
SSC CHSL - Classifications of Animal Kindom 1000+ MCQ [Solved] PDF Download

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. Heart pumps only impure blood in case of
A. shark
B. whale
C. frog
D. lizard
Answer : A
2. Which one of the following is found in chordates but not in non-chordates
A. Gills
B. Spiracles
C. Post anal tail
D. Chitious skeleton
Answer : C
3. The insects of the class Diptera include
A. termites
B. beetles
C. mosquitoes
D. grasshoppers
Answer : C
4. Hair of bat and feathers of pigeon are
A. homologous structures
B. analogous structures
C. both (a) and (b
D. integumentary derivatives
Answer : A
5. The most important characteristic of class aves is
A. homeothermous animals
B. exoskeleton of feathers
C. bipedal vertebrates
D. none of these
Answer : B
6. The smallest unit of classification in animals is
A. variety
B. species
C. sub species
D. genus
Answer : B
7. The animals which are found in the soil, can fly, found on land and in water belong to the phylum
A. Protozoa
B. Parazoa
C. Annelida
D. Arthropoda
Answer : D
8. Which is the common character between all mammals ?
A. They are viviparous
B. They are herbivores
C. They are carnivores
D. They have 7 cervical vertebrae
Answer : D
9. One of the following is not an animal:
A. Ant eater
B. Dolfin
C. Heloderma
D. Echidna
Answer : B
10. Amphixous is a marine animal belonging to the sub-phylum
A. Urochordata
B. Cephalochordata
C. Vertebrata
D. Hemichordata
Answer : B
11. Which of the following is the correct pairing of the classification groups and common example ?
A. Porifera - Sea fan
B. Crustacea - Cuttle fish
C. Platyhelminthes - Neries
D. Martigophora - Volvox
Answer : D
12. Body segments are said to be homono-mous when
A. external segments correspond to internal segments
B. the body of an animal is made up of dissimilar units
C. all body segments along the length of the body are similar
D. none of these
Answer : C
13. A cuttle fish belongs to
A. teleostei
B. mollusca
C. pisces
D. echinodermata
Answer : D
14. Aphrodite, commonly called as sea mouse is a/an
A. annelide
B. fish
C. mollusc
D. arthropod
Answer : A
15. Which of the following is a species ?
A. Mammalia
B. Carnivora
C. Canidae
D. Catiisfamilaris
Answer : D
16. The main basis of classification of Phylum Protozoa is
A. size
B. locomotary organelles
C. shape
D. number of nuclei
Answer : B
17. Tube in the tube' plan is exhibited by one of the following phyla :
A. Coelenterata
B. Porifera
C. Annelida
D. Arthropoda
Answer : C
18. Which of the following is not a diploblas-tic group ?
A. Porifera
B. Coelentrata
C. Annelida
D. Platyhelminthes
Answer : D
19. Duck bill platypus is
A. primitive burrowing egg laying mammal
B. advanced egg laying reptile
C. primitive egg laying reptile
D. primitive aquatic egg laying animal
Answer : D
20. Metamerism is a characteristic feature of
A. porifera
B. mollusca
C. annalida
D. platyhelminthes
Answer : C
21. Birds and bats are good fliers. The bat differs from a bird in having
A. diaphragm
B. four-chambered heart
C. wings
D. small brain
Answer : A
22. The centipede has
A. 100 legs
B. 50-100 legs
C. As many legs as body segments
D. As many pairs of legs as body segments
Answer : D
23. The correct phylogenetic sequence in taxonomy is
A. Pisces, Amphibia, Reptilia, Mammalia
B. Pisces, Reptilia, Amphibia, Mammalia
C. Amphibia, Pisces, Reptilia, Mammalia
D. Amphibia, Reptilia, Pisces, Mammalia
Answer : A
24. The most highly advanced character in reptilia is the presence of
A. four-chambered heart
B. shelled eggs
C. thecodont dentition
D. powerful jaws
Answer : A
25. Which of the sponge is given as a gift in Japan?
A. Hyalonema
B. Euplectalla
C. Tethya
D. Leucosolenia
Answer : B
26. Which of the following is not a deuteros-tome phylum ?
