Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Antedon belongs to class

A. echinodermata

B. ophiuroidea

C. crinoidea

D. echinoidea

Correct Answer :

C. crinoidea

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What is the correct answer?


Dolphins are classified under

A. Pisces

B. Amphibia

C. Reptile

D. Mammals

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Glass snake is a

A. lizard

B. tree snake

C. nematode

D. fish

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Physalia, the "Portugese man of War" belongs to class

A. Coelenterata

B. Hydrozoa

C. Scyphozoa

D. Anthozoa

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True fishes possess gills and fins. Which of the following is not a true fish ?

A. Silver fish

B. Goldfish

C. Silver carp

D. Seahorse

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Metamerism is a characteristic feature of

A. porifera

B. mollusca

C. annalida

D. platyhelminthes

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A reptile with a four-chambered heart is

A. python

B. chameleon

C. turtle

D. crocodile

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Spider differs from insect as

A. spider has three pairs of legs

B. insect has four pairs of legs

C. spider has four paris of legs

D. none of these

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Which of the following does not show J metamerism ?

A. Roundworms

B. Earthworms

C. Amphibian blind worms

D. Limbless lizards

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Sepia is also known as

A. star fish

B. cartilagenous fish

C. jellyfish

D. cuttlefish

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In which of the following sets, groups are not correctly matched ?

A. Onychophora, Myriapoda, Arachnida

B. Hydrozoa, Scyphozoa, Anthozoa

C. Polychaeta, Hirudiniea, Oligochaeta

D. Gastropoda, Rhizopoda, Scaphopoda

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Which of the following is not a part of true body cavity ?

A. Pleural cavity

B. Pericardial cavity

C. Peritoneal cavity

D. The cavity inside the stomach and intestine

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Whale belongs to the taxonomic group

A. Fishes

B. Reptilia

C. Echinodermata

D. Mammalia

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Coelentrates generally include the animals which are

A. radial symmetrical and triploblastic

B. radial symmetrical and diploblastic

C. bilateral symmetrical and triploblastic

D. biradial symmetrical and diploblastic

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Which of the following is homiother-mous ?

A. Lizard

B. Frog

C. Rabbit

D. Cuttlefish

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Honey-bees belong to the phylum arthropoda and class

A. insecta

B. oligochaeta

C. arachnida

D. crustace

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A spider belongs to class

A. Insecta

B. Myriapoda

C. Arachnida

D. Onychophora

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Taxonomy is the science that deals with the classification of

A. plants

B. animals

C. microorganisms

D. living organisms

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Chief distinguishing features of mammals are

A. hairy skin and ovipary

B. hairy skin and mammary glands

C. mammary glands and teeth

D. pinnae and teeth

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Which one of the animals does not have a segmented body ?

A. Shipworm

B. Glowworm

C. Earthworm

D. Tapeworm

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Branchiostonta is an example of

A. Cephalochordata

B. Agnatha

C. Urochordata

D. Gnathostomata

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Segmentation of the body is not represented in

A. crayfish

B. frog

C. grasshopper

D. starfish

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A. coral snake

B. brain coral

C. tree snake

D. none of these

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A suctorial mouth is present in

A. leech

B. cockroach

C. housefly

D. butterfly

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Taxon is the

A. name of a taxonomy journal

B. name of a branch of taxonomy

C. a rank of classification as phylum, class, order, species

D. group of similarly constituted species

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Biramous appendages are typically found in

A. insects

B. crustaceans

C. annelids

D. arachnids

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Euplectella (Venus flower basket) is a

A. porifer

B. protozoan

C. coelentrate

D. nematode

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Which of the following has no segmentation ?

A. Hydra

B. Earthworm

C. Cockroach

D. Centipede

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A limbless amphibian is

A. Siren

B. Ophiosaurus

C. Triturus

D. Ichthyophis

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An insect differs from a spider in the following ways :

A. Insect has 6 pairs of legs and one pair of wings while spider has 4 pairs of legs and no wings

B. Insect has 4 pair of legs and two pairs of wings while spider has 3 pairs of legs and no wings

C. Insect has 3 pairs of legs and two pairs of wings and spider has 4 pairs of legs and no wings

D. Insect has 3 pairs of legs and generally no wings while spider has 5 pairs of legs and generally one pair of wings

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A triploblastic animal in which I mesenchyme fills the space between ectoderm and endoderm is

A. Sea anemone

B. Planarian

C. Pheretima

D. Starfish