Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following command is used to extract text from binary or executable files in the Linux operating system?

A. strings

B. string

C. str

D. strbin

Correct Answer :

A. strings

The strings command is used to extract text from binary or executable files in the Linux operating system.

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What is the correct answer?


Which of the following directories contains binary files?
a) /sbin
b) /lib
c) /bin
d) /var

A. A and B

B. A and C

C. A, B, and C

D. A, B, C, and D

What is the correct answer?


There are the following statements that are given below which of them are correct about cut command?
a) The cut command is used to select a specific column of a file.
b) We can use a delimiter in the cut command to separate the columns of a file.
c) We cannot use a delimiter in the cut command.
d) The cut command is used to move files from one location to another location.

A. Only A

B. Only B

C. A and B

D. A and C

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A. search

B. find

C. fileseach

D. fsearch

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Which of the following are the types of file owners in the Linux Operating System?
a) User
b) Group
c) Other
d) None of the above

A. A and B

B. C and D

C. A, B, and C

D. D

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A. $?

B. %$

C. ?&

D. ?@

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A. ip show

B. ip a show

C. ip b show

D. ip show

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There are the following statements that are given below, which of them are correct about AWK in the Linux operating system?
a) AWK is a scripting language, which is used to perform operations on data and generate reports.
b) The compilation is not required for AWK programs.
c) The compilation is required for AWK programs.
d) We can use logical operators, string functions, and numeric functions in AWK programs.

A. A and B

B. A and D

C. A, B, and D

D. A, C, and D

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Which exact command is used to list the files and directories with the size of the file or directory?

A. ls -l

B. ls -s

C. ls -k

D. ls -h

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What is the full form of MTU?

A. Maximum Transmission Unit

B. Minimum Transmission Unit

C. Multiple Transmission Unit

D. Minimum Transactional Unit

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There are the following commands that are given below, which of them are correct locate command in the Linux operating system?
a) The locate command is also used to search a file.
b) The locate command searches the file into the database.
c) The locate command slower than find command.
d) The locate command search file in MySQL database only.

A. A and B

B. A and C

C. A, B, and C

D. A, B, C, and D

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What are the basic components of the Linux operating system?
a) Kernel
b) Kernel Modules
c) Shared Libraries
d) User Programs

A. A and B

B. A, B, and C

C. B, C, and D

D. A, B, C, and D

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How can we shut down the system immediately using the shutdown command?

A. shutdown immediate

B. shutdown now

C. shutdown n

D. shutdown final

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Which command is used to check the access and modification time of a file in Linux?

A. check

B. filetimes

C. state

D. file

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Which option is used in the regular expression to remove a complete line from the output of a file using sed command?
a) zcat
b) zmore
c) zless
d) zgip

A. d

B. del

C. delete

D. rem

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A. rmdir -removeall

B. rmdir -n

C. rmdir -rf

D. rmdir -ra

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Which of the following is known as match operator in AWK?

A. =

B. !

C. ~

D. ==

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What is the default size of MTU in the Linux operating system?
a) cat
b) file
c) help
d) man

A. 1000

B. 1500

C. 2000

D. 2600

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The /opt directory comes in which category of directories?

A. Binary directories

B. Data directories

C. Variable directories

D. Memory directories

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Which of the following commands are used to display the information about the Linux commands?
a) man
b) info
c) infocmd
d) All the above

A. A and B

B. A, B, and C

C. A, C, and D

D. A, B, C, and D

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Which of the following configuration file is used by updatedb command?

A. /etc/db.conf

B. /etc/locatedb.conf

C. /etc/updatedb.conf

D. /etc/update.conf

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Which of the following commands are external commands in the Linux operating system?
a) cat
b) file
c) help
d) man

A. A and B

B. C and D

C. A, B, and D

D. A, B, C, and D

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Which exact command is used to find files whose permissions are 765 in the current directory?

A. find . -perm 765

B. find . -per 765

C. find . -p 765

D. find . -prm 765

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The grep stands for?

A. Global Regular Expression Print

B. General Regular Expression Pegging

C. General Regular Expression Post

D. Global Regular Expression Post

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Which Linux command is used to assign a password to the created user?

A. password

B. newpass

C. passwd

D. pwd

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Which of the following command is used to rename the file names that contain text with txt in the current directory?

A. rename 'r/txt/text' *

B. rename 'e/text/txt' *

C. rename 's/txt/text' *

D. rename 's/text/txt' *

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Which of the following command is used to display the calendar?

A. cal

B. calendar

C. calen

D. cln

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Which command is used to view the specified lines from the start of a file?

A. start

B. head

C. beg

D. first

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Which of the following command uses regular expressions in the Linux operating system?
a) grep
b) sed
c) rename
d) bash

A. A and B

B. C and D

C. A, B, and C

D. A, B, C, and D

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How can we differentiate between file and directory from the output of ls command?

A. Directories are mentioned in capital letters in the output of ls command.

B. The d character is used before permissions in the output of ls command.

C. Both of the above

D. None of the above

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The scope of an environment variable can be?

A. Local

B. Global

C. Both

D. None