Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Epithelium has no direct blood supply. The exception to this is

A. epithelium of peritoneal cavity

B. stria vascularis of cochlea

C. epithelium of uterus

D. epithelium of tongue

Correct Answer :

B. stria vascularis of cochlea

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following statements is true?

A. Epithelial tissue is devoid of blood supply

B. Some cells when innervated are termed as sensory epithelium

C. Epithelial tissue is not capable of regeneration

D. Exocrine glands secrete their products without the help of ducts

What is the correct answer?


Stratified squamous epithelium is seen in

A. epidermis of skin, oesophagus, anus

B. intestine, lungs, heart

C. blood and lymphatic vessels

D. ducts of salivary and mammary glands

What is the correct answer?


Crypts of Lieberkuhn in the small intestine of a mammal is a

A. branched alveolar gland

B. simple tubular gland

C. compound tubular gland

D. compound aleveolar gland

What is the correct answer?


The excretory passages of the urinary system has a lining of epithelial cells which are elastic. These constitute the epithelial tissue called

A. stratified squamous

B. glandular epithelium

C. squamous epithelium

D. transitional epithelium

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following has the stratified cuboidal epithelial lining ?

A. Nasal cavity

B. Oesphagal lumen

C. Products of sweat glands and urinary tract

D. Peritoneal cavity

What is the correct answer?


The attachment between two epithelial cells is due to

A. connective tissue

B. intercellular fluid

C. intercellular cement

D. intercellular fluid and air spaces

What is the correct answer?


A "brush border" in the proximal kidney tubule is due to

A. presence of numerous cilia

B. presence of numerous villi

C. minute finger like folds of the cell membrane called microvilli

D. cuboid al eqithelium

What is the correct answer?


The largest volume of adult tissues in he body is derived from (in vertebrates)

A. ectoderm

B. endoderm

C. mesoderm

D. ectoderm and mesoderm

What is the correct answer?


Example for a holocrine gland is

A. salivary gland

B. sweat gland

C. sebaceous gland

D. mammary gland

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is a correct match?

A. Crypts of LieberkuhnSimple tubular gland, endodermal in origin

B. Sweat glands Simple branched glands, mesodermal in origin

C. Sebaceous glands Compound alveolar glands, mesodermal in origin

D. Salivary glands Simple tubular gland, mesodermal in origin

What is the correct answer?


The mucosa is seen in

A. cavities of the respiratory passages

B. cavities of the urogenital tract

C. cavities of alimentary tract

D. all of these

What is the correct answer?


Distal convoluted tubule of kidney is lined by

A. columnar cells

B. cuboidal cells

C. squamous cells

D. cuboidal epithelium with a brush border

What is the correct answer?


The epithelial lining of ovary and seminiferous tubules of the testes is

A. sensory

B. cuboidal

C. squamous

D. glandular

What is the correct answer?


The name of the given stratified eqithelium depends upon the shape of

A. basal layer of cells

B. superficial layer of cells

C. intermediate layer of cells

D. majority of layers of cells

What is the correct answer?


Stratified squamous keratinised epithelium seen in

A. oesophagus

B. kidney

C. liver

D. epidermis of skin

What is the correct answer?


Sensory epithelium is seen

A. on skin surface

B. on the olfactory mucosa and taste buds of tongue

C. on the ears

D. all of these

What is the correct answer?


Epithelium has no direct blood supply. The exception to this is

A. epithelium of peritoneal cavity

B. stria vascularis of cochlea

C. epithelium of uterus

D. epithelium of tongue

What is the correct answer?


In cuboidal epithelial cells, nuclei are situated

A. centrally

B. apically

C. basally

D. acentrically

What is the correct answer?


Minute cytoplasmic connections between cells of epithelium is known as

A. informosomes

B. microsomes

C. desmosomes

D. mesosomes

What is the correct answer?


Some glands contain glandular cells which lose apical part of cytoplasm with the secretion. Such glands are called

A. apocrine

B. merocrine

C. holocrine

D. endocrine

What is the correct answer?


Mesothelium is the name given to

A. lumen of gut

B. coelomic cavities

C. lumen of blood vessels

D. organs derived from mesoderm

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following tissues can be protective, secretory, sensory, excretory and absorptive in function?

A. epithelial tissues

B. connective tissues

C. muscular tissues

D. nervous tissues

What is the correct answer?


Which of these is true :

A. Epithelia are derived from ectoderm

B. Epilhelia are mesodermal in origin

C. Epithelia are endodermal in origin

D. Epithelial origin is variable

What is the correct answer?


Goblet cells are

A. unicellular mucous glands

B. multicellular mucous glands

C. cuboidal epithelial cells

D. stratified cuboidal cells

What is the correct answer?


Mesothelium lines the

A. peritoneal cavity

B. pericardial cavity

C. pleural cavity

D. all of these

What is the correct answer?


Exocrine glands containing glandular cells which shed themselves to secrete their products are known as

A. ductless glands

B. apocrine glands

C. mesocrine glands

D. holocrine glands

What is the correct answer?


An epithelium with more than one layer of cells is seen in

A. inner lining of stomach

B. inner lining of intestine

C. all parts of alimentary carial

D. buccal caviy and oesophagus

What is the correct answer?


Pseudociliated epithelium is a characteristic feature of mucous membrane of

A. liver

B. heart

C. trachea

D. stomach

What is the correct answer?


The type of tissue that covers the surface of the body and lines vessels and body cavities is

A. connective tissue

B. muscular tissue

C. nerve tissue

D. epithelial tissue

What is the correct answer?


Salivary gland is an example of

A. simple tubular gland

B. simple coiled tubular gland

C. branched tubular gland

D. compound alveolar gland