Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Custom extensions built in the ____ programming language are also supported by Hive.

A. Java

B. C#

C. C

D. C++

Correct Answer :

A. Java

Custom extensions built in the Java programming language is also supported by Hive. Apache Hive is built on top of Apache Hadoop and is used to provide data query and analysis capabilities to users. In order to query data stored in multiple databases and file systems that are integrated with Hadoop, Hive provides a SQL-like interface.

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Custom extensions built in the ____ programming language are also supported by Hive.

A. Java

B. C#

C. C

D. C++

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B. HDFS is well-suited for storing data connected to applications that require low-latency data access to be performed.

C. HDFS is not suited for instances in which multiple/simultaneous writes to the same file are required.

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B. Giga

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B. Storage

C. Network

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A. HDFS Shell

B. DFS Shell

C. K Shell

D. FS Shell

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A. Python

B. C++

C. R

D. Java

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B. HBase

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B. Output data

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