Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which river flows through Paris?

A. Rhine

B. Seine

C. Loire

D. Danube

Correct Answer :

B. Seine

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What is the correct answer?


Who wrote the novel Germinal?

A. Victor Hugo

B. Emile Zola

C. Marcel Proust

D. Gustave Flaubert

What is the correct answer?


Which river flows through Paris?

A. Rhine

B. Seine

C. Loire

D. Danube

What is the correct answer?


Who painted Starry Night Over the Rh�ne?

A. Edgar Degas

B. Henri Matisse

C. Vincent van Gogh

D. Paul C�zanne

What is the correct answer?


Who was the French author of The Little Prince (Le Petit Prince)?

A. Victor Hugo

B. Antoine de Saint-Exup�ry

C. Jules Verne

D. Emile Zola

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Which French author is known for writing The Count of Monte Cristo?

A. Victor Hugo

B. Alexandre Dumas

C. Honor� de Balzac

D. Emile Zola

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Which French city is known as the City of Light?

A. Lyon

B. Marseille

C. Paris

D. Nice

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What is the French word for tree?

A. Arbre

B. Fleuve

C. Montagne

D. Plante

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Who wrote the play Tartuffe?

A. Moli�re

B. Racine

C. Voltaire

D. Corneille

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Which French novelist won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1957 and is known for works like The Stranger and The Plague?

A. Albert Camus

B. Marcel Proust

C. Simone de Beauvoir

D. Jean-Paul Sartre

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Which French scientist and chemist is known for his contributions to the field of microbiology and the development of pasteurization?

A. Louis Pasteur

B. Antoine Lavoisier

C. Pierre Curie

D. Marie Curie

What is the correct answer?


Which French chemist and microbiologist is known for his development of pasteurization and contributions to germ theory?

A. Louis Pasteur

B. Antoine Lavoisier

C. Marie Curie

D. Blaise Pascal

What is the correct answer?


Which French composer is known for Carnival of the Animals (Le Carnaval des Animaux)?

A. Gabriel Faur�

B. Claude Debussy

C. Maurice Ravel

D. Camille Saint-Sa�ns

What is the correct answer?


Who wrote the novel Swann's Way (Du c�t� de chez Swann)?

A. Marcel Proust

B. Albert Camus

C. Jean-Paul Sartre

D. Simone de Beauvoir

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In which French city is the Palace of the Popes located?

A. Avignon

B. Nice

C. Lyon

D. Bordeaux

What is the correct answer?


What is the French term for window?

A. Porte

B. Fen�tre

C. Mur

D. Toit

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Who painted Olympia, a famous work depicting a reclining nude woman?

A. �douard Manet

B. Vincent van Gogh

C. Henri Matisse

D. Pablo Picasso

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What is the French word for shoes?

A. Chapeau

B. Chemise

C. Chaussures

D. Sac � main

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Who wrote the play The Marriage of Figaro (Le Mariage de Figaro)?

A. Moli�re

B. Jean Racine

C. Pierre Corneille

D. Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

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What is the French word for telephone?

A. T�l�phone

B. Portable

C. Appareil photo

D. Ordinateur

What is the correct answer?


What is the French word for sun?

A. Lune

B. Soleil

C. �toile

D. Pluie

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Which French fashion designer is known for creating the Little Black Dress?

A. Coco Chanel

B. Christian Dior

C. Yves Saint Laurent

D. Pierre Cardin

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Who was a French mathematician and physicist known for formulating the laws of motion and universal gravitation?

A. Blaise Pascal

B. Ren� Descartes

C. Pierre-Simon Laplace

D. Isaac Newton

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What is the French term for umbrella?

A. Ombre

B. Pluie

C. Parapluie

D. Vent

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Which French author wrote Les Mis�rables?

A. Victor Hugo

B. Marcel Proust

C. Albert Camus

D. Gustave Flaubert

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Who was a French fashion designer known for his extravagant and avant-garde designs?

A. Jean-Paul Gaultier

B. Christian Louboutin

C. Coco Chanel

D. Yves Saint Laurent

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What is the French word for water?

A. Terre

B. Feu

C. Eau

D. Air

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Which French composer is known for Carmen and The Pearl Fishers?

A. Georges Bizet

B. Hector Berlioz

C. Claude Debussy

D. Camille Saint-Sa�ns

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Who was a famous French actress known for her roles in films like Breathless (� bout de souffle)?

A. Brigitte Bardot

B. Catherine Deneuve

C. Jeanne Moreau

D. Anna Karina

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What is the French national motto?

A. �galit�, Fraternit�, Libert� (Equality, Brotherhood, Liberty)

B. Libert�, �galit�, Fraternit� (Liberty, Equality, Brotherhood)

C. Fraternit�, �galit�, Libert� (Brotherhood, Equality, Liberty)

D. �galit�, Libert�, Fraternit� (Equality, Liberty, Brotherhood)

What is the correct answer?


Which French painter is known for his Water Lilies series?

A. Edgar Degas

B. Claude Monet

C. Henri Matisse

D. Pablo Picasso