Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


To copy cell contents using drag and drop press the

A. End key

B. Shift key

C. Ctrl key

D. Esc key

Correct Answer :

A. End key

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Which Chart can be created in Excel?

A. Area

B. Line

C. Pie

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


The Name box on to the left of formula bar

A. shows the name of workbook currently working on

B. shows the name of worksheet currently working on

C. shows the name of cell or range currently working on

D. None of above

What is the correct answer?


When integrating word and excel, word is usually the

A. Server

B. Destination

C. Client

D. Both b and c

What is the correct answer?


Long text can be broken down into many lines within a cell. You can do this through

A. Wrap Text in Format >> Cells

B. Justify in Edit >> Cells

C. Text Wraping in Format >> Cells, Layout tab

D. All of above

What is the correct answer?


The Chart wizard term data categories refers to;

A. A chart plot area

B. A horizontal axis

C. The organization of individual values with a charts data series

D. The data range that supply chart data

What is the correct answer?


In Excel, the Fill Color button on the Formatting toolbar is used for what?

A. To insert a background

B. To add borders

C. To select a distribution of figures

D. To add shading or color to a cell range

What is the correct answer?


You cannot link excel worksheet data to a word document

A. With the right drag method

B. With a hyperlink

C. With the copy and paste special commands

D. With the copy and paste buttons on the standard toolbar

What is the correct answer?


To select an entire column in MS-EXCEL, press?


B. CTRL + Arrow key


D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


You can check the conditions against __________ when applying conditional formatting

A. Cell value

B. Formula

C. Both of above

D. None of above

What is the correct answer?


The chart wizard term data series refers to

A. A chart legend

B. A collection of chart data markers

C. A set of values you plot in a chart

D. A data label

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not a way to complete a cell entry?

A. Pressing enter

B. Pressing any arrow key on the keyboard

C. Clicking the Enter button on the Formula bar

D. Pressing spacebar

What is the correct answer?


To delete an embedded objects, first

A. Double click the object

B. Select the object by clicking it

C. Press the Shift + Delete keys

D. Select it and then press the delete key

What is the correct answer?


Right clicking something in Excel:

A. Deletes the object

B. Nothing the right mouse button is there for left handed people

C. Opens a shortcut menu listing everything you can do to the object

D. Selects the object

What is the correct answer?


To return the remainder after a number is divided by a divisor in EXCEL we use the function?

A. ROUND ( )

B. FACT ( )

C. MOD ( )

D. DIV ( )

What is the correct answer?


What will be the output if you format the cell containing 5436.8 as #,##0.00'?

A. 5430

B. 5436.80

C. 5436.8

D. 6.8

What is the correct answer?


What does COUNTA () function do?

A. counts cells having alphabets

B. counts empty cells

C. counts cells having number

D. counts non-empty cells

What is the correct answer?


If you begin typing an entry into a cell and then realize that you dont want your entry placed into a cell, you:

A. Press the Erase key

B. Press Esc

C. Press the Enter button

D. Press the Edit Formula button

What is the correct answer?


Documentation should include

A. Destination and users of the output data

B. Source of input data

C. Information on the purpose of the workbook

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


Multiple calculations can be made in a single formula using .......

A. Standard Formulas

B. Array Formula

C. Complex Formulas

D. Smart Formula

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not a basic step in creating a worksheet?

A. Save workbook

B. Modifiy the worksheet

C. Enter text and data

D. Copy the worksheet

What is the correct answer?


Which tool you will use to join some cells and place the content at the middle of joined cell?

A. From Format Cells dialog box click on Merge Cells check box

B. From Format Cells dialog box select the Centered alignment

C. From Format Cells dialog box choose Merge and Center check box

D. Click on Merge and Center tool on formatting toolbar

What is the correct answer?


When you want to insert a blank imbedded excel object in a word document you can

A. Click the object command on the insert menu

B. Click the office links button on the standard toolbar

C. Click the create worksheet button on the formatting toolbar

D. Click the import excel command on the file menu

What is the correct answer?


What do you call the chart that shows the proportions of how one or more data elements relate to another data element?

A. XY Chart

B. Line Chart

C. Pie Chart

D. Column Chart

What is the correct answer?


The Paste Special command lets you copy and paste:

A. Multiply the selection by a copied value

B. Cell comments

C. Formatting options

D. The resulting values of a formula instead of the actual formula

What is the correct answer?


How do you display current date only in MS Excel?

A. date ()

B. Today ()

C. now ()

D. time ()

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following series type is not valid for Fill Series dialog box?

A. Linear

B. Growth

C. Autofill

D. Time

What is the correct answer?


Which setting you must modify to print a worksheet using letterhead?

A. Paper

B. Margin

C. Layout

D. Orientation

What is the correct answer?


How do you select an entire column?

A. Select Edit > Select > Column from the menu

B. Click the column heading letter

C. Hold down the shift key as you click anywhere in the column

D. Hold down the Ctrl key as you click anywhere in the column

What is the correct answer?


Getting data from a cell located in a different sheet is called ......

A. Accessing

B. Referencing

C. Updating

D. Functioning

What is the correct answer?


Status indicators are located on the

A. Vertical scroll bar

B. Horizontal scroll bar

C. Formula bar

D. Standard toolbar