Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


How to execute specific command?

A. Highlight a command. Press Ctrl + F9.

B. Highlight a command. Press Alt + F9.

C. Highlight a command. Press Ctrl + X.

D. Highlight a command. Press X.

Correct Answer :

D. Highlight a command. Press X.

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Select the tab which gives feedback and other useful information when executing tests.

A. Information

B. Feedback

C. Reference

D. Element

What is the correct answer?


Can Google chrome be supported by Selenium IDE?

A. Yes

B. No

What is the correct answer?


Which two commands you use to validate a button?

A. VerifyTextPresent and assertTextPresent

B. VerifyElementPresent and assertElementPresent

C. VerifyAlertPresent and assertAlertPresent

D. VerifyAlert and assertAlert

What is the correct answer?


Selenium IDE stands for

A. Selenium Intialization Development Environment

B. Selenium Interrelated Development Environment

C. Selenium Integrated Development Environment

D. Selenium Information Development Environment

What is the correct answer?


The Web driver is used

A. To execute tests on the HtmlUnit browser.

B. To design a test using Selenese

C. To quickly create tests

D. To test a web application against Firefox only.

What is the correct answer?


Which command is used to extend the time limit of WAITFOR command?

A. Extend waitFor (time in sec)

B. waitFor (time in sec) extend

C. setTimeout (time in sec)

D. setTimeout.

What is the correct answer?


Where is XPath used in ?

A. XML documents

B. MS-Word documents

C. MS-Excel documents

D. MS-PowerPoint documents

What is the correct answer?


The Selenium RC is used

A. To run your test against different browsers (except HtmlUnit) on different operating systems.

B. To create tests with little or no prior knowledge in programming.

C. To test a web application against Firefox only.

D. To run a huge test suite, that can be executed on multiple machines.

What is the correct answer?


What is a test suite made of ?

A. Test packs

B. Tests

C. Test blocks

D. Test pattern

What is the correct answer?


Can Unix operating system be supported by Selenium IDE?

A. No

B. Yes

What is the correct answer?


Which is a procedure?

A. Wait

B. Exit

C. WaitForProperty

D. None of these.

What is the correct answer?


Which selenium command check whether specific text exists somewhere on the page ?

A. verifyTextPresent

B. verifyTextPresent

C. CheckTextPresent

D. VerifyPresentText

What is the correct answer?


How to execute specific command?

A. Highlight a command. Press Ctrl + F9.

B. Highlight a command. Press Alt + F9.

C. Highlight a command. Press Ctrl + X.

D. Highlight a command. Press X.

What is the correct answer?


If you wanted to access the element that has the text This element has an ID that changes every time the page is loaded in it, then which of the following is used:

A. //div[contains(@id,'time_')]

B. //div[contains(@id_time())]

C. //div[parameter(@id_time())]

D. //div[parameter(@id,'time_')]

What is the correct answer?


What is the default port number used by hub in selenium?

A. 4444

B. 2222

C. 1111

D. 3333

What is the correct answer?


Select the syntax to locate an element using inner text.

A. css=tag:contains(inner text�)

B. css=tag:value(inner text�)

C. css=tag:attributes(inner text�)

D. css=tag:class(inner text�)

What is the correct answer?


What does the term regex expands to ?

A. Registered Expression

B. Regular Expression

C. Regression Expression

D. Regional Expression

What is the correct answer?


Select the command which is used to print a string value or a variable in Selenium IDE.

A. The 'display' command

B. The 'echo' command

C. The 'print' command

D. The 'printr' command

What is the correct answer?


Selenium tests _____________.

A. DOS applications

B. Browser-based applications

C. GUI applications

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Select the component which is NOT part of Selenium suite.

A. Selenium IDE

B. Selenium RC

C. SeleniumGrid

D. Selenium Web

What is the correct answer?


Which component of Selenium can create customized test results.

A. Web driver

B. Selenium RC

C. Selenium IDE

D. Selenium Grid

What is the correct answer?


Select the language which is supported by The Selenium Web Driver

A. Perl

B. Sql


D. Cobol

What is the correct answer?


Select the variation which locates elements by the value of their id� attribute in Web Driver Selenium

A. By.id

B. By.idno

C. By.id_no

D. By.tag_id

What is the correct answer?


Which is the following is true in case of waitFor command?

A. waitForAlertPresent

B. waitForTextPresent

C. waitForFramePresent

D. waitForPageToLoad

What is the correct answer?


The Selenium IDE is used

A. To create customized test results.

B. To deploy your tests across multiple environments using Selenium Grid

C. To test with HTMLUnit

D. To test a web application against Firefox only.

What is the correct answer?


In case of Selenium IDE, the Source view shows your script in

A. DHTML format

B. J2EE format

C. XML format

D. HTML format.

What is the correct answer?


Select the command which is NOT a type of assertion in Selenium IDE.

A. Assert

B. Verify

C. WaitFor

D. Wait

What is the correct answer?


Select the command which is used to check the presence of a certain element.

A. verifyTable

B. verifyTitlePresent

C. verifyTextPresent

D. verifyElementPresent

What is the correct answer?


In Selenium, Following Axis is related to:

A. Selects all the siblings after the current element

B. Selects all elements that follow the closing tab of the current elements.

C. Selects all of the siblings before the current element

D. Selects all elements that are before the current element

What is the correct answer?


Applications do not have the items needed for the tests when the tests get to commands. To get around this, we had a look at adding fro waitFor commands to test. This is related to

A. Debugging tests

B. Working with AJAX applications

C. Working with multiple windows

D. All of these