Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?



A. Universal Automatic Computer

B. Universal Array Computer

C. Unique Automatic Computer

D. Unvalued Automatic Computer

Correct Answer :

A. Universal Automatic Computer

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What is the correct answer?


Networking such as LAN, MAN started from

A. First generation

B. Second generation

C. Third generation

D. Fourth generation

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______ computers are also called personal computers

A. Mainframe Computer

B. Mini Computers

C. Micro Computers

D. Super Computers

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Which of the following is not an output device?

A. Scanner

B. Printer

C. Flat Screen

D. Touch Screen

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Microprocessors as switching devices are for which generation computers

A. First Generation

B. Second Generation

C. Third Generation

D. Fourth Generation

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A dumb terminal has

A. an embedded microprocessor

B. extensive memory

C. independent processing capability

D. a keyboard and screen

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Which printer is very commonly used for desktop publishing?

A. Laser printer

B. Inkjet printer

C. Daisywheel printer

D. Dot matrix printer

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What are the stages in the compilation process?

A. Feasibility study, system design and testing

B. Implementation and documentation

C. Lexical Analysis, syntax analysis, and code generation

D. None of the above

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High density double sided floppy disks could store _____ of data

A. 1.40 GB

B. 1.44 MB

C. 1.40 MB

D. 1.44 GB

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Unwanted repetitious messages, such as unsolicited bulk e-mail is known as

A. Spam

B. Trash

C. Calibri

D. Courier

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As compared to the secondary memory, the primary memory of a computer is

A. Large

B. Cheap

C. Fast

D. Slow

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Which of the following is not a feature of first generation computers

A. They used vacuum tubes or valves as main electronic component

B. They consumed lots of electricity and produced excessive heat

C. They used machine language and assembly language to program the machine

D. None of above

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All of the following are examples of storage devices EXCEPT:

A. hard disk drives

B. printers

C. floppy disk drives

D. CD drives

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A disadvantage of the laser printer is

A. It is quieter than an impact printer

B. It is very slow

C. The output is of a lower quality

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Which computer memory is used for storing programs and data currently being processed by the CPU?

A. Mass memory

B. Internal memory

C. Non-volatile memory


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Chief component of first generation computer was

A. Transistors

B. Vacuum Tubes and Valves

C. Integrated Circuits

D. None of above

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ALU is

A. Arithmetic Logic Unit

B. Array Logic Unit

C. Application Logic Unit

D. None of above

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The advantage of COM are its __ and __

A. Compact size; speed readability

B. Compact size, speed

C. Readability; speed

D. Low cost; readability

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The first machine to successfully perform a long series of arithmetic and logical operations was:


B. Mark-I

C. Analytic Engine


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The brain of any computer system is

A. Control Unit

B. Arithmetic Logic Unit

C. Central Processing Unit

D. Storage Unit

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BIOS stands for

A. Basic Input Output system

B. Binary Input output system

C. Basic Input Off system

D. all the above

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Which is the highest form?

A. Data

B. Information

C. Knowledge

D. All of above

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Select the Odd one

A. Operating system

B. Interpreter

C. Compiler

D. Assembler

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The first computer introduced in Nepal was

A. IBM 1400

B. IBM 1401

C. IBM 1402

D. IBM1402

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Which technology is used in Compact disks?

A. Mechanical

B. Electrical

C. Electro Magnetic

D. Laser

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A compiler means

A. A person who compiles source programs

B. The same thing as a programmer

C. Keypunch operator

D. A program which translates source program into object program

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A number system that has eight different symbols to represent any quantity is known as

A. Binary

B. Octal

C. Decimal

D. Hexadecimal

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What do you call the programs that are used to find out possible faults and their causes?

A. operating system extensions

B. cookies

C. diagnostic software

D. boot diskettes

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When a file is saved for the first time

A. a copy is automatically printed

B. it must be given a name to identify it

C. it does not need a name

D. it only needs a name if it is not going to be printed

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Who invented punched cards?

A. Charles Babbage

B. Dr. Herman Hollerith

C. Howard Aikin

D. Joseph Jacquard

What is the correct answer?


Which language is directly understood by the computer without translation program?

A. Machine language

B. Assembly language

C. High level language

D. None of above