A. Mollusca
B. Echinodermata
C. Hemichordata
D. Urochordata
Answer : A
27. Branchiostonta is an example of
A. Cephalochordata
B. Agnatha
C. Urochordata
D. Gnathostomata
Answer : A
28. Taxon is the
A. name of a taxonomy journal
B. name of a branch of taxonomy
C. a rank of classification as phylum, class, order, species
D. group of similarly constituted species
Answer : C
29. The order insectivora of class mammalia includes
A. moles, shrews and hedgehogs
B. monkeys, apes and man
C. whales and dolphins
D. kangaroo, lions and wolves
Answer : A
30. A definite number of body segments is found in
A. leech
B. tapeworm
C. earthworm
D. slug
Answer : A
31. Structures built on a common plan, but modified during the course of evolution : to serve particular function in different animals are regarded as
A. homologous
B. analogous
C. both homologous and analogous
D. phylogenetically related
Answer : A
32. Which of the following belongs to Mollusca ?
A. Starfish
B. Dogfish
C. Silver fish
D. Goldfish
Answer : A
33. Which one of the following sets of animals belongs to class cydostomata
A. Amphioxus and Balangolossus
B. Petromyzon and Myxine
C. Herdmania and Myxine
D. Herdmania and Amphioxus
Answer : B
34. Sea horse is a
A. fish
B. mammal
C. bird
D. none of these
Answer : B
35. Animals belonging to order Rodentia have
A. long incisors
B. long canines
C. short canines
D. short incisors
Answer : A
36. The term Thylum' in taxonomy was given by
A. John Ray
B. Carolus Linnaeus
C. G.L. Cuvier
D. All of these
Answer : A
37. Which of the following is a matching set of groups in animal classification ?
A. Annelida, Porifera and Mammals as phyla
B. Hydrozoa, Mollusca and chordata as phyla
C. Protozoa, Reptilia and Mammalia as classes
D. Insecta, Cephalopoda and Aves as classes
Answer : D
38. Bilateral symmetry, metameric segmentation, coelom and open circulatory system are characters of
A. annelida
B. arthropoda
C. mollusca
D. echinodermata
Answer : B
39. Which of the following animals has a diaphragm between the thorax and abdomen ?
A. Frog
B. Lizard
C. Pigeon
D. Whale
Answer : D
40. What is common to fishes, amphibians and reptiles ?
A. Scales
B. Eggs
C. Shelled eggs
D. Gills
Answer : B
41. Pharyngeal gill slits are found in
A. flying fish
B. silver fish
C. crayfish
D. cuttlefish
Answer : A
42. According / to Whittaker, the five kingdoms into which all living beings are classified are
A. Monera, Protista, Metaphyta, Meta-zoa and Parazoa
B. Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia
C. Mpnera, Prokaryotes, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia
D. Prokaryotes, Eukaryotes, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia
Answer : B
43. True coelom appeared first in the course of evolution in
A. Echinodermata
B. Annelida
C. Chordata
D. Aschelminthes
Answer : B
44. Aside from a three chambered heart, reptiles are characterised by the presence of
A. limb girdles
B. dermal scales
C. lungs
D. dorsal nerve cord
Answer : B
45. Archaeopteryx called a connecting link, carried the characters, of
A. reptile and bird
B. reptile and mammals
C. fish and amphibia
D. reptile and amphibia
Answer : A
46. In fishes, lobed fins are found in
A. marine fishes
B. fresh water fishes
C. lung fishes
D. none of these
Answer : C
47. 'Systema Naturae' was written by
A. Carolus Linnaeus
B. Charles Darwin
C. Lamarck
D. Wallace
Answer : A
48. Temperature regulation is found in
A. Fish
B. Rat
C. Frog
D. Lizard
Answer : B
49. Flying bats are included under which order of class Mammalia ?
A. Cetacea
B. Chiroptera
C. lnsectivora
D. Lagomorpha
Answer : B
50. The beak of birds is toothed in
A. Ostrich
B. Kiwi
C. Archaeopteryx
D. Pelican
Answer : C

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