Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


There are the following statements that are given below, which of them are correct about Linux shell?
a) Linux shell is a part of Linux kernel.
b) Linux shell provides an environment to execute commands.
c) Linux shell is used to execute scripts.
d) Linux shell is used to operate GPIO pins in the kernel.

A. A and B

B. B and C

C. A, B, and C

D. A, B, C, and D

Correct Answer :

B. B and C

Statements B and C are correct about Linux shells.

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What is the correct answer?


Which command is used to rename a file?

A. rename

B. ren

C. name

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following statements are the correct about XXXsed command?
a) The sed command is used to display modified data on the console screen, actual data in the file remain the same.
b) The sed command is used to modify the data of a file permanently.
c) The regular expressions are used to display modified data of a file in the sed command.
d) The sed command does not use regular expressions.

A. A and C

B. A and D

C. B and C

D. B and D

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Which of the following command is used to assign a new name to the Linux built commands?

A. newcmd

B. new

C. alias

D. aliasname

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Which command is used to compress a file?

A. zip

B. gzip

C. ezip

D. mzip

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Which of the following command is used to search the file(s) within the specified directory?

A. search

B. find

C. fileseach

D. fsearch

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What operations are performed when a new user is created?

A. Creates a new home directory for the user

B. The ownership and permissions are assigned to the home directory

C. Both of the above

D. None of the above

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Which of the following commands are used to create files in the Linux Operating System?
a) cat
b) echo
c) touch
d) printf

A. A and B

B. C and D

C. A, B, and C

D. A, B, C, and D

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Which exact command is used to see the permissions of a file in the Linux operating system?

A. perms

B. file -perm

C. ls -l

D. ls -perm

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Which exact command is used to list the files and directories with the size of the file or directory?

A. ls -l

B. ls -s

C. ls -k

D. ls -h

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Which of the following command is used to undo the last command in the vi editor?

A. uu

B. x

C. X

D. u

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Which of the following command is used to change the owner of a file?

A. owner

B. chgown

C. chown

D. changeowner

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There are the following options that are given below, which of them are not correct environment variables used in the Linux operating system?





What is the correct answer?


Which of the following statements are the correct about XXXcomm command?
a) The comm command is used to compare the data of two files.
b) It displays three columns in the output by default.
c) It displays two columns in the output by default.
d) The comm command is used to communicate with the TCP socket.

A. A

B. B

C. A and B

D. C and D

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Which of the following configuration file is used by updatedb command?

A. /etc/db.conf

B. /etc/locatedb.conf

C. /etc/updatedb.conf

D. /etc/update.conf

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Which command is used to rename the existing group?

A. rename

B. rengroup

C. groupmode

D. groupmod

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Which command is used to create a new group in the Linux operating system?

A. creategroup

B. addgroup

C. groupadd

D. groupcreate

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Which of the following directories that contain the shared libraries in the Linux System?

A. /sbin

B. /lib

C. /bin

D. /opt

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How can we differentiate between file and directory from the output of ls command?

A. Directories are mentioned in capital letters in the output of ls command.

B. The d character is used before permissions in the output of ls command.

C. Both of the above

D. None of the above

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There are the following options that are given below, which is not a correct Linux distribution?

A. CentOS

B. Linux mint

C. SunOS


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In which unit, time passed in sleep command by default?

A. Seconds

B. Minutes

C. Milliseconds

D. Microseconds

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There are the following options that are given below, which of them are correct signals used in the Linux?

A. A and B

B. A, B, and C

C. A, C, and D

D. A, B, C, and D

What is the correct answer?


There are the following statements that are given below, which of them are correct about /etc/login.defs file in the Linux operating system?
a) In this file, we can define the maximum number of days a password may be used.
b) In this file, we can define the minimum number of days allowed between password changes.
c) In this file, we can also define the minimum and maximum length of the password.
d) There is no /etc/login.defs file exists in the Linux operating system.

A. A and B

B. A and C

C. A, B and C

D. D

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Which exact command is used to create a user with a specified name for the home directory, here we will create a user with user1 name and name of the home directory will be MyHome?

A. useradd -m /MyHome user1

B. useradd -m -d /MyHome user1

C. useradd -m -h /MyHome user1

D. useraddhome /MyHome user1

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Which option is used to assign permission to directory recursively?

A. -r

B. -R


D. -rec

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Which of the following command is used to update the database used by the locate command?

A. updatelocate

B. updatelocatedb

C. locatedb

D. updatedb

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There are the following statements that are given below, which of them are the correct about the service command in the Linux system?
a) The service command is used to start a service by calling the associated script.
b) The service command is used to stop service by calling the associated script.
c) The service command is used to pause a service by calling the associated script.
d) The service command is used to restart a service by calling the associated script.

A. A and B

B. A, B, and D

C. B, C, and D

D. A, B, C, and D

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Which Linux command is used to create an encrypted password?

A. encrypt passwd

B. secure passwd

C. openssl passwd

D. All the above

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Which of the following character is used to identify the symbolic link file in the output of ls command?

A. s

B. c

C. l

D. _

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Which exact command is used to multiply 4 by 2 using expr in the Linux System?

A. expr 4 * 2

B. expr 4 /* 2

C. expr 4 * 2

D. expr 4 ^* 2

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By default, how many last lines shown by tail command?

A. 5

B. 8

C. 10

D. 12