Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?
const object1 = {
property1: 20

A. 20

B. true

C. false

D. error

Correct Answer :

C. false

Explanation: The Object.is() method of JavaScript is used to determine whether two values are the same value. There is a special built-in method that compares values. This method returns a Boolean indicating whether or not the two arguments are the same value.

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What is the correct answer?


What will be the output of the following Javascript code?
var add=new Function(num1,num2,return num1+num2);

A. 2

B. 5

C. Error

D. 7

What is the correct answer?


Consider the following code snippet.
function printArray(a)
var len = a.length, i = 0;
if (len == 0)
console.log(Empty Array);
} while (++i < len);

What does the above code result?

A. Prints the numbers in the array in order

B. Prints the numbers in the array in the reverse order

C. Prints 0 to the length of the array

D. Prints Empty Array

What is the correct answer?


The statement a===b refers to _________

A. Both a and b are equal in value, type and reference address

B. Both a and b are equal in value

C. Both a and b are equal in value and type

D. There is no such statement

What is the correct answer?


Consider the following code snippet
function f(o)
if (o === undefined) debugger;

What could be the task of the statement debugger?

A. It does nothing but a simple breakpoint

B. It debugs the error in that statement and restarts the statements execution

C. It is used as a keyword that debugs the entire program at once

D. It is used to find error in the statement

What is the correct answer?


Identify the process done in the following JavaScript code snippet?
o = {x:1, y:{z:[false,null,]}};
s = JSON.stringify(o);
p = JSON.parse(s);

A. Object Encapsulation

B. Object Serialization

C. Object Abstraction

D. Object Encoding

What is the correct answer?


A function definition expression can be called as __________

A. Function prototype

B. Function literal

C. Function calling

D. Function declaration

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The generalised syntax for a real number representation is __________

A. [digits][.digits][(E|e)[(+|-)]digits]

B. [digits][+digits][(E|e)[(+|-)]digits]

C. [digits][(E|e)[(+|-)]digits]

D. [.digits][digits][(E|e)[(+|-)]digits]

What is the correct answer?


The expression of calling (or executing) a function or method in JavaScript is called ________

A. Primary expression

B. Functional expression

C. Invocation expression

D. Property Access Expression

What is the correct answer?


What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?
var grade='A';
var result;
case 'A':
case 'B':
result+= 9;
case 'C':
result+= 8;
result+= 0;

A. 10

B. 27

C. 8

D. 0

What is the correct answer?


What will be the shift() output of the following JavaScript code?
var a = [];

A. 1

B. [4,5]

C. [3,4,5]

D. Exception is thrown

What is the correct answer?


The purpose of extensible attribute is to __________

A. make all of the own properties of that object non configurable

B. to configure and bring a writable property

C. lock down objects into a known state and prevent outside tampering

D. to include new properties into the object

What is the correct answer?


What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?
var val1=[1,2,3];
var val2=[6,7,8];
var result=val1.concat(val2);

A. 1, 2, 3

B. Error

C. 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8

D. 123

What is the correct answer?


What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?
var person =
name: Rahul,
getName: function()
nreturn this.name;
var unboundName = person.getName;
var boundName = unboundName.bind(person);

A. runtime error;

B. compilation error

C. Rahul

D. undefined

What is the correct answer?


The snippet that has to be used to check if a is not equal to null is _________

A. if(a!=null)

B. if (!a)

C. if(a!null)

D. if(a!==null)

What is the correct answer?


What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?
function code(id,name)
this.id = id;
this.name = name;
function pcode(id,name)
document.writeln(new pcode(101,vivek).id);

A. vivek

B. 101

C. Runtime error

D. Compilation error

What is the correct answer?


Consider the following code snippet :
var string2Num=parseInt(123xyz);

The result for the above code snippet would be :

A. 123

B. 123xyz

C. Exception

D. NaN

What is the correct answer?


When an empty statement is encountered, a JavaScript interpreter __________

A. Ignores the statement

B. Prompts to complete the statement

C. Throws an error

D. Shows a warning

What is the correct answer?


For the below mentioned code snippet:
var o = new Object();

The equivalent statement is:

A. var o = Object();

B. var o;

C. var o= new Object;

D. Object o=new Object();

What is the correct answer?


The escape sequence stands for _________

A. Floating numbers

B. Representation of functions that returns a value

C. is not present in JavaScript

D. Form feed

What is the correct answer?


Consider the following code snippet
function f(o)
if (o === undefined) debugger;

What could be the task of the statement debugger?

A. It does nothing but a simple breakpoint

B. It debugs the error in that statement and restarts the statements execution

C. It is used as a keyword that debugs the entire program at once

D. It is used to find error in the statement

What is the correct answer?


What will be the output of the following Javascript code?
function range(int length)
int a=5;
for(int i=0;i<length;i++)

A. 5

B. 555

C. 3

D. error

What is the correct answer?


What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?
function height()
var height = 123.56;
var type = (height>=190) ? tall : short;
return type;

A. 123.56

B. 190

C. tall

D. short

What is the correct answer?


What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?
Int a=1;

A. 10

B. 0

C. 1

D. Undefined

What is the correct answer?


One of the special feature of an interpreter in reference with the for loop is that ___________

A. Before each iteration, the interpreter evaluates the variable expression and assigns the name of the property

B. The iterations can be infinite when an interpreter is used

C. The body of the loop is executed only once

D. the iteration is finite when an interpreter is used

What is the correct answer?


What is the observation made in the following JavaScript code?
var count = [1,,3];

A. The omitted value takes undefined

B. This results in an error

C. This results in an exception

D. The omitted value takes an integer value

What is the correct answer?


What happens in the following javaScript code snippet?
var count = 0;
while (count < 10)

A. The values of count are logged or stored in a particular location or storage

B. The value of count from 0 to 9 is displayed in the console

C. An error is displayed

D. An exception is thrown

What is the correct answer?


A function with no return value is called ___________

A. Procedures

B. Method

C. Static function

D. Dynamic function

What is the correct answer?


In the following switch syntax, the expression is compared with the case labels using which of the following operator(s)?

A. ==

B. equals

C. equal

D. ===

What is the correct answer?


What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?
var a=5 , b=1
var obj = { a : 10 }

A. 10

B. Error

C. 1

D. 5

What is the correct answer?


The var and function are __________

A. Keywords

B. Declaration statements

C. Data types

D. Prototypes