Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The device that is used to measure the electromotive force of a cell is

A. an ammeter

B. a rheostat

C. a voltmeter

D. a voltameter

Correct Answer :

C. a voltmeter

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What is the correct answer?


The planet that moves fastest around the sun is

A. Mars

B. Venus

C. Earth

D. Mercury

What is the correct answer?


The electroplating of a metallic article

A. protects the article from atmospheric corrosion

B. gives it a more attractive appearance

C. Both (a) and (b) above

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


We see the flash of lightning before hearing the thunder because

A. light travels very much faster than sound

B. sound travels faster than light

C. lightning occurs nearer than thunder

D. both travel at the same speed

What is the correct answer?


A capillary tube is partially dipped vertically in a vessel containing water. Due to capillarity water rises in the tube. The height of water rise in the tube can be increased by

A. decreasing the radius of the capillary tube

B. increasing the radius of the capillary tube

C. increasing the height of water in the vessel

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


A bucket of water is hung from a spring balance. A piece of iron is suspended in the water without touching the sides or touching the bottom of the bucket. The reading of the spring balance

A. will increase

B. will decrease

C. does not change

D. varies with the increase of depth of the immersion of the iron piece

What is the correct answer?


For viewing objects placed at a higher level from a position at a lower level, the instrument used' Is known aa

A. telescope

B. spectrometer

C. microscope

D. periscope

What is the correct answer?


The evaporation rate depends on

A. the nature of the liquid

B. area of the exposed surface of the liquid

C. temperature of air and of the liquid

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


The air inside an electric, bulb is removed to prevent

A. oxidation of the tungsten filament

B. bursting of the bulb

C. loss of light due to absorption

D. keeping the weight of the bulb less

What is the correct answer?


In an oil lamp, holes are provided below the chimney so that

A. necessary oxygen for burning of oil may be provided

B. the convection current of air may be maintained to keep the lamp burning

C. the brightness of the lamp may be increased

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not electromagnetic waves?

A. heat waves

B. sound waves

C. radio waves

D. light waves

What is the correct answer?


The hydraulic jack to lift heavy vehicles in automobile service stations is one of the applications of

A. Pascal's law

B. Principle of Archimedes

C. Boyle's law

D. Hooke's law

What is the correct answer?


Every action has an equal and opposite reaction is Newton's law of Motion

A. first

B. second

C. third

D. fourth

What is the correct answer?


The temperature of a large bucket-full of hot water (a few degrees below boiling point) is lower than a beaker full of boiling water. But

A. the hot water contains a much larger quantity of internal energy than the boiling water

B. the boiling water contains more quantity of internal energy than the warm water

C. both of them have got the same amount of internal energy.

D. nothing can be said definitely with the data given

What is the correct answer?


The solar wind is composed of

A. outward stream of protons and electrons on the surface of the sun during solar flares and sun-spot activity

B. plasma

C. ionized gas

D. All of these

What is the correct answer?


A man stands in a lift which accelerates upwards. The resultant reaction force on the floor of the lift is

A. greater than the weight of the man

B. less than the weight of the man

C. same as the weight of the man

D. zero

What is the correct answer?


The instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure is

A. Pyrometer

B. Eudiometer

C. Barometer

D. Hydrometer

What is the correct answer?


When a bottle of perfume la opened in one corner of a room the smell spreads soon throughout the room. This is an example of

A. surface tension

B. capillarity

C. viscosity

D. diffusion

What is the correct answer?


The motion .of the pendulum of a wall clock is an example of

A. linear motion

B. vibratory motion

C. rotational motion

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


A cyclist leans inwards when he is negotiating a curve 10 that

A. he may increase his speed

B. his weight may be reduced

C. necessary centripetal force may be available from the horizontal component of the normal reaction due to the track to maintain the curved motion

D. no frictional force may be produced between the wheels and the axle

What is the correct answer?


Dioptre is the unit of power of

A. convex mirrors

B. concave mirrors

C. concave lenses

D. lenses irrespective of types

What is the correct answer?


The fact that two large ships travelling on close parallel courses in the same direction tend to move towards each other can be explained by

A. Bernoulli's principle

B. Magnetic properties of the ship's material

C. Newton's third law of motion

D. Earth's gravitational force

What is the correct answer?


Stars twinkle because of

A. refraction of light from them through air

B. reflection

C. absorption

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


Choose the scalar quantity from the following physical quantities

A. force

B. velocity

C. acceleration

D. speed

What is the correct answer?


Cosmic rays are

A. powerful X-rays falling on the earth from space

B. ultraviolet rays from the sun

C. gamma rays from radioactive minerals

D. very energetic radiation falling upon the earth from outer space consisting chiefly of charged particles

What is the correct answer?


A heavenly body similar in nature to the sun intensely hot glowing mass that produces its energy by thermonuclear reactions is

A. a planet

B. a meteor

C. a star

D. a comet

What is the correct answer?


A radio set that uses valves does not start operating immediately when it is switched on whereas a set containing only tranaistors operates immediately. The reason for this is that

A. the valve filaments have low resistance

B. valve-radio sets work at a higher voltage

C. transistor set has a low resistance

D. filaments of the valves cake time to beat up and function

What is the correct answer?


The atmosphere gets heated up mainly by

A. direct sun's rays

B. radiation from earth's surface

C. radiogenic heat (resulting from radioactive decay)

D. cosmic rays coming from space

What is the correct answer?


The nuclear model of atom was first visualised by

A. Rutherford

B. Neils Bohr

C. Albert Einstein

D. JJ Thompson

What is the correct answer?


The direction of heat flow between two objects depends on

A. their heat contents

B. their masses

C. their temperatures

D. whether they are in solid, liquid or gaseous state

What is the correct answer?


Mercury is used in a barometer because

A. its density being very high 13.6 g/cm3 the height of mercury column is conveniently small

B. at the ordinary temperature its vapour pressure is small

C. it is opaque and does not wet glass

D. All the above