Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The 1914 assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary led to the outbreak of:

A. World War I

B. The American Civil War

C. The French Revolution

D. The Cold War

Correct Answer :

A. World War I

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


The 1962 book Silent Spring by Rachel Carson is credited with launching which modern environmental movement?

A. The environmental movement and the call for pesticide regulation

B. The clean energy movement

C. The conservation movement

D. The wildlife preservation movement

What is the correct answer?


The 1935 Social Security Act established a system of:

A. Old-age pensions and unemployment insurance

B. Universal healthcare

C. College scholarships for low-income students

D. Veterans' benefits for World War II veterans

What is the correct answer?


The 1968 Tet Offensive during the Vietnam War was significant because it:

A. Exposed the gap between official government statements and the actual progress of the war

B. Resulted in a decisive victory for U.S. forces

C. Led to a peace agreement between the U.S. and North Vietnam

D. Marked the end of U.S. involvement in the war

What is the correct answer?


Which event marked the beginning of the Great Depression in the United States?

A. Stock Market Crash of 1929

B. World War I

C. Dust Bowl

D. Prohibition

What is the correct answer?


The 1904 Roosevelt Corollary was an addition to the Monroe Doctrine that emphasized:

A. The United States' right to intervene in Latin American affairs to maintain stability

B. The need for European colonial powers to respect American sovereignty

C. The importance of isolationist foreign policy

D. The promotion of free trade between the U.S. and Latin America

What is the correct answer?


The Louisiana Purchase of 1803 was significant because it:

A. Doubled the size of the United States

B. Secured the annexation of Texas

C. Established the Oregon Trail

D. Led to the construction of the transcontinental railroad

What is the correct answer?


The 1973 Roe v. Wade decision by the Supreme Court established:

A. The right to abortion under certain circumstances

B. The legality of physician-assisted suicide

C. The right to free speech for students in public schools

D. The prohibition of the death penalty

What is the correct answer?


The Federalist Papers, authored by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, were written to:

A. Promote the ratification of the U.S. Constitution

B. Advocate for states' rights and limited federal government

C. Criticize the policies of President George Washington

D. Argue against the expansion of slavery

What is the correct answer?


The Great Society programs initiated by President Lyndon B. Johnson in the 1960s aimed to:

A. Address poverty and promote social welfare through government intervention

B. Promote deregulation and free market policies

C. Increase military spending and intervention in foreign affairs

D. Expand the nuclear arsenal of the United States

What is the correct answer?


The 1933 New Deal program known as the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) aimed to address unemployment by:

A. Employing young men in conservation and public works projects

B. Providing financial assistance to struggling industries

C. Offering loans to small businesses

D. Subsidizing agricultural production

What is the correct answer?


The 1929 stock market crash marked the beginning of the:

A. Great Depression

B. Roaring Twenties

C. Cold War

D. World War II

What is the correct answer?


The 1836 Battle of the Alamo was a pivotal event in which conflict?

A. Texas Revolution

B. Mexican-American War

C. War of 1812

D. American Revolution

What is the correct answer?


The Emancipation Proclamation, issued by Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War, primarily aimed to:

A. Abolish slavery in the Southern states

B. Grant equal rights to African Americans

C. Encourage Southern states to rejoin the Union

D. Prohibit the spread of slavery into new territories

What is the correct answer?


The Great Society programs initiated by President Lyndon B. Johnson in the 1960s aimed to:

A. Address poverty and promote social welfare through government intervention

B. Promote deregulation and free market policies

C. Increase military spending and intervention in foreign affairs

D. Expand the nuclear arsenal of the United States

What is the correct answer?


The 1890 massacre at Wounded Knee Creek in South Dakota involved the killing of hundreds of Native Americans by U.S. soldiers, marking the end of:

A. The Indian Wars

B. The Civil War

C. The Texas Revolution

D. The Battle of Little Bighorn

What is the correct answer?


The 1969 Apollo 11 mission achieved what significant milestone in human history?

A. The first successful transatlantic flight

B. The first manned moon landing

C. The first successful nuclear test

D. The first human cloning experiment

What is the correct answer?


The 1836 Battle of the Alamo was a pivotal event in which conflict?

A. Texas Revolution

B. Mexican-American War

C. War of 1812

D. American Revolution

What is the correct answer?


Which U.S. president signed the Indian Removal Act in 1830, leading to the forced relocation of Native American tribes in the southeastern U.S.?

A. Andrew Jackson

B. Thomas Jefferson

C. John Adams

D. James Madison

What is the correct answer?


The U.S. policy of Vietnamization during the Vietnam War aimed to:

A. Gradually transfer responsibility for the war to South Vietnamese forces

B. Seek a diplomatic resolution with North Vietnam

C. Escalate military operations in North Vietnam

D. Promote anti-communist revolutions in neighboring countries

What is the correct answer?


The 1969 Apollo 11 mission achieved what significant milestone in human history?

A. The first successful transatlantic flight

B. The first manned moon landing

C. The first successful nuclear test

D. The first human cloning experiment

What is the correct answer?


The 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis was a tense standoff between the United States and which other nation?

A. Soviet Union

B. China

C. Cuba

D. North Korea

What is the correct answer?


The Zimmermann Telegram, intercepted during World War I, revealed Germany's plan to:

A. Form an alliance with Japan against the United States

B. Offer a peace treaty to the Allied Powers

C. Propose a non-aggression pact with the Soviet Union

D. Encourage Mexico to join the war on the side of the Central Powers

What is the correct answer?


The 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act were important pieces of legislation that:

A. Regulated the food and drug industries, ensuring consumer safety and labeling

B. Established labor rights and workplace safety standards

C. Expanded the military during a period of international tension

D. Enforced prohibition of alcoholic beverages

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following events directly led to the impeachment of President Bill Clinton?

A. The Monica Lewinsky scandal

B. The Iran-Contra Affair

C. The Watergate scandal

D. The Teapot Dome scandal

What is the correct answer?


The 1962 book Silent Spring by Rachel Carson is credited with launching which modern environmental movement?

A. The environmental movement and the call for pesticide regulation

B. The clean energy movement

C. The conservation movement

D. The wildlife preservation movement

What is the correct answer?


The 19th-century social reformer Susan B. Anthony is best known for her advocacy of:

A. Women's suffrage

B. Civil rights for African Americans

C. Labor rights

D. Temperance

What is the correct answer?


The 1913 17th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution established:

A. The direct election of U.S. senators by the people

B. The right to bear arms

C. Prohibition of alcohol

D. Women's suffrage

What is the correct answer?


The 1954 Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision declared that segregation in public schools was unconstitutional, overturning which earlier precedent?

A. Plessy v. Ferguson

B. Marbury v. Madison

C. Roe v. Wade

D. Dred Scott v. Sandford

What is the correct answer?


The 1920s cultural movement known as the Lost Generation was characterized by:

A. Disillusionment and cynicism following World War I

B. A resurgence of traditional values and moralism

C. The popularity of mass consumerism and materialism

D. The emergence of the civil rights movement

What is the correct answer?


The 1960 U-2 incident strained U.S.-Soviet relations when a U.S. spy plane was shot down over which country?

A. Soviet Union

B. Cuba

C. China

D. East Germany