Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


What does the Latin term Vox Populi, Vox Dei mean in English?

A. The voice of the people is the voice of God

B. In the name of the Father

C. Love conquers all

D. United we stand

Correct Answer :

A. The voice of the people is the voice of God

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Which Latin phrase means by the fact itself?

A. Ipso Facto

B. Ex post facto

C. Ad hoc

D. Quid pro quo

What is the correct answer?


Which Latin poet wrote the epic poem Metamorphoses, a collection of myths and transformations?

A. Virgil

B. Ovid

C. Horace

D. Catullus

What is the correct answer?


Which Roman poet is known for his didactic poem Georgics, which covers topics related to agriculture and rural life?

A. Virgil

B. Ovid

C. Horace

D. Catullus

What is the correct answer?


Which Latin phrase means after this, therefore because of this?

A. Post hoc, ergo propter hoc

B. Ad hoc

C. Carpe Diem

D. In vino veritas

What is the correct answer?


Which Latin term is used for a type of logical fallacy where one assumes that because two things are similar in one respect, they must be similar in all respects?

A. False Analogy

B. Circular Reasoning

C. Begging the Question

D. Slippery Slope

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What is the meaning of the Latin term Semper Fidelis?

A. Always faithful

B. Always brave

C. Always strong

D. Always wise

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What is the meaning of the Latin phrase Tabula Rasa?

A. Blank slate

B. Clean slate

C. White table

D. Clear board

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What is the comparative form of the Latin adjective bonus meaning good?

A. Melior

B. Optimum

C. Malus

D. Peior

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What Latin phrase is used to describe a logical fallacy where one assumes that because one event follows another, the first event caused the second?

A. Post hoc, ergo propter hoc

B. Ad hoc

C. Carpe Diem

D. In vino veritas

What is the correct answer?


Which Latin term is used for a logical fallacy where one argues that because something has not been proven true, it must be false?

A. Argumentum ad Ignorantiam

B. Non Sequitur

C. Red Herring

D. Straw Man

What is the correct answer?


What does the Latin term Memento Mori mean in English?

A. Remember you will die

B. Remember the good times

C. Remember to live

D. Remember your destiny

What is the correct answer?


Which Latin poet is known for his satirical works, including Satires and Epistles?

A. Horace

B. Ovid

C. Catullus

D. Juvenal

What is the correct answer?


Which Latin tense is used to express actions that will happen in the future?

A. Present

B. Imperfect

C. Future

D. Perfect

What is the correct answer?


What is the meaning of the Latin term Deus Ex Machina?

A. God from the machine

B. In the absence of light

C. Through adversity to the stars

D. God is with us

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Which Roman poet is known for his fables, including The Tortoise and the Hare?

A. Ovid

B. Virgil

C. Aesop

D. Horace

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Which Latin case is used to indicate the indirect object of a verb?

A. Nominative

B. Genitive

C. Accusative

D. Dative

What is the correct answer?


Which Latin term is used for a type of logical fallacy where one argues that because something is popular or widely believed, it must be true?

A. Appeal to Popularity

B. Non Sequitur

C. Red Herring

D. Straw Man

What is the correct answer?


Which Roman philosopher and emperor wrote the Meditations, a series of personal reflections on Stoic philosophy?

A. Cicero

B. Seneca

C. Marcus Aurelius

D. Epictetus

What is the correct answer?


What does the Latin term Deus ex machina mean in literary context?

A. A contrived or improbable solution to a plot problem

B. God from the machine

C. Through adversity to the stars

D. Divine intervention

What is the correct answer?


Which Latin term is used for a logical fallacy in which one attacks the person making the argument rather than addressing the argument itself?

A. Ad Hominem

B. Non Sequitur

C. Red Herring

D. Straw Man

What is the correct answer?


What does the Latin term De Facto mean in English?

A. In fact

B. In the face of

C. In the name of

D. In the absence of

What is the correct answer?


What is the meaning of the Latin phrase E Pluribus Unum?

A. Out of many, one

B. In God we trust

C. Liberty or death

D. United we stand

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Which Roman philosopher is known for his handbook on Stoicism called Enchiridion?

A. Cicero

B. Seneca

C. Marcus Aurelius

D. Epictetus

What is the correct answer?


What case in Latin is used to indicate the direct object of a verb?

A. Nominative

B. Genitive

C. Accusative

D. Dative

What is the correct answer?


What Latin term is used for a statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory but may be true?

A. Paradox

B. Irony

C. Fallacy

D. Antithesis

What is the correct answer?


What is the plural form of the Latin word opus meaning work or task?

A. Opuses

B. Opera

C. Opia

D. Operi

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Which Roman poet is known for his satirical works, including Satires and Epodes?

A. Horace

B. Ovid

C. Catullus

D. Juvenal

What is the correct answer?


In Latin, what does the word per typically mean?

A. With

B. Through

C. Against

D. In

What is the correct answer?


What is the meaning of the Latin term Magnum Opus?

A. Great work

B. Great artist

C. Great emperor

D. Great architect

What is the correct answer?


What does the Latin term Summa Cum Laude mean in English?

A. With highest honor

B. With great difficulty

C. With loud enthusiasm

D. With great praise