends

C. each will remain a magnet with North Pole at one end and South Pole at the other

D. the longer piece will behave as a bar magnet while the smaller will have no magnetism at all

What is the correct answer?


A photon is

A. a quantum of electromagnetic radiation

B. light source used in photography

C. a photo film

D. sun-light

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An ammeter has

A. a high resistance

B. a very low resistance

C. no resistance at all

D. resistance of 400 � w

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The colour of the light which travels through glass with minimum speed is

A. red

B. violet

C. green

D. yellow

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The radiator in a car serves to

A. cool the engine

B. heat up the engine

C. start the car

D. moderate the speed

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One finds it more difficult to walk on ice than on a concrete road because

A. there is more friction on ice than on concrete surface

B. ice is soft and spongy while concrete is hard

C. the friction between ice and the feet is less than that between the concrete and the feet

D. None of them

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following apparatus is used in the electrolysis of water?

A. Voltmeter

B. Voltameter

C. Ammeter

D. Potentiometer