
Sentence Correction 1000+ MCQ with answer for CEED

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. The doctor examined my pulse.
A. observed
B. saw
C. felt
D. No improvement
Answer : C
2. They sent out the invitations last evening.
A. send out
B. sending out
C. sent at
D. No correction required
Answer : D
3. They are yet to decided about buying the new furniture.
A. still decide
B. yet to decision
C. yet to decide
D. still decided
Answer : C
4. She could not help but laugh .
A. laughing
B. but laughing
C. laugh
D. No improvement
Answer : A
5. Although he was the most friendly of all present and different from the others, he hadn't hardly any friends except me .
A. different from the others, he hardly had any friends except I
B. different than the others, he hardly had any friends except me
C. different than the others, he hardly had any friends except I
D. different from the others, he hardly had any friends except me
Answer : D
6. The temptations that bestow young people today are ruining them.
A. appeal
B. beset
C. confront
D. No improvement
Answer : B
7. Living with compassion and contributing to others lives would helping us add happiness to our lives as well.
A. will helping us
B. will help us
C. would helped them
D. will helped us
Answer : B
8. Anyone interested in the use of computer can learn much if you have access to a state-of-the-art microcomputer.
A. if he has access to
B. if access is available to
C. by access to
D. from access to
Answer : A
9. The manager was unhappy at Gaurav because he did not complete the work in time
A. is unhapy at
B. is to be unhappy at
C. was unhappy with
D. No correction required
Answer : C
10. I have not written many letter to him since my father had died .
A. died
B. was dead
C. has died
D. No improvement
Answer : A
11. Studies in the past have shown that those who limit their activity span during the day in winters are more likely to suffer from depression.
A. more likely for
B. mostly likely to
C. most likely for
D. No correction required
Answer : D
12. Education is a strong instrument for moulding the character of the young.
A. striking
B. powerful
C. potent
D. No improvement
Answer : B
13. He has said so out of affection, do not take it to heart .
A. in heart
B. it in the heart
C. by the heart
D. No improvement
Answer : D
14. If you were the Prime Minister of India what steps would you have taken to end unemployment?
A. will you take
B. will you be taking
C. would you take
D. No improvement
Answer : C
15. In the modern world it is difficult to live through one's ideals.
A. to live upto
B. to live by
C. to live for
D. No improvement
Answer : A
16. He had to bear the brunt of his father's mistakes.
A. bear the burnt
B. bear the burns
C. bear a brunt
D. No correction required
Answer : D
17. The manager was given a holiday and so he decided to go to the hitch-hiking .
A. for the hitch-hiking
B. for hitch-hiking
C. hitch-hiking
D. No improvement
Answer : C
18. Certain shipwrecks have a particular fascination for those people which have a belief in finding the treasure in them .
A. which have a belief in finding the treasure in them.
B. who believe they hold treasure and that they can find it.
C. who believe that there is treasure to be found in them.
D. who believe about treasure to be found in them.
Answer : C
19. It will take two hours to walk across the forest.
A. over
B. between
C. away
D. through
Answer : D
20. A high school student is not even understanding the basics of Chemistry and Physics.
A. does not understand even
B. was not even understanding
C. has even not understood
D. No improvement
Answer : D
21. He doesn't hesitate to do whatever his brother does .
A. will do
B. would do
C. shall do
D. would done
Answer : D
22. Ever since the sting operation, there has been much opposition from they who maintain that it was an unauthorised act .
A. Ever since the sting operation, there has been much opposition from they who maintain that it had been an unathorised act.
B. ever since the sting operation, there has been much opposition from they who maintain that it was an unauthorised act.
C. Ever since the sting operation, there has been much opposition from they who maintain that it was an unauthorised act.
D. Ever since the sting operation, there has been much opposition from those maintaining that it was an unauthorised act.
