Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The schizogony cycle of Plasmodium takes place in

A. alimentary canal of mosquito

B. liver of man

C. liver and RBC of man

D. RBC of man

Correct Answer :

C. liver and RBC of man

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What is the correct answer?


The ecological niche of Entamoeba histolytica is

A. small intestine of man

B. arge intestine of man

C. fresh water body such as ponds, rivers etc.

D. stagnaant water

What is the correct answer?


Treatment of the infection by malarial parasite in the principal host is studied under

A. chemo-therapy

B. chemo-diagnosis

C. chemo-prophy laxis

D. prophylaxis

What is the correct answer?


Trypanosoma shows the phenomenon of

A. amorphism

B. dimorphism

C. trimorphism

D. polymorphism

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Under unfavourable conditions, the Amoeba reproduces by

A. binary fission

B. conjugation

C. encystment

D. endomixis

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The micronucleus in Paramecium is concerried with

A. vegetative function of the body

B. all the functions of the body

C. reproductive function of the body

D. locomotion

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In Plasmodium, gametocytes are formed by j the trophozoites in the RBS of man. They do not develop fully in RBC because of

A. antibodies present in blood

B. antigens present in blood

C. higher temperautre of blood

D. lower temeprature of blood

What is the correct answer?


The feeding stage in the life cycle of PlasA tnodium is

A. merozoite

B. sporozoite

C. cryptozoite

D. trophozoite

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Trypanosoma is transmitted by

A. contamination

B. kissing

C. contagination

D. inoculation

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Highly polypoid meganucleus is present in

A. flagellates

B. ciliates

C. sporozoans

D. rhizopodans

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The function of neuro-motor system of Paramecium is

A. co-ordination of various external stimuli

B. co-ordination of ciliary beat

C. control of contractile vacuole

D. any of these

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Alternation of generations is otherwise known as

A. Epigenesis

B. Metagenesis

C. Biogenesis

D. Dimorphism

What is the correct answer?


In the life cycle of Plasmodium, man is the

A. primary host

B. intermediate host

C. secondary host

D. alternative host

What is the correct answer?


Schizont stage in the life cycle of malarial parasite occurs in

A. erythrocytes of man

B. stomach of Anopheles

C. salivary glands of Anopheles

D. blood of man

What is the correct answer?


The infective stage of Entamoeba histolytica is

A. sporozoite

B. minuta form

C. mature cyst

D. trophic form

What is the correct answer?


The life-cycle of malarial parasite in liver is called

A. erythrocytic stage

B. pre-erythrocytic stage

C. exo-erythrocytic stage

D. post-erythrocytic stage

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Plasmalemma membrane covers thebody of

A. Taenia solium

B. Paramecium

C. Amoeba proteus

D. Plasmodium

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The intermediate host of malarial parasite is

A. Man

B. Female Anopheles

C. Culex

D. Monkeys

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The type of pseudopodia found in Amoeba are

A. reticulopodia

B. lobopodia

C. actinopodia

D. aropodia

What is the correct answer?


Gametocytes of Plasmodium are formed in

A. liver of man

B. blood of man

C. RBC of man

D. stomach of female mosquito

What is the correct answer?


Which day is celebrated as Malaria day ?

A. 20th August

B. 15th August

C. 26th Janurary

D. 5th June

What is the correct answer?


The rossette stage in lif^ cycle of Plasmodium is found in

A. blood of man

B. RBC of man

C. liver of man

D. stomach of Anopheles mosquito

What is the correct answer?


Vector can be defined as

A. disease transmitting host

B. natural reservoir of disease causing organism

C. pathogenic organism

D. any kind of disease transmitting organism

What is the correct answer?


Erythrocytic cycle of Plasmodium produces

A. schizonts

B. sporozoites

C. merozoites

D. metacryptomerozoites;

What is the correct answer?


The shivering, a characteristic symptom of malaria, occurs when

A. sporozoites enter the blood

B. metacryptozoites are liberated from the liver cells

C. merozoites are liberated from RBC with toxin

D. schizonts are formed in the RBC

What is the correct answer?


Malarial parasites could best be obtained from a patient

A. an hour before rise of temperature

B. when temeprature rises with rigor

C. when temeprature comes down to normal

D. five hours after the temperature reaches normal level.

What is the correct answer?


Process of reconstitution of nuclei in a single paramecium without fusion of gametic nuclei is

A. endomixis

B. hemimixis

C. cytogamy

D. none of these

What is the correct answer?


The digestive enzymes in Paramecium are secreted in

A. food vacuoles directly

B. lysosomes and then released into food vacuole

C. endoplasm and then pass into food vacuole

D. both lysosomes and endoplasm

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Malignant tertian malaria is caused by

A. P. ovale

B. P.vivax

C. P. malariae

D. P. falciparum

What is the correct answer?


The catabolic wastes in Amoeba consist of

A. water and CO2

B. water, CO2 and minerals

C. Water, CO2, minerals and urea

D. all of these

What is the correct answer?


The transmission of Entamoeba histolytica takes place by

A. female anopheles mosquito

B. air

C. kisisng

D. contaminated food and water