Histology objective type question with answers.

Histology objective type question with answers.

Histology objective type question answers are asked in various competitive questions.

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Histology related questions

  1. Pseudociliated epithelium is a characteristic feature of mucous membrane of
  2. The largest volume of adult tissues in he body is derived from (in vertebrates)
  3. The epithelial tissue which form protective layer of the skin, buccal cavity and tongue is
  4. Exocrine part of pancreas is classified as
  5. Which of the following tissues can be protective, secretory, sensory, excretory and absorptive in function?
  6. Sensory epithelium is seen
  7. Which of these is true :
  8. The cilia originate from
  9. The type of tissue that covers the surface of the body and lines vessels and body cavities is
  10. Pigment cells of retina are made up of
  11. A "brush border" in the proximal kidney tubule is due to
  12. Sterocilia is found in
  13. Mesenchymal epithelium is seen in
  14. Epithelia of mesodermal origin are present in
  15. Mesothelium is the name given to
  16. Crypts of Lieberkuhn in the small intestine of a mammal is a
  17. The epithelial lining of pericardium is
  18. The attachment between two epithelial cells is due to
  19. An epithelium with more than one layer of cells is seen in
  20. Epithelium has no direct blood supply. The exception to this is
  21. All glands whether exocrine or endocrine originate in mammals from
  22. Mesothelium lines the
  23. The name of the given stratified eqithelium depends upon the shape of
  24. Distal convoluted tubule of kidney is lined by
  25. Example for a holocrine gland is
  26. All the cells rest on a basement membrane in epithelial tissue known as
  27. Inner lining of our trachea is formed by
  28. Oil in the skin is secreted by
  29. Which type of epithelium is found in the Bowman's capsule of mammalian kidney?
  30. Some glands contain glandular cells which lose apical part of cytoplasm with the secretion. Such glands…
  31. Protoplasmic projections of the lining of epithelial cells in certain organs is as follows. State which…
  32. Cilia, flagella and microvilli are seen in
  33. In cuboidal epithelial cells, nuclei are situated
  34. What name is given to the scientific study of tissues ?
  35. Desmosomes are quite common in
  36. Epithelial cell differs from connective and supporting tissues
  37. Salivary gland is an example of
  38. The mucosa is seen in
  39. Which of the following is a correct match?
  40. The epithelial lining of ovary and seminiferous tubules of the testes is
  41. Goblet cells are
  42. Stratified squamous epithelium is seen in
  43. Which of the following statements is true?
  44. Stratified squamous keratinised epithelium seen in
  45. The excretory passages of the urinary system has a lining of epithelial cells which are elastic. These…
  46. Minute cytoplasmic connections between cells of epithelium is known as
  47. The descending limb and the ascending limb of Henle's loop of nephron in mammals is lined by
  48. Inner lining of buccal cavity is derived from
  49. Which of the following has the stratified cuboidal epithelial lining ?
  50. Exocrine glands containing glandular cells which shed themselves to secrete their products are known…

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