Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


If a body weight 12N on the surface of the earth, how much will it weigh on the surface of the moon where acceleration due to gravity is only one-sixth of that on earth's surface?

A. 12N

B. 2N

C. 10N

D. 6N

Correct Answer :

B. 2N

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A. in air

B. in an atmosphere of oxygen

C. in an atmosphere of CO2

D. in vacuum

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If a body is taken from the earth to the moon

A. both its mass and weight will be different

B. its mass will be different but the weight will remain the same

C. its mass and weight will both remain unchanged

D. its mass will remain the same but weight will be different

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If you want a sound proof room, the walls should be

A. able to refract the sound

B. good absorbers of sound

C. good reflectors of sound

D. All the above

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A. 1985

B. 1957

C. 1959

D. 1960

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A. 10000 to 20000 Hz

B. 50 to 15000 Hz

C. 20 to 20000 Hz

D. 15 to 50000 Hz

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Body A is kept in contact with body B. Heat will flow from A to B if

A. the heat content of A is greater than that of B

B. the temperature of A is greater than that of B

C. the specific heat of A is greater than that of B

D. the specific heat of B is greater than that of A

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For accurate scientific work, temperatures are often measured by

A. mercury thermometers

B. alcohol thermometers

C. platinum resistance thermometers

D. thermoelectric thermometers

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A. meteors

B. binaries

C. variable stars

D. bright stars

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A man stands in a lift which accelerates upwards. The resultant reaction force on the floor of the lift is

A. greater than the weight of the man

B. less than the weight of the man

C. same as the weight of the man

D. zero

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A. half

B. one fourth

C. four times

D. two times

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Raindrops assume a spherical shape because or

A. adhesion

B. surface tension

C. gravitational force

D. atmospheric pressure from all sides

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The cell that can be recharged, after it has run down, by passing a direct current through it from a source of current is

A. Voltaic cell

B. Leclanche cell

C. Dry cell

D. An accumulator

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A. to increase the current flow in a circuit

B. to decrease the current flow

C. to measure the flow of electric current

D. Either (a) or (b) above

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When a body is partly or wholly immersed in a liquid the apparent loss of weight is equal to the weight of the liquid displaced by the submerged portion. This is known as

A. Pascal's law

B. Bernoulli's law

C. Archimedes' law

D. Boyle's law

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A nuclear reactor is said to have become 'critical' when

A. it stops due to malfunctioning

B. it starts emitting dangerous radioactive radiations

C. it is shut down to avoid explosion

D. it is ready to produce controlled energy

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A. an ammeter

B. a rheostat

C. a voltmeter

D. a voltameter

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A. can focus very rapidly as pictures change

B. is quicker than the brain

C. can see two images separated only if the interval' between seeing them is more than' one-tenth of a second

D. can shut out some of the light

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A. increases

B. decreases

C. remains the same

D. first increases then decreases

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A. conduction

B. convection

C. radiation

D. sublimation

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A. Rutherford

B. Bohr

C. Henri Bacquerel

D. Marie Curie

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Increase in pressure

A. increases the melting point of ice

B. decreases the melting point of ice

C. has no effect on the melting point of ice

D. increases the volume of the ice

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Rain drops acquire spherical shape due to

A. viscosity

B. surface tension

C. friction

D. elasticity

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If you want to open a door with les difficulty you push it

A. at the middle

B. at a point away from the hinge (near the rim)

C. near the hinge

D. None of the above

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Moon has no atmosphere because

A. it has no population

B. it is quite far off

C. its surface is full of rocks

D. its gravity is not sufficient for any atmosphere to hold on to it

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One can be recognised by his voice alone due to the factor of

A. quality

B. amplitude

C. pitch

D. loudness

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The study of astronomy include a

A. astrology

B. astrophysics

C. astrometry

D. Both (b) and (c) above

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If you want a sound proof room, the walls should be

A. able to refract the sound

B. good absorbers of sound

C. good reflectors of sound

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


If you want to open a door with les difficulty you push it

A. at the middle

B. at a point away from the hinge (near the rim)

C. near the hinge

D. None of the above

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The power of a lens is

A. equal to its focal length

B. equal to its radius of curvature

C. equal to the reciprocal of its focal length (in metres)

D. equal to twice its focal length

What is the correct answer?


A simple mercury barometer is found in a slightly slanting position. The atmospheric pressure

A. is found by measuring the slanting height of the mercury column

B. is given by the vertical height

C. cannot be measured with it

D. u) can be measured by both the methods described above