Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The chart wizard term data series refers to

A. A chart legend

B. A collection of chart data markers

C. A set of values you plot in a chart

D. A data label

Correct Answer :

B. A collection of chart data markers

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What is the correct answer?


Excel worksheet cells work very similarly to what common element of the windows graphical user interface

A. Option buttons

B. List boxes

C. Text boxes

D. Combo boxes

What is the correct answer?


When you copy a formula

A. Excel erases the original copy of the formula

B. Excel edits cell references in the newly copied formula

C. Excel adjusts absolute cell references

D. Excel doesnt adjust relative cell references

What is the correct answer?


To center worksheet titles across a range of cells, you must

A. Select the cells containing the title text plus the range over which the title text is to be centered

B. Widen the columns

C. Select the cells containing the title text plus the range over which the title text is to be enfettered

D. Format the cells with the comma style

What is the correct answer?


When a row of data is to be converted into columns

A. Copy the cells in row, select the same number of cells in row and paste

B. Copy the cells in column then choose Edit >> Paste Special, then click Transpose and OK

C. Copy the cells then go to Format >> Cells then on Alignment tab click Transpose check box and click OK

D. Select the cells then place the cell pointer on new cell and choose Edit >> Paste Special, mark Transpose check box and click OK

What is the correct answer?


Getting data from a cell located in a different sheet is called ......

A. Accessing

B. Referencing

C. Updating

D. Functioning

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To view a cell comment

A. click the edit comment command on the insert menu

B. click the display comment command on the window menu

C. position the mouse pointer over the cell

D. click the comment command on the view menu

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What is the short cut key to replace a data with another in sheet?

A. Ctrl + R

B. Ctrl + Shift + R

C. Ctrl + H

D. Ctrl + F

What is the correct answer?


You can edit a cell by

A. Clicking the formula button

B. Double clicking the cell to edit it in-place

C. Selecting Edit>Edit Cell from the menu

D. None of above

What is the correct answer?


The chart wizard term data series refers to

A. A chart legend

B. A collection of chart data markers

C. A set of values you plot in a chart

D. A data label

What is the correct answer?


When the formula bar is active, you can see

A. The edit formula button

B. The cancel button

C. The enter button

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


While Finding and Replacing some data in Excel, which of the following statement is valid?

A. You can Find and Replace within the sheet or workbook

B. Excel does not have option to match case for find

C. Both are valid

D. None are valid

What is the correct answer?


A circular reference is

A. Geometric modeling tool

B. A cell that points to a drawing object

C. A formula that either directly or indirectly depends on itself

D. Always erroneous

What is the correct answer?


The short cut key Ctrl + R is used in Excel to

A. Right align the content of cell

B. Remove the cell contents of selected cells

C. Fill the selection with active cells to the right

D. None of above

What is the correct answer?


You can copy data or formulas

A. With the copy, paste and cut commands on the edit menu

B. With commands on the shortcut menu

C. With buttons on the standard toolbars

D. All of the above

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Which of the following is not a valid data type in Excel?

A. Number

B. Character

C. Label

D. Date/Time

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Which of the following option is not available in Paste Special dialog box?

A. Add

B. Subtract

C. Divide


What is the correct answer?


To edit in an embedded excel worksheet object in a word document

A. Use the excel menu bar and toolbars inside the word application

B. Edit the hyperlink

C. Edit the data in a excel source application

D. Use the word menu bar and toolbars

What is the correct answer?


By default Excel provides 3 worksheets. You need only two of them, how will you delete the third one?

A. Right click on Sheet Tab of third sheet and choose Delete from the context menu

B. Click on Sheet 3 and from Edit menu choose Delete

C. Both of above

D. None of above

What is the correct answer?


The Delete key of keyboard is assigned to which command in Excel?

A. Edit >> Clear >> Contents

B. Edit >> Clear >> All

C. Edit >> Delete

D. All of above

What is the correct answer?


You can convert existing excel worksheet data an charts to an HTML document by using

A. FTP wizard

B. Internet assistant wizard

C. Intranet wizard

D. Import wizard

What is the correct answer?


Tab scroll buttons are place on Excel screen

A. towards the bottom right corner

B. towards the bottom left corner

C. towards the top right corner

D. towards the top left corner

What is the correct answer?


The Chart wizard term data categories refers to;

A. A chart plot area

B. A horizontal axis

C. The organization of individual values with a charts data series

D. The data range that supply chart data

What is the correct answer?


In EXCEL, you can sum a large range of data by simply selecting a tool button called .....?

A. AutoFill

B. Auto correct

C. Auto sum

D. Auto format

What is the correct answer?


Where can you set the shading color for a range of cells in Excel?

A. Choose required color form Patterns tab of Format Cells dialog box

B. Choose required color on Fill Color tool in Formatting toolbar

C. Choose required color on Fill Color tool in Drawing toolbar

D. All of above

What is the correct answer?


Which area in an Excel window allows entering values and formulas?

A. Title Bar

B. Menu Bar

C. Formula Bar

D. Standard Tool Bar

What is the correct answer?


Hyperlinks can be

A. Text

B. Drawing objects

C. Pictures

D. All of above

What is the correct answer?


A worksheet can have a maximum of …. Number of rows

A. 256

B. 1024

C. 32000

D. 65535

What is the correct answer?


Which tool you will use to join some cells and place the content at the middle of joined cell?

A. From Format Cells dialog box click on Merge Cells check box

B. From Format Cells dialog box select the Centered alignment

C. From Format Cells dialog box choose Merge and Center check box

D. Click on Merge and Center tool on formatting toolbar

What is the correct answer?


The Cancel and Enter buttons appear in the:

A. Title bar

B. Formula bar

C. Menu bar

D. Sheet tabs

What is the correct answer?


To copy formatting from one area in a worksheet and apply it to another area you would use:

A. The Edit > Copy Format and Edit>Paste Format commands form the menu

B. The Copy and Apply Formatting dialog box, located under the Format > Copy and Apply menu

C. There is no way to copy and apply formatting in Excel You have to do it manually

D. The Format Painter button on the standard toolbar