Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


What is the German word for beach?

A. Strand

B. Wald

C. Gebirge

D. See

Correct Answer :

A. Strand

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A. Friedrich Nietzsche

B. Immanuel Kant

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B. Friedrich Nietzsche

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B. Auto

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A. Danube

B. Rhine

C. Elbe

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A. Franz Kafka

B. Hermann Hesse

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A. K�se

B. Milch

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A. Rechner

B. Maschine

C. Ger�t

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A. Rhine

B. Elbe

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A. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

B. Ludwig van Beethoven

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A. Berlin

B. Munich

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A. Rhine

B. Danube

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A. Apfel

B. Birne

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A. Berlin

B. Munich

C. Stuttgart

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A. Munich

B. Berlin

C. Frankfurt

D. Hamburg

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A. Euro

B. Pound Sterling

C. Dollar

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A. Rhine

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A. sein

B. haben

C. werden

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A. Weihnachten (Christmas)

B. Tag der Deutschen Einheit (German Unity Day)

C. Ostern (Easter)

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B. T�r

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A. Friedrich Nietzsche

B. Karl Marx

C. Immanuel Kant

D. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

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What is the German word for river?

A. Fluss

B. See

C. Meer

D. Ozean