Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Echoes are produced by

A. the reflection of sound waves

B. the refraction of sound waves

C. the interference of sound waves

D. reverberation of sound waves

Correct Answer :

A. the reflection of sound waves

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What is the correct answer?


The inability of a body to change its state of rest or uniform motion along a straight line is called its

A. momentum

B. velocity

C. acceleration

D. inertia

What is the correct answer?


A star contains

A. about 75% of hydrogen

B. 22% helium

C. traces of most other elements including oxygen, neon, carbon and nitrogen

D. All the above

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A bullet is fired at a certain angle with the horizontal. Its path will be

A. elliptical

B. a straight line

C. a parabola

D. a vertical line

What is the correct answer?


If a body weight 12N on the surface of the earth, how much will it weigh on the surface of the moon where acceleration due to gravity is only one-sixth of that on earth's surface?

A. 12N

B. 2N

C. 10N

D. 6N

What is the correct answer?


The number of galaxies that are visible without telescope on clear dark nights and away from bright lights is

A. one

B. two

C. three

D. infinite

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The brightest planet in the Solar System is

A. Jupiter

B. Mercury

C. Venus

D. Sirius

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The transistor was invented by

A. Marconi

B. Baird

C. John Bardeen, Walter H. Brattain and William Shockley

D. Edison

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Among the following the most suitable material for the core of an electro-magnet is

A. steel

B. wood

C. soft iron

D. copper

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The presence of impurities

A. lowers the melting point of ice

B. raises the melting point of ice

C. has no effect on the melting point of ice

D. may lower or raise the melting point depending upon the type of impurities

What is the correct answer?


A radio set that uses valves does not start operating immediately when it is switched on whereas a set containing only tranaistors operates immediately. The reason for this is that

A. the valve filaments have low resistance

B. valve-radio sets work at a higher voltage

C. transistor set has a low resistance

D. filaments of the valves cake time to beat up and function

What is the correct answer?


A workman was working on a rail track. A young boy at a distance holds his ear close to the railway track. The boy was able to hear the sound of each blow or the workman twice. It is because

A. speed of sound is greater in steel than in air

B. speed of sound is greater in air than in steel

C. part of sound waves is reflected between rail tracks

D. the boy's ears are at a different distance from the source

What is the correct answer?


At what temperature do the Fahrenheit and Celsius scales give the same reading?

A. 212°

B. 32°

C. -40°


What is the correct answer?


In experiments on static electricity the standard method for obtaining small amounts of positive electricity is to rub

A. a glass rod with flannel

B. an abonite rod with flannel

C. a glass rod with silk

D. Any of the above

What is the correct answer?


If a band is played on the moon the sound will

A. reverberate

B. be heard by us faintly

C. be heard upto 10 km from it

D. not be heard at any distance at all from it

What is the correct answer?


Lightning conductors are made of

A. iron

B. chromium

C. copper

D. steel

What is the correct answer?


Diamond shines because of its

A. purity

B. hardness

C. high density

D. high refractive index and low critical angle

What is the correct answer?


Alternating Current (AC) is more advantageous than direct current because

A. it can be transmitted easily and efficiently

B. Alternating Current (AC) loses the least amount of energy when transmitted at high voltages

C. Alternating Current (AC) voltage can be easily increased or decreased

D. all the above

What is the correct answer?


Heat is transmitted from one end of a metal rod to its other end by the method of

A. conduction

B. convection

C. radiation

D. sublimation

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When water is cooled from 4�C to 2�C its density

A. increases

B. decreases

C. remains the same

D. first increases then decreases

What is the correct answer?


Nuclear fission process means

A. absorption of a neutron by a nucleus

B. breakup of the nucleus of a heavy atom into two nearly equal halves emitting two or three neutrons and releasing large amounts of nuclear energy in the process

C. the scattering of neutrons

D. formation of heavier nucleus

What is the correct answer?


Bats flying in the dark avoid obstacles because

A. they can see very dearly only in darkness

B. they produce ultrasonic waves which guide them

C. their eyes are sensitive to darkness

D. their eye holes expand in darkness

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Rain drops acquire spherical shape due to

A. viscosity

B. surface tension

C. friction

D. elasticity

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To get 5 images of a single object one should have two plane mirrors inclined at an angle of

A. 72°

B. 60°

C. 36°

D. 90°

What is the correct answer?


In experiments on static electricity the standard method for obtaining small amounts of positive electricity is to rub

A. a glass rod with flannel

B. an abonite rod with flannel

C. a glass rod with silk

D. Any of the above

What is the correct answer?


The electroplating of a metallic article

A. protects the article from atmospheric corrosion

B. gives it a more attractive appearance

C. Both (a) and (b) above

D. None of the above

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Which physical quantity is measured in watts

A. power

B. kinetic energy

C. momentum

D. impulse

What is the correct answer?


One can be recognised by his voice alone due to the factor of

A. quality

B. amplitude

C. pitch

D. loudness

What is the correct answer?


The fact that two large ships travelling on close parallel courses in the same direction tend to move towards each other can be explained by

A. Bernoulli's principle

B. Magnetic properties of the ship's material

C. Newton's third law of motion

D. Earth's gravitational force

What is the correct answer?


Red Light is used as a dancer signal because

A. it is pleasing to the eye

B. it has a traditional colour

C. it is easily distinguishable

D. it is most sensitive to the human eye

What is the correct answer?


The evaporation rate depends on

A. the nature of the liquid

B. area of the exposed surface of the liquid

C. temperature of air and of the liquid

D. All the above