Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which is an exaggeration?

A. Alliteration

B. Haiku

C. Hyperbole

D. Prose

Correct Answer :

C. Hyperbole

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What is the correct answer?


Why did Poetry Quarterly cease publication in 1953?

A. Owner convicted of fraud

B. Fall in Sales

C. Rise in taxation on magazines

D. Shortage of paper

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William Shakespeare was born in the year:

A. 1564

B. 1544

C. 1578

D. 1582

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Which of the following is not a work of John Keats?

A. Endymion

B. To some ladies

C. To hope

D. None of above

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Which kind of poem is Edward Lear associated with?

A. Nature

B. Epics

C. Sonnets

D. Nonsense

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Which poem ends I shall but love thee better after death?

A. How do I love thee

B. Ode to a Grecian urn

C. In faith I do not love thee with mine eyes

D. Let me not to the marriage of true minds

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From what century does the poetic form the folk ballad date?

A. The 12th

B. The 14th

C. The 17th

D. The 19th

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Rupert Brooke wrote his poetry during which conflict?

A. Boer War

B. Second World War

C. Korean War

D. First World War

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Which Welsh poet wrote Under Milk Wood?

A. Anthony Hopkins

B. Richard Burton

C. Tom Jones

D. Dylan Thomas

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Who was often called as the Romantic Poet as most of his poems revolved around nature?

A. William Blake

B. William Shakespeare

C. William Morris

D. William Wordsworth

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What is the difference between a simile and a metaphor?

A. No difference. Simply two different ways in referring to the same thing.

B. A simile is more descriptive.

C. A simile uses as or like to make a comparison and a metaphor doesnt.

D. A simile must use animals in the comparison.

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Sylvia Plath married which English poet?

A. Masefield

B. Causley

C. Hughes

D. Larkin

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What was strange about Emily Dickinson?

A. She rarely left home

B. She wrote in code

C. She never attempted to publish her poetry

D. She wrote her poems in invisible ink

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The magazine Contemporary Poetry and Prose was inspired by which exhibition?

A. The Festival of Britain

B. The Surrealist Exhibition

C. People of the 20th Century

D. Drawing the 20th CEntury

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Carl Sandburg Planked whitefish contains what kind of imagery?

A. Sea scenes

B. Rural Idyll

C. War

D. Innocent childhood

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How many languages did chaucer know?

A. 2

B. 4

C. 1

D. 5

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Which is an exaggeration?

A. Alliteration

B. Haiku

C. Hyperbole

D. Prose

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in which language the stories of canterbury tale are written?

A. French

B. Latin

C. Middle english

D. English

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What is a poem called whose first letters of each line spell out a word?

A. Alliterative

B. Epic

C. Acrostic

D. Haiku

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Sassoon and Brooke wrote what kind of poetry?

A. Light verse

B. Romantic

C. Political satire

D. War poems

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Which poet is considered a national hero in Greece?

A. John keats

B. Lord Byron

C. Solan

D. Sappho

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Which American writer published A brave and startling truth in 1996

A. Robert Hass

B. Jessica Hagdorn

C. Maya Angelou

D. Micheal Palmer

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Which of the following writers wrote historical novels?

A. Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte

B. Sir Walter Scott and Maria Edgeworth

C. William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge

D. Mary Shelley and Percy Bysshe Shelley

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Of which poet was it said Even if hes not a great poet, hes certainly a great something?

A. Elliot

B. Kipling

C. Cummings

D. Brooke

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There was aware of her true love, at length come riding by This is a couplet from the Bailiffs Daughter of Islington. What figure of speech is used by the poet?

A. Metaphor

B. Synecdoche

C. Euphemism

D. Irony

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Which is an example of a proverb?

A. Get a stake in our business.

B. You cant have your cake and eat it, too

C. The snow was white as cotton.

D. Youre driving me crazy.

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What is the earliest surviving European poem?

A. The Homeric epic

B. The Gilgamesh epic

C. The Deluge epic

D. The Hesiodic ode

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Wlliam Shakespeare is not the author of:

A. Titus Andronicus

B. Taming of the Shrew

C. White Devil

D. Hamlet

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In what form did Dylan Thomass Under Milk Wood first become known?

A. Book of poetry

B. A radio play

C. A stage play

D. a short film

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Margaret Atwood was born in which Canadian city?

A. Vancouver

B. Toronto

C. Ottowa

D. Montreal

What is the correct answer?


Where did chaucer bury?

A. westminster abbey

B. kent church

C. chapel at windsor

D. None of the above