Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Kwashiorkor' is caused by deficiency of

A. carbohydrates

B. proteins

C. fats

D. vitamins

Correct Answer :

B. proteins

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


The mode of nutrition in which particulate food is devoured is

A. holozoic

B. holophytic

C. saprophytic

D. parasitic

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following plays an important part in photosynthesis?

A. Chloroplast

B. Centrosome

C. Tonoplast

D. Nematoblast

What is the correct answer?


The grouping o( blood is based on substances called

A. antibodies

B. antigens

C. antitoxin

D. enzymes

What is the correct answer?


The hormone that is responsible for secondary sexual character in the male is

A. oestrogen

B. progesterone

C. testosterone

D. prolactin

What is the correct answer?


The germ theory of diseases was put forward by

A. Louis Pasteur

B. Luister

C. Leuwenhoek

D. Flemming

What is the correct answer?


Tse-Tse fly is the vector for

A. malarial parasite

B. try peorosoma

C. piroplasm

D. microfilaria

What is the correct answer?


Green plants In the sea are useful for respiration of flash because they

A. release oxygen

B. release carbon dioxide

C. release oxygen and carbon dioxide simultaneously

D. take oxygen and give out carbon dioxide

What is the correct answer?


Decomposition of organic matter is due to

A. Virus

B. Fungi

C. Bacteria

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


The natural defence of our body against foreign germs is formed by

A. red corpuscles

B. white corpuscles

C. platelets

D. lymph

What is the correct answer?


Insulin is produced in the human body by the

A. Heart

B. Kidney

C. Liver

D. Pancreas

What is the correct answer?


The bile contains the pigments

A. haemoglobin and haemoerythrin

B. biliviridin and bilirubin

C. bilirubin and haemocyanin

D. haemoglobin and biliviridin

What is the correct answer?


The scientist who discovered the blood groups is

A. Landsteiner

B. TH Morgan

C. William Harvey

D. Darwin

What is the correct answer?


Blood plasma from which fibrinogen is removed is known as

A. serum

B. blood concentrate

C. lymph

D. antibody component

What is the correct answer?


Hormones are carried from their place of production by

A. ducts

B. blood

C. lymph

D. muscus

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following terms is used in Botany?

A. Recession

B. Dumping

C. Barter System

D. Biennial

What is the correct answer?


Sterilization, as the means for the prevention of sepsis in surgery, was practised and advocated by

A. Louis Pasteur

B. Edward .Jenner

C. Joseph Lister

D. Martinus Willem Beijerinck

What is the correct answer?


Biocatalysts are

A. hormones

B. vitamins

C. enzymes

D. pheromones

What is the correct answer?


The normal systolic blood pressure is

A. 140

B. 120

C. 180

D. 80

What is the correct answer?


The hormone which is Popularly called as stress hormone is

A. Epinephrine

B. Cortisone

C. Thyroxine

D. Insulin

What is the correct answer?


Blood cancer is otherwise called

A. Leukaemia

B. Leucoderma

C. Leucocytopenia

D. Erythrocemia

What is the correct answer?


When one gene controls two or more different characters simultaneously, the phenomenon is called

A. Apomixis

B. Pleiotropy

C. Polyploidy

D. Polyteny

What is the correct answer?


Light compensation zone refers to

A. where light is available in plenty

B. where all light energy is used

C. where light is maximum

D. beyond which light does not penetrate

What is the correct answer?


The ultimate substances to which the carbohydrates are degraded are

A. amino acid

B. glycerol

C. glucose

D. maltose

What is the correct answer?


Pulse rate is measured in the wrist by observing the jerks of blood In the

A. veins

B. capillaries

C. arteries

D. nerves

What is the correct answer?


Stripes on the bodies of animals Indicate

A. mating habit

B. food habit

C. cave dwelling

D. matching of skin colour with the surroundings

What is the correct answer?


Which one of the following is essential for blood clotting?



C. Blood platelets

D. Lymph

What is the correct answer?


Excess of amino-acids are broken down to form urea in the

A. Liver

B. Kidney

C. Spleen

D. Rectum

What is the correct answer?


Blood pressure is measured by

A. Auxanometer

B. Stethoscope

C. Sphygmomanometer

D. Kaleidoscope

What is the correct answer?


The smallest size of a cell which can be seen directly by the eye is

A. One micron

B. 10 micron

C. 100 micron

D. 1000 micron

What is the correct answer?


The plant hormone which promotes ripening of fruits is

A. auxin

B. ethylene

C. gibberellin

D. cytokinin