Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which species is believed to be the closest ancestor to modern humans?

A. Neanderthals

B. Homo erectus

C. Australopithecus afarensis

D. Homo habilis

Correct Answer :

C. Australopithecus afarensis

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What is the correct answer?


Which microorganism is responsible for the majority of human yeast infections?

A. Bacteria

B. Virus

C. Fungus

D. Protist

What is the correct answer?


The study of the geographic distribution of species is known as:

A. Biogeography

B. Ecology

C. Ethology

D. Taxonomy

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Which type of learning occurs when an animal associates a neutral stimulus with a meaningful stimulus to produce a response?

A. Classical conditioning

B. Operant conditioning

C. Habituation

D. Imprinting

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Which of the following is NOT a function of the cell wall in plant cells?

A. Providing structural support

B. Regulating osmotic balance

C. Facilitating cell communication

D. Protecting against pathogens

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What is the term for the shedding of the uterine lining in the absence of pregnancy, resulting in menstruation?

A. Ovulation

B. Fertilization

C. Menarche

D. Menstruation

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Which of Mendel's laws states that alleles for different genes segregate independently during gamete formation?

A. Law of Dominance

B. Law of Independent Assortment

C. Law of Segregation

D. Law of Inheritance

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What is the term for the process by which an embryo implants itself in the uterine lining and begins to develop?

A. Ovulation

B. Fertilization

C. Implantation

D. Menstruation

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What is the term for the maximum number of individuals of a species that an ecosystem can support indefinitely?

A. Carrying capacity

B. Population density

C. Limiting factor

D. Exponential growth

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What is the primary function of the plant cuticle?

A. Gas exchange

B. Water retention and protection

C. Photosynthesis

D. Nutrient absorption

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The relationship between a bee and a flower, where the bee obtains nectar and pollen while aiding in pollination, is an example of:

A. Mutualism

B. Parasitism

C. Competition

D. Commensalism

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What is the term for a disease-causing microorganism?

A. Antibiotic

B. Parasite

C. Pathogen

D. Virus

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What term describes the process by which animals adjust their internal biological clocks to match the daily cycle of light and dark in their environment?

A. Hibernation

B. Migration

C. Circadian rhythm

D. Nocturnal behavior

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What is the term for the process by which modern humans gradually replaced archaic humans, such as Neanderthals, through migration and competition?

A. Speciation

B. Coevolution

C. Extinction

D. Out-of-Africa hypothesis

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is a bacterial disease that primarily affects the respiratory system and can be prevented by vaccination?

A. Tuberculosis

B. Malaria

C. Cholera

D. Whooping cough (Pertussis)

What is the correct answer?


What is the term for a change in the sequence of DNA that can be passed on to offspring?

A. Gene flow

B. Genetic drift

C. Mutation

D. Natural selection

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What is the term for the transfer of pollen from the male reproductive organ to the female reproductive organ of a flower?

A. Fertilization

B. Pollination

C. Germination

D. Embryo development

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Which cell organelle contains digestive enzymes and is involved in cellular waste disposal?

A. Mitochondria

B. Nucleus

C. Lysosome

D. Chloroplast

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Which term refers to structures that have no apparent function but resemble functional structures in other organisms?

A. Homologous structures

B. Analogous structures

C. Vestigial structures

D. Adaptive structures

What is the correct answer?


What is the term for the process by which plants lose water vapor through small openings in their leaves?

A. Transpiration

B. Photosynthesis

C. Respiration

D. Osmosis

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Which type of muscle is responsible for voluntary movements in the body?

A. Smooth muscle

B. Cardiac muscle

C. Skeletal muscle

D. Involuntary muscle

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The smallest unit of a chemical element that retains the properties of that element is called:

A. Atom

B. Molecule

C. Cell

D. Tissue

What is the correct answer?


What is the main function of the respiratory system?

A. Regulation of blood sugar levels

B. Transportation of oxygen and carbon dioxide

C. Digestion of food

D. Filtration of blood

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Which level of ecological organization includes all the biotic and abiotic factors in a given area?

A. Population

B. Community

C. Ecosystem

D. Biosphere

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What is the primary driver of the current global biodiversity crisis?

A. Habitat loss

B. Climate change

C. Pollution

D. Invasive species

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Which of the following is a direct benefit of biodiversity to humans?

A. Increased greenhouse gas emissions

B. Decreased agricultural productivity

C. Development of new medicines

D. Soil erosion

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is NOT a method of preventing the spread of infectious diseases?

A. Vaccination

B. Antibiotic use

C. Handwashing

D. Quarantine

What is the correct answer?


In a DNA molecule, adenine (A) pairs with:

A. Thymine (T)

B. Cytosine (C)

C. Guanine (G)

D. Uracil (U)

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Which organelle is responsible for protein synthesis?

A. Golgi apparatus

B. Ribosome

C. Endoplasmic reticulum

D. Lysosome

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Which type of behavior involves the establishment and maintenance of a territory for mating and/or obtaining resources?

A. Agonistic behavior

B. Courtship behavior

C. Dominance hierarchy

D. Territorial behavior

What is the correct answer?


What is the primary function of the root system in plants?

A. Photosynthesis

B. Anchoring the plant and absorbing water and nutrients

C. Producing flowers and fruits

D. Transporting sugars