Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which of Mendel's laws states that alleles for different genes segregate independently during gamete formation?

A. Law of Dominance

B. Law of Independent Assortment

C. Law of Segregation

D. Law of Inheritance

Correct Answer :

B. Law of Independent Assortment

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What is the correct answer?


What is the primary function of the plant cuticle?

A. Gas exchange

B. Water retention and protection

C. Photosynthesis

D. Nutrient absorption

What is the correct answer?


Which part of a plant is responsible for producing seeds?

A. Stem

B. Leaf

C. Flower

D. Root

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The human heart has how many chambers?

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

D. 5

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Which organelle is responsible for protein synthesis?

A. Golgi apparatus

B. Ribosome

C. Endoplasmic reticulum

D. Lysosome

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Which of the following is NOT a method of seed dispersal in plants?

A. Wind

B. Water

C. Insects

D. Gravity

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What is the term for a virus that infects bacteria?

A. Bacteriophage

B. Retrovirus

C. Prion

D. Viroid

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Which bone in the human body is often referred to as the collarbone?

A. Radius

B. Femur

C. Clavicle

D. Tibia

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What is the term for a change in the sequence of DNA that can be passed on to offspring?

A. Gene flow

B. Genetic drift

C. Mutation

D. Natural selection

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Which hominid species is known for its use of fire and tools, and is believed to be the first to migrate out of Africa?

A. Neanderthals

B. Homo erectus

C. Australopithecus afarensis

D. Homo habilis

What is the correct answer?


What is the term for the process by which modern humans gradually replaced archaic humans, such as Neanderthals, through migration and competition?

A. Speciation

B. Coevolution

C. Extinction

D. Out-of-Africa hypothesis

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Which of the following is NOT a method of preventing the spread of infectious diseases?

A. Vaccination

B. Antibiotic use

C. Handwashing

D. Quarantine

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What is the term for the process by which two unrelated species evolve similar traits in response to similar environmental pressures?

A. Natural selection

B. Convergent evolution

C. Artificial selection

D. Coevolution

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In angiosperms, what is the female reproductive structure that contains the ovules?

A. Stamen

B. Pistil (carpel)

C. Sepal

D. Petal

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In humans, which hormone is responsible for the development of secondary sexual characteristics in males?

A. Estrogen

B. Progesterone

C. Testosterone

D. Prolactin

What is the correct answer?


Which term refers to structures that have no apparent function but resemble functional structures in other organisms?

A. Homologous structures

B. Analogous structures

C. Vestigial structures

D. Adaptive structures

What is the correct answer?


Which type of behavior involves the establishment and maintenance of a territory for mating and/or obtaining resources?

A. Agonistic behavior

B. Courtship behavior

C. Dominance hierarchy

D. Territorial behavior

What is the correct answer?


What is the process by which segments of DNA are shuffled during the formation of gametes, leading to genetic diversity?

A. Meiosis

B. Mitosis

C. Replication

D. Crossing over

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Which microorganism is responsible for the majority of human yeast infections?

A. Bacteria

B. Virus

C. Fungus

D. Protist

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Homo sapiens originated on which continent?

A. Africa

B. Asia

C. Europe

D. South America

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is an example of an invasive species?

A. Native grasses in their natural habitat

B. A non-native tree planted in a garden

C. A species that naturally occurs in a specific ecosystem

D. A species that is endangered

What is the correct answer?


Which species is believed to be the closest ancestor to modern humans?

A. Neanderthals

B. Homo erectus

C. Australopithecus afarensis

D. Homo habilis

What is the correct answer?


What is the term for the process by which an animal forms a social attachment to another object or organism, often occurring shortly after birth?

A. Conditioning

B. Habituation

C. Reflex

D. Imprinting

What is the correct answer?


What is the primary function of the root system in plants?

A. Photosynthesis

B. Anchoring the plant and absorbing water and nutrients

C. Producing flowers and fruits

D. Transporting sugars

What is the correct answer?


What is the primary source of energy for most ecosystems?

A. Wind

B. Water

C. Sunlight

D. Geothermal heat

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Which part of the human brain is responsible for coordinating muscle movements and maintaining balance?

A. Cerebrum

B. Cerebellum

C. Medulla oblongata

D. Hypothalamus

What is the correct answer?


What is the term for a gene that is expressed when present, even if only one copy is present in an individual's genotype?

A. Recessive

B. Dominant

C. Co-dominant

D. Allelic

What is the correct answer?


What is the primary function of the mitochondria?

A. Protein synthesis

B. Energy production

C. Lipid synthesis

D. Waste elimination

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is a characteristic of mammals?

A. Cold-blooded

B. Lay eggs

C. Have mammary glands

D. Breathe through gills

What is the correct answer?


What is the term for the transfer of pollen from the male reproductive organ to the female reproductive organ of a flower?

A. Fertilization

B. Pollination

C. Germination

D. Embryo development

What is the correct answer?


What is the term for the process by which animals change their physical and behavioral traits in response to seasonal changes?

A. Hibernation

B. Migration

C. Estivation

D. Camouflage