Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which one of the animals does not have a segmented body ?

A. Shipworm

B. Glowworm

C. Earthworm

D. Tapeworm

Correct Answer :

A. Shipworm

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Which of the following is not an enterocoelic phylum ?

A. Chordata

B. Mollusca

C. Coelentrata

D. Porifera

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The larval forms called bladder worms are characteristic of

A. intestinal parasites

B. earthworms

C. roundworms

D. tapeworms

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Which of the following groups of characters is present in all chordates in some or other stage in their life ?

A. Mammary glands, hairs, gill slits

B. Notochord, gill slits and dorsal ! tubular nervous system

C. Notochord, scales and dorsal tubular nervous system

D. Gill slits, vertebral column and notochoitl

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A. absence of walking legs

B. absence of mandibles

C. absence of wings

D. presence of walking legs

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A. Cetacea

B. Primates

C. Rodentia

D. Chiroptera

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A. well developed body cavity with alimentary canal

B. dorsal tubular nerve cord

C. ventrally situated heart

D. all of these

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Physalia, the "Portugese man of War" belongs to class

A. Coelenterata

B. Hydrozoa

C. Scyphozoa

D. Anthozoa

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A. Cestoda

B. Trematoda

C. Sporozoa

D. Suctoria

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A. Pleural cavity

B. Pericardial cavity

C. Peritoneal cavity

D. The cavity inside the stomach and intestine

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Glow worm is

A. an annelid

B. a true worm

C. a type of earthworm

D. an insect

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A. radial symmetry

B. bilateral symmetry

C. asymmetry

D. both (a) and (b)

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Which of the following has no segmentation ?

A. Hydra

B. Earthworm

C. Cockroach

D. Centipede

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Which one is characteristic for birds ?

A. They are flying animals

B. They are warm blooded

C. They are bipedal and have feathers

D. They are quadruped and have scales

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A. teleostei

B. mollusca

C. pisces

D. echinodermata

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A. fish

B. mammal

C. bird

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A. porifer

B. protozoan

C. coelentrate

D. nematode

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Which of the following is not a deuteros-tome phylum ?

A. Mollusca

B. Echinodermata

C. Hemichordata

D. Urochordata

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Which of the following is not correctly matched ?

A. Flame cellsplatyhelminthes

B. Stinging cellscoelenterata

C. Metameric segmentationmollusca

D. Gill slitschordata

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A. John Ray

B. Charles Darwin

C. Carolus Linnaeus

D. Robert Gunther

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A. Cydostomata

B. Fishes

C. Reptiles

D. Mammals

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A. Limax

B. Pila

C. Sepia

D. Murex

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A. Lamprey-Agnatha

B. Shark-Chond rich thyes

C. Turtle-Amphibia

D. Lizard-Reptilia

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A. Liver fluke, tapeworm, roundworm, guinea worm

B. Oyster, ship-worm, octopus, cuttle fish

C. Prawn, neries, crab, millipede

D. Sea urchin, sea fan, sea lily, sea pen

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A. insects

B. crustaceans

C. annelids

D. arachnids

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A. Carolus Linnaeus

B. E. Haeckel

C. G.L. Cuvier

D. John Ray

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A. Taenia

B. Peripatus

C. Ascaris

D. Musca

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A. insects

B. birds

C. fishes

D. reptiles

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A. termites

B. beetles

C. mosquitoes

D. grasshoppers

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B. Ophiosaurus

C. Triturus

D. Ichthyophis