Answer : D
23. Anita liked to watch television, of which she found the science programme especially fascinating .
A. television, of which she found the science programme especially fascinating.
B. television; she found the science programme especially fascinating.
C. television, and it was especially the science programme that were of fascination.
D. television; the fascination of the science programme especially.
Answer : B
24. He returned with two burning mugs of coffee and set them down on her desk.
A. heating
B. steaming
C. blazing
D. No improvement
Answer : B
25. She is quite well now, except a slight cold .
A. except have a slight cold
B. excepting a slight cold
C. except for a slight cold
D. No improvement
Answer : C
26. The tragedy is reflection of an episode that took place a decade ago.
A. rendition
B. reincarnation
C. reminiscent
D. No improvement
Answer : C
27. If you had told your problem yesterday, we might had helped you
A. would have
B. might have been
C. would have been
D. No correction required
Answer : A
28. What are needed are not large houses but small cottages.
A. were
B. was
C. is
D. No improvement
Answer : C
29. Since she directing the play for quite some time, she knows the actors really well.
A. Since she has directed
B. Since she has been directing
C. Since she was directing
D. No improvement
Answer : B
30. No sooner I saw the tiger than I ran away.
A. No sooner I had seen
B. No sooner did I see
C. As soon as I saw
D. No improvement
Answer : B
31. Though he was more faster than his opponent on the field, his chances of winning the race was low as he lacked the killer instinct.
A. Though he was more faster than his opponent on the field
B. As he was more faster than his opponent on the field
C. Though he was more fast from his opponent on the field
D. Though he was faster than his opponent on the field
Answer : D
32. Start the motor, and then you should remove the blocks .
A. Start the motor, then removing the blocks
B. Starting the motor, the blocks should then be removed
C. Start the motor and then remove the blocks
D. Starting the motor remove the blocks
Answer : C
33. He enjoys to tell stories to children.
A. how to tell stories
B. telling stories
C. to narrate stories
D. No improvement
Answer : B
34. Underestimating its value, breakfast is a meal many people skip .
A. Underestimating its value, breakfast is a meal many people skip.
B. Breakfast is skipped by many people because of their underestimating its value.
C. Many people, underestimate the value of breakfast and skip it.
D. Many people skip breakfast because they underestimate its value.
Answer : D
35. The war was a time of tribulations for all of us.
A. intimacy
B. placidity
C. stupidity
D. No improvement
Answer : D
36. In some cases, factors like low salary, lack of growth prospects and lack of motivation compel all employee to look for a change.
A. compel those employees
B. compelling all employees
C. compelling the employee
D. compel employees
Answer : D
37. The gentry of the town was invited .
A. is invited
B. has been invited
C. were invited
D. No improvement.
Answer : C
38. Freedom is a wonderful thing, for Jimmy was eager to experience it.
A. though
B. and
C. but
D. No improvement
Answer : B
39. The problems of translation are still remain .
A. are remain
B. will remained
C. will still remain
D. No improvement
Answer : C
40. Sohan is pleased at the news yesterday.
A. has been pleased
B. had been pleased
C. was pleased
D. No improvement
Answer : C
41. He has been working off and on for several years to compile a dictionary.
A. on or off
B. on and off
C. regularly
D. No correction required
Answer : B
42. They felt humiliated because they realised that they had cheated.
A. had been cheating
B. had been cheated
C. have been cheated
D. were to be cheated
Answer : B
43. The ship ran over when it crashed into an iceberg.
A. get over
B. gave up
C. went down
D. No improvement
Answer : C
44. After the written exam, you will also have an oral exam .
A. practical
B. viva voice
C. vocal
D. No improvement
Answer : B
45. The trek is difficult but it is worth well the endeavour.
A. well worth the endeavour
B. worth the endeavour well
C. the endeavour well worth
D. No improvement
Answer : A
46. This is the late edition of the Shakespearean play which was originally published in 1603.
A. later
B. latest
C. latter
D. No improvement
Answer : B
47. James epitomizes everything that a leader should be.
A. worships
B. loves
C. adores
D. No improvement
Answer : D
48. As a child, my parents took me to Jammu to visit my grandmother .
A. When I was a child, my parents took me to Jammu to visit my grandmother
B. My parents took me, as a child, to Jammu to visit my grandmother
C. My parents took me to Jammu to visit my grandmother as a child.
D. A child, my parents took me to Jammu to visit my grandmother
Answer : A
49. Although gale force winds often pass through the Eiffel Tower, causing it to sway no more than four inches .
A. causing it to sway no more
B. and yet it sways no more
C. they do not cause it to sway more
D. and they do not cause it to sway
Answer : C
50. A lot depends on your early brought up in the family.
A. bringing up
B. bringing on
C. upbringing
D. No improvement
Answer : C